26 July, 12:21
Jack Smith’s Anti-Trump Deputy Excoriated For Inappropriate Behavior At DOJ

J.P. Cooney cultivated a politically toxic environment, disseminated baseless conspiracy theories, and engaged in unprofessional conduct, a report says.

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26 July, 12:02
In 1 week alone, AFL:

💻Filed a federal civil rights complaint against CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind the global tech outage that forced hospital systems and banks offline, for alleged anti-white, anti-male discrimination.

🔎Filed 7 investigations into Harris’ roles in CA gov’t from 1990-2017. It appears she has failed to enforce fed immigration laws and pursue equal justice, among other things.

💉Released documents from litigation exposing how HHS Ass. Sec “Rachel” Levine and the Biden admin stepped up fed civil rights investigations in Texas following Gov Abbott’s ban on child mutiliation and sterilization.

🦠Obtained new emails from the CDC revealing the Biden-Harris admin colluded with Facebook to write a "FAQ" webpage to deter concerns about the side effects of the COV-19 vaccine's.

📑Launched a new investigation into the role played by the Biden-Harris admin’s HHS in the prosecution of Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower Dr. Ethan Haim.

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26 July, 11:51
Ask yourself this. Why would a city (a hypothetical, but it could be ANY city) of, say 21,000 residents, with a stagnant population growth over the last 20 years, need 30,000 UN Agenda 2030 apartment units? A master city plan that has never approved any project over two stories, suddenly allowing 4-5 story apartments? It’s happening across the country.

Hint: while it ties into the UN and the tens of millions of criminal illegal invaders, it also involves YOU.

Once there is a margin call on our enormous debt, accumulating an additional trillion dollars in interest alone every 100 days, the government will sieze its citizens assets. Single family homes will be leveled.

Everyone will live in these so-called ‘smart cities’.

Part 2 below...

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Alexis Hightower @Lexi_Hightower
26 July, 09:43
In response USCG VET to his Publication
With such investigative detail being done, I believe there has to be REAL panic in DC for the alphabet agencies, as any complicity in assassination attempt may be uncovered. I would believe 'there's a whole lot of shakin' going on!"

Thanks for posting this.

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26 July, 11:42 (E)
U.S. intercepts Russian and Chinese bombers off Alaskan coast | LiveNOW from FOX

Off the coast of Alaska, Russian and Chinse bombers flew together for the first time in international airspace off the coast of Alaska, in a new show of expanding military cooperation that U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Thursday raises concerns. These flights were not seen as threats, but this was the first time that Chinese bomber aircraft have flown within the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone. This was also the first time Russian and Chines aircraft have taken off from the same northeast Russia base. Former Senior Defense Intelligence Official Mark Chandler joined LiveNOW from FOX to further discuss.

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26 July, 09:21
CIA-DOD drug trafficking in Afghanistan, laundered through USAID.

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26 July, 08:58
🔥Every American must watch this! A mini documentary on Kamala Harris and her families extensive radical and communist ties!

It’s crucial that the American people are aware of the true nature of this, “Democrat, presidential nominee.

#Kamala2024 NOT

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26 July, 05:07
EXPOSED: Did the Trump Shooter Meet with the FBI?

Blaze News Investigative Journalist Steve Baker reveals Thomas Crooks' July cell phone location data provided by the Oversight Project. The shooter previously staked out the rally location, and possibly had a link to Washington DC. Meanwhile, agents on the scene are under a gag order for anything surrounding the Trump Assassination Attempt

► Watch the Full Episode:

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26 July, 05:03

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26 July, 04:50

Local law enforcement sources dispute Sen. Hawley's charge that local police left their post at the building where shooter Thomas Crooks perched to fire off his shot. Report posted yesterday accused the local law enforcement officers of leaving their post at the AGR building because it was hot.
That Fox News story is here:

But local law enforcement officers say that's ridiculous -- that USSS never assigned them to the rooftop.

Cont. Below in comment.

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26 July, 04:35

🚨🚨🚨Column’s up: The FBI’s shameful agenda. Local cops refuse to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with partisan political bias and DEI hires, damning whistleblower report reveals

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26 July, 04:09

Georgia Secretary of State, Piece of Shit withholding evidence of election crimes from the Georgia State Election Board,

The Secretary of State claims they found a flash drive containing 518,960 ballot images, cited as Exhibit 11 in their report.

And has threatened the election board, they can only see the evidence if they agree to drop their investigation into the overthrow of the United States government during the 2020 election.

+ 20,000 fraudulent votes found in both the original and machine recount in 2020.

SEB-2023-025 shows Fulton County was 17,234 votes short during the machine recount, and its final results were missing 17,852 ballot images and included over 3,125 duplicates.

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26 July, 03:25
Douglas Murray on REPARATIONS Debate 😱 Piers Morgan

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26 July, 03:02
Biden transferred his Executive Powers to Trump/Military/Good Guys (through the Department of Treasury) and I will explain how.


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26 July, 01:55
Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt! - Peak Prosperity

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26 July, 01:28
Bodycam footage will help investigators decipher what happened: Former FBI special agent

Fox News contributor Nicole Parker joins ‘The Story’ to discuss the new video released about the officers responding to the Trump assassination attempt.

