Modern Missy donated @ThoroughlyModernMissy
09 January, 07:20
10 days no alcohol.
Let’s talk manifesting / collective vibes.
I posted this 10 days ago. Why? Because I knew if I said it & asked for help here on AU it would be done. In less than 2 minutes @vincentkennedy liked & shared it. Now I was on the books acknowledging the slippery slope I was on. I consider myself pretty self aware & try to handle things before they become a problem so this step was paramount for me.

If you have something you feel it’s time to address then just throw it out here. I receved the most amazing love & support in a completely non-judgemental atmosphere. We may not “know” you but we love you. Thank you to everyone who took the time to pray for me & offer your support. It very clearly worked.
(The day I posted this was the most amazing, profoundly connected to God day I’ve ever experienced. I’m still trying to find the words to describe it but I’ll share once I figure it all out)
God Bless you all AU! 🙏♥️

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Mary Gessler donated @MaryG
09 January, 06:53
Brunson Brothers SCOTUS, [Jan 6, 2023 at 12:24 PM]
This is the best place to watch for updates on our case right now. As soon as we see something, we will post on our social media accounts.

We probably won’t see anything until Monday. But for those that like to hit the refresh button….click away.


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Sneakers 359 @Sneakers359
05 January, 08:49
In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
back on feb 13 of 2020 just when scamdemic hit i started my sobriety journey and at the same time when down the rabbithole wow what a way to get sober. and Its been a wild ride got kicked off twitter in Jan of 21 and been here since AU has the best people and the best vibes! All I can say is God did for me what I couldn't do for myself thanks to AU and my friends I am 2 Years 10 Months 23 Days
Clean and sober 7 years of meth addiction I am so happy to be free!

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Margical ONE @IAMChristlight
02 January, 07:52
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
💫💛💫 Blissed & Euphoric 💫💛💫

"The Gift of Mental Power Comes From God, Divine BEing. And If We Concentrate Our Minds On That Truth, We BEcome In Tune With This Great Power." - Nikola Tesla

Meditate ... Every human being possesses a 'Third Eye,' it is not a physical organ but a 'State of Consciousness' where you 'see' clarity beyond the physical perception of the senses - higher dimensions of perception open up. It provides us with a window on our spiritual life and holds the key to our mental power.

The pineal gland acts as a kind of regulator that adjusts the body's organism, and mainstrem scientists know it regulates melatonin which is an anti-aging substance, aids in our sleep and that a malfunction in the pineal gland leads to hormonal imbalance.

Pump Up Your Pineal Gland With This Activation (picture)...results in a feeling of euphoria, bliss, and lightness.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
31 December, 07:57
Just me and wife tonight. Kids out partying with our friends. Nice dinner planned. Perfect.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
29 December, 01:28

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
25 December, 12:03
Merry Christmas Patriots.

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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
20 December, 08:17
Update: Our baby was delivered without any issues! Mom and baby boy are doing great now. Praise God! Thank you all for the prayers!!! 🙏❤️

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suZy Connolly @suZq14
20 December, 08:52
how to chef and parent

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Jessica Marie @Faith11286
11 December, 09:00
I’m venting because y’all feel like family. If god wasn’t with me I wouldn’t be here either.. She was my everything. My only baby. I always told her that if anything ever happened to her I would not be able to go on. I know I have to be strong for her and make sure things are done right and beautiful like she was. She was so full of life and had so many plans for her future. She love blue butterflies. Was always giggling and smiling. My Sweet Juliette Grace was only 17 a senior in high school. She was the passenger. I don’t know what to do, I just want her back.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
12 December, 11:17
What generation are you?

-The Silent Generation: born between 1925 and 1945
-The Baby Boomer generation: born between 1946 and 1964
-Generation X: born between 1965 and 1980
-Generation Y: aka Millennials: born between 1981 and 1996
-Generation Z: aka as Zoomers: born between 1997 and 2012

Baby Boomer

Generation X

Generation Y

Generation Z

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
06 December, 03:29
We going to manifest Anon-Mountain-Island in 2023.

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Lauren M Bradley @Lauren_M_Bradley
06 December, 11:26
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
04 December, 07:19
#WakeUpWorld !!!

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OGAnon K3nob1 @OGAnonK3nob1
30 November, 04:21

✝️ Our Daughters' open-heart surgery went flawlessly. ✝️

There was a noticeable peace and calm on the entire floor of the hospital, we 'floated' through the 5+ hours of 'waiting'. GOD was there.

There are no words of appreciation for the prayers and support from each of you.

Next Steps: 36-48 hours of keeping her sedated and slowly removing all the tubes from her little body... She's expected to be released from ICU in 5-7 days.

