Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
05 September, 08:12
๐ŸŒžGood Morning & Gods Blessings to You All๐Ÿ™....
Donโ€™t forget to take in the World's Amazing Beauty ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒŸ

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Only followers of this user (unite_worldwide) can see their posts

Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
29 December, 08:09
My job for today is to issue a public domain version of my "On Q" collection of essays. https://www.onq.martingedd... โ€” consider this message as your permanent authorisation to take this version and republish it (even for profit!) in ANY WAY you wish with no need for attribution or permission.

I need no income or credit; I prefer for it to have maximum impact and minimum friction. This is the best I can do for humanity. I know I will be cared for enough by the world. My "autist clarity" is a very painful gift (if only people knew...) and is partly a disability, making it hard for me to engage with all sorts of "simple" tasks (that don't make sense or align to my values).

This is the intellectual work that all the tenured professors, investigative journalists, and comfortable lawyers failed to produce when it was needed. Public domain is the biggest "F*YOU" I can personally deliver to those who want the truth to be buried. Please spread the word โ€” dissemination needs your supp

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Vincent KennedyโŸ donated @VincentKennedy
21 December, 05:52
-12/21 Take it away.-
What are the odds Patriots?
. Jury in progress.

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
30 March, 10:55
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
The stories need to be told, but always remembering who we are and what we came here to do is so important right now! Elevate the vibration of Love and our planet to rid the Evil for once and for all! They will not Win!

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Jimbo 66 โœ“Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
29 April, 07:56
Ep. 2465b - Itโ€™ Going To Happen, Keep Fighting, They Have Gone To Far, Hit Back 10 Times Harder
X22 Report

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27 April, 06:02
This vid is floating around Telegram added text is mine....begs the question

#1776 #NCSWIC #GodWins #tga
#wwg1wga #WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #MAGA
#TheGreatAwakening #thestormisuponus

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
05 April, 05:29
OK, my intellectual bitch-slap for those who mock open inquiry and looking at data is now up on my website: https://www.martingeddes.c... Feel free to go slap as necessary.

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Dovetail 1221 donated @1221Dovetail
08 February, 12:01
God loves you! Pass it on . ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š

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Joyce Chandler @JoyceChandler
05 April, 10:55

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Zero Oclock @ZeroOclock
26 March, 07:13
No test. No jab. Never. Ever.


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Zero Oclock @ZeroOclock
23 March, 10:55
[They] Fooked!

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Bea Benjamin @FranBea
22 March, 09:44
I agreed it was staged-False flag. The reporter running IN to the store looking for the shooter, along with the 2 old men at the door casually texting ...๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ What was this a distraction from? ๐Ÿค”

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Livefreeordie Lady @Livefreeordieldy
19 March, 12:20
How did deep state pull all of this off?
They went grassroots. They infested red towns, they infested the schools, they infested the local governments, they infested the media. They latched on like the parasites they are and infected our towns, our children, and our TVs with their disease.

Guess what? If those bozos can do it, so can we.

Grassroots, get involved, be visible at your town meetings, call your local GOP and tell them to get their shit together, join the PTA, be a pain in the ass. Donโ€™t sit around and bitch, do something

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
15 March, 10:07

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
14 March, 10:30

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
14 March, 03:21

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Bondservant Mark @Bondservantmark
09 March, 09:37

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
07 March, 09:45

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Regina MAGA @HaveFaith
07 March, 06:29

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
07 March, 08:38

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Zero Oclock @ZeroOclock
07 March, 07:37



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Krystle Lutz @1776girl
07 March, 02:38
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
look at publisher

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Joey Day @joeyday
07 March, 03:22

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Zero Oclock @ZeroOclock
07 March, 12:07
Still some good people on twitter spreading truths. Bless you Dr. Jensen.

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
05 March, 10:10
Did you know...

The Heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body.

An easy way to maintain a higher vibration is to interweave the qualities of our Heart in our connections & interactions. These Heart qualities include love, compassion, kindness, appreciation, forgiveness and more!

#LoveWins #LeadWithLove

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
05 March, 10:14
Military was the only way.

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Zero Oclock @ZeroOclock
05 March, 10:26

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Telesia Birdwell @Telese
24 January, 11:42
Nature can teach us.

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04 March, 05:33
Freaking WELL Said indeed and plainly spelled out! Now keep it moving right along please...

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