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26 July, 01:20
“Joe Biden Whisper Remix (Ying Yang Twins Parody)”


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26 July, 01:17
🚨🚨And here it is,

Freedom of Information Act,

Documents, obtained by investigative journalist yehuda miller

— FOIA reveals a secret meeting organized right on election day Nov 3, 2020 by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that involved Dr. Antifa and the FBI, to discuss the overthrow of United States government with private companies and Democratic Fascist groups.

📝Dr. Antifa made fucking sure that Dominion Rigging Systems was in all the battleground states for the Nov 3, 2020 election.

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26 July, 12:42
Don't be surprised if we end up going to war with IRAN after ISRAEL's PM just addressed congress! Mark or bookmark this post in case it happens before the 2024 election.

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26 July, 12:40
Netanyahu and Israel’s $100m per year bribery fund for US politicians is why America has been committing atrocities and endless wars in the Middle East. Remember that when the US is collapsing under insurmountable debt.

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26 July, 12:31
FBI Director Christopher Ray apparently gave fuel to a popular Democrat conspiracy theory in his testimony yesterday. What an absolute disaster this FBI Director has been for the country.

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25 July, 09:59
🚨#BREAKING: A rare phenomenon is currently taking place in Chico, California as a fire tornado also known as a fire whirl is occurring. Time-lapse footage from the past hour shows this rare event, with heavy, thick smoke creating a rotating column visible on radar and camera. The massive Park Fire has grown to an astonishing 120,000 acres approximately four times the size of San Francisco in just over 24 hours. This fire has led to widespread devastation, destroying homes, wildlife habitats, and infrastructure. On Wednesday, a 42-year-old male suspect was arrested by law enforcement for arson, accused of purposely starting the Park Fire, California's largest wildfire this year. This disaster has forced thousands to evacuate

📌#Chico | #California

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Ana McMurry @2GreenThumbs
25 July, 06:55
In response USCG VET to his Publication
THIS...THIS ....THIS NEEDS TO BE ON EVERY MEDIA AVAILABLE. Im Serious!! This brilliantly simplifies the obvious for SOooo many people, who are sleeping.

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25 July, 09:35
Bill Cooper interview with William Morgan part 1/2

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25 July, 06:25
In case anyone here wasn't aware, legendary conspiracy buff Bill Cooper said that the SS agent in the car is who shot JFK.

RFK Jr. says that his father's SS bodyguard is who shot him not Sirhan.

Now it's evident the SS was behind the Trump assassination.

I hate that Trump had to come so close to dying but this is going to be massive and the SS is going to be completely exposed.

It’s no longer a secret that they serve someone else.

Here is the video of Bill Describing the Secret service agent shooting Kennedy.

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25 July, 06:19
Joe Biden did not resign tonight, but he has already delegated his presidential powers to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

This transfer occurred nine days after the attempted assassination of Trump and after Trump and Zelensky discussed a peace deal.

This was done under the Ukrainian Prosperity Act, which includes provisions on the confiscation of sovereign Russian assets.

The memorandum states that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have been given the authority "vested in the president" by a number of provisions of the law.

This refers to the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act.

Reminder, BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world and JPMorgan, are aiming to put together billions of dollars in aid to rebuild Ukraine.

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25 July, 06:16
This is hysterical 😆 Enjoy my friends ❤️

Also if anyone still has any "LEFTDOIDS" out there, might want to recommend they go see a Dr and ask for a RX for one too!

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25 July, 06:14
We have now identified 201 devices and growing, that were at the Kamala Harris Milwaukee, Wisconsin rally yesterday that have now arrived in Washington, DC., and are clashing with police, we have also identified the man with the metal ‘baton’ threatening police, he was a regular in Seattle antifa.

For a handful of these dipshidiots, a parent is a member of Congress! But most, if not all, come from wealthy elites. Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Political families.

🚨🚨 “America does not have a white supremacy problem. It has a spoiled, unhinged, white liberals problem.” —Kayleigh McEnany is 💯 correct!

The elite’s bastard offspring are EXACTLY what’s wrong with the world today!

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Yankee Carolyn @YankeeCarolyn
25 July, 05:47
Last night my husband was watching some news. Idk what it was, I don't watch Tv, but I overheard a news commentstor refer to Trump dying when he got shot. A few minutes later he said it again and then corrected hinself, saying that he meant to say "when he got shot" rather than "when Trump was killed."
This is the THIRD time I've heard a news anchor refer to this " assassination attempt" as instead, an actual killing.
It could be a slip of the tongue, or it could be a subtle psyop. Three times seems like an awful strange coincidence if you ask me.
Idk what's going on, just sharing an observation. Perhaps you've heard it too.

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25 July, 05:58
Through her loud, dumb, and angry antics during the Kavanaugh confirmation, Kamala helped us take out 4 Senate Democrat incumbents.

Kamala paved the way for Trump to appoint Barrett--and finish transforming the Supreme Court to the first constitutionalist majority in 90 years.

This is who Kamala Harris is.

She had been in the US Senate for about 18 months when she attempted to hijack the Kavanaugh proceedings and talk over Sen Grassley.

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