Stevie King @ShineBright9
27 March, 11:14
I just love this picture ♥️♥️🥰🥰 Just shows Strength, protection/safety, joy, love, and innocence, just warms my heart! ♥️

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
27 March, 08:38
Is Mercy Ships a good charity? These people who support and one who is on the leadership board make me question it mission!

Tony Blair,Former Prime Minister UK, Mary Flake de Flores, Former First Lady Honduras, David Schwab, Interim General Counsel.

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
27 March, 08:38
Is Mercy Ships a good charity? These people who support and one who is on the leadership board make me question it mission!

Tony Blair,Former Prime Minister UK, Mary Flake de Flores, Former First Lady Honduras, David Schwab, Interim General Counsel.

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
27 March, 06:23

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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
27 March, 05:08

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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
27 March, 05:27

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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
27 March, 04:57

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Lilly May @twiggy4065
27 March, 05:31


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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
23 March, 07:12
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Just SHUTDOWN These 15 Foods From American Markets - YouTube

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Just SHUTDOWN These 15 Foods From American MarketsRobert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking a stand against major food companies, accusing them of...

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
26 March, 05:13

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
26 March, 05:13

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
26 March, 08:58
In response Stevie King to her Publication
And John infiltrated all agencies and institutions.

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
26 March, 03:44
The Rothschild Deep State began attacking America right after the beginning of the American Revolution, forming the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. Their attacks on America predated America's Founding and even our Declaration Of Independence.

Learn the True American History we were never taught in schools.
Myron Fagan's warning to America from 1967.
The Illuminati & CFR Exposed by Myron Fagan [1967] [Remaster] - YouTube

Myron Fagan was an American writer, producer and director for film and theatre and a red scare figure in the late 1940s and 50s. Fagan, an anti-communist, wa...

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Unknown Crook @RonnyV2
26 March, 01:35

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
26 March, 05:14

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
26 March, 03:49
How Can I Trust When He Wasn't There in My Time of Need? - YouTube

Have you ever cried out to God... and heard nothing?Have you ever felt completely alone, wondering “Where was God when I needed Him most?”You're not the only...

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
26 March, 08:33

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
26 March, 03:28
GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY, A GIANT HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A G2-class Geomagnetic storm is underway on March 26th as Earth enters a stream of solar wind flowing from a giant hole in the sun's atmosphere. It's one of the biggest "coronal holes" in years, and its emissions could engulf Earth for the next 24 to 48 hours. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras during this time.

This annotated image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the outlines of a giant hole in the sun's atmosphere. Credit:

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
26 March, 02:58

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Jewel Zzzzz @jewelofthenine
26 March, 02:25
For those vapers out there

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
26 March, 02:33
I’m so tired of hearing about the opiod and fentanyl crisis that could be shut down right now by stopping BIG PHARMA in its tracks and shutting down all the internet sites that sell these drugs, plus stopping Canada and Mexican borders bringing it into our country.

You never here anything abou the METH CRISIS, what help is for them? 🤔🤔 While opioids such as prescription pain killers, heroin, and fentanyl are raising concerns across the nation, crystal meth is still the drug of choice in the following states:

North Dakota
South Dakota
Meth is a large issue in North Dakota, due to the recent influx of jobs created by the oil boom. Meth is easy to mass manufacture in rural areas, making it easy to find for lonely, secluded employees. YES SO DRILL BABY DRILL

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Nancy Cottrell donated @starshine
26 March, 01:44
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
Always talking, where's the action?

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
26 March, 01:51

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
26 March, 12:27
Well this is truly, truly disturbing and needs to be shut down immediately! 🤔😠🙏🙏
A.I. Generating Dreams & Turning Wi-Fi Routers Into Cameras to See Through Walls - YouTube

This is some wild stuff. A.I. generating dreams & turning wi-fi routers into cameras that sees through walls.

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
26 March, 12:19

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Only followers of this user (HopeAlways888) can see their posts

24 March, 06:46
In response Stevie King to her Publication
I've had 'somthing' for over 4 weeks now, haven't had a cold for that many years I don't recall the last one.

I wondered if it was high pollen levels. Getting very little sleep, feeling drained, sore thrat, but not much suggesting the common cold other than a persisten cough with a 'furry' feeling on one lung. I'm gradually beating it but it seems to recur just when I think it's gone.

Dr Barrie Trower on 5G and WiFi.

I've been sent the free phone we were promised with digital switch over, with a battey backup pack, it's wifi! Might stick with my cabled phone. 😬

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
24 March, 04:48
Just my personal issues with the Baha’i Faith, it claims to be the faith/religion to unite all?? How can this be when we all have our own belefs and a lot of us do not follow religion and go within? It came from Islam, but they claim they are not Islamic. Hard to find any info on the Faith except through their own books and websites. 🤔🤔 Main Center is Haifa, Isreal and in the US it’s in Willamette, IL. I had a channeling done with Archangel Michael and asked about these two prophets and they were not recognized as sent by God. No where do I find much info on them except their own writings. I personally do not believe in the future we will be led by any faith/religion, we will all be sovereign and free and each on our own paths of spirituality and each progressing as we elected to progress, none better than the rest, just all moving toward our own ascensions. Just my opinion! 🙏♥️🙏♥️

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Mike Anon @Mike314
24 March, 02:55
Created in 1979 by Jimmy Carter and passed down to help promote the evil communist ideology.

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
24 March, 02:57
In response Zanne Anon to her Publication

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