GOD is GOOD. ❤️


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TexasTrumpGirl Tammi @DaughterOfGod
30 November, 10:04
Show Me How to Guard My Heart

God, I want to draw near to You, but I don't always know how to do that. Sometimes I find myself choosing to do what is comfortable over what is good. Please help me. Show me how to guard my heart, and then please help me to make wise choices that honor You. Let whatever I say and do be a reflection of my love for You. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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N2ndlife @Nettie @Nettie2
29 November, 06:58
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
Also from 2012 was the his Slogan MAGA patentet

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
30 November, 01:47
Have you guys seen this. Cold be the house of cards coming down swiftly followed by the domino’s falling.

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Hope Always888 @HopeAlways888
28 November, 05:10
Dear GOD, I don't sleep well anymore. I know that I am supposed to have faith in You and Your love but my heart is aching for all of my beautiful loved ones who took the jab. They are not bad people by any stretch. Instead they are very loving people who would never be able to comprehend the evil in this world. Please don't punish them because they were trusting of the wrong people. Please GOD, I am begging You to save their souls, our souls. You see anything beautiful You have planned for our future just wouldn't be beautiful without them. Please GOD forgive us all where we have failed You. Please make our hearts and souls worthy of Your love and mercy. Please Lord, we have turned back to You in love, in prayer and we ask that You heal our loved ones and please heal our land. Thank you for listening. Thank you for keeping us strong through giving us each other here. Please remove the evil from our world so we can enjoy Your Creations. I love You.

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Unknown Crook @RonnyV2
28 November, 11:45

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Robin B777 @BarneyBear777
26 November, 10:29
If you could spare a prayer, please send one my way. My 29 year old son committed suicide. They found him this afternoon. We are atba loss and just....broken.

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Sharon *T* @sharons316
26 November, 12:21
Humbly asking for prayers for sudden onset of what seems a major health issue. Prayers for relief from agonizing pain and illness as well as being led to correct medical experts to address issues. Thank you. ❤️

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Truth Seeker @JacksRule
25 November, 06:27
mark everard
mark everard

RedPillMagaMom Joe Tippens, a cancer patient who was given three months to live, took a combination of nutrients including fenbendazole, while deciding not to change his diet & it worked. 💥👀💥
• Fenbendazole (222mg)
• Vitamin E (800IU daily)
• Curcumin (600mg daily)
• CBD oil (25mg per day)

IFenbenzadole from a trusted source. DM for more info (in bio page).

Anti-Worm drug, Fenbendazole, effective at killing cancer cells

A Drug For Animals Taken By Humans For Cancer: Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol

What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer?

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Hope Always888 @HopeAlways888
25 November, 01:52
In response Red Edge to her Publication

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Jen ... @Jenfranji
24 November, 07:36
🔥 The Moorish people ( The Moors) owned America before the white people came.
There was harmony and technolgy, wireless technology.
• The white man came and flipped the Compass around to what we see today.
•The compass needs to be flipped back.
•Was Jesus really born in Jerusalem
in America ?

2 pics
Check out the thread ⤵️

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Kly Fdt donated @Kfed71
18 November, 04:28
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Rappers!? Fungu!

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NoVacks . . . @NoVacks
17 November, 04:24
11/17 today is my birthday. Ive decided im going to try and quit smoking. I’d like to use VKs suggestion and ask everyone to help me manifest this into happening for good. ive quit a couple other times and fell back, so i really wanna try this. so if you could send some prayers, positive vibes my way i would greatly appreciate it! 🙏☺️

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
17 November, 06:37

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Venkel 1971 @Venkel1971
15 November, 10:59
Copper is great at killing superbugs!
Copper has been exploited for health purposes since ancient times. Egyptian and Babylonian soldiers would sharpen their bronze swords (an alloy of copper and tin) after a battle, and place the filings in their wounds to reduce infection and speed healing.
Copper was also used to cure medical problems in ancient China and India and is an important component of Ayurveda medicine today. Hippocrates in Greece and the Aztecs used copper oxide and copper carbonate, combined with other chemicals such as sodium carbonate, olive paste and honey, to treat skin infections Copper workers in Paris were protected from several cholera epidemics and French wineries even applied copper sulphate and slaked lime, called Bordeaux mixture, to vines to prevent fungal attack. Copper is also recognized as a potent antibacterial particle agent too.

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Tank Patriot donated @TankPatriot
15 November, 10:12
Good Morning AU family. love You. keep your Faith no matter what vibe high WE know WE are in control. WE know GOD is with us. and WE have Faith in our President. Love and massive Respect to ALL. Thanful for everyone and everything.

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