Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
16 February, 07:44
Today, the topic of purpose came up in a work conversation. It was a lengthy convo with many different definitions and views.

I know many anons/patriots, including myself, often wonder (and sometimes struggle with not knowing) why we are here. - not only in life right now but also 'awake' and in this movement doing what we do every day.

A few years back, I decided to let go of the need to figure it out, or better yet, define what that means. That doesn't mean I don't think about it. I just try not to let it get the best of me while hoping, like the truth, it's revealed for us all.

That being said, someone shared a quote during the conversation today I thought was a great, simple way to sum it up, so I wanted to share...

“there are few better purposes than helping the people you love walk through life.”

I'll also add #FamilyIsEverything ♥️

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Hyssop Cedar @Hyssop_Cedar
15 January, 10:45
In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
21 December, 03:51
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
"Long Covid" is a made up name IMO for a weakened immune system. You can use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide mixed 50/50 with Normal Saline and inhale in a hand held nebulizer to help break up mucus. Look it up. Anyone who keeps getting recurring upper respiratory illnesses should be sure to boost their immune systems:
Hydration with filtered alkaline water
Sunshine ( natural Vit. D)
Deep breathing
Vit. C, D and Zinc
Healthy organic NonGmo diet
Alkaline diet, no soda, no bottled water, no fast food
Herbal teas, vitamins, elderberry, supplements like tumeric, black seed oil, NAC ( check with doctor first)
Adequate sleep
Reduce stress, anxiety, fear
4 pics 👇

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Back to the Future @Backontrack
13 December, 09:09
Extreme engineering
Big Bigger Biggest

Who built our dome in the sky?
Protection or enclosed?
Leaning to protection.
Filth here trying to get through but cannot.
Protection from who?

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
22 November, 01:01
There’s most likely more archaelogical secrets in Arizona than in any other state.

Think Grand Canyon + Egyptians.

[they] can’t have it exposed.

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Back to the Future @Backontrack
18 November, 09:58
Great solar flash
Why is it critical
Their fort
Artificial intelligence
There is a link from there to us here.
Have a feeling we get recycled
Spat back to earth
Loop broken
Souls free
Fook them right up

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
20 November, 12:20
There is a special kind of person in this world who is often misunderstood. These people tend to be the loners, the free spirits, the innocent lovers. They see the world for all they can – and should be – although the world rarely sees them.
They are the old souls, the dreamers, the people in tune with life, so intuitive of emotions that they frighten us. They frighten us not because of who they are, but because of who we are not, what we lack.
Ancient souls reach depths we cannot understand. They have a connection with God, with the Universe, with Nature, and that's why they are the people who will change the world.

continued in comments.....

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Charlie Lost in the Woods⍟ donated @Quilibet
21 November, 09:28
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
One of the hardest decisions (yet liberating) was to leave the company I was at for 11 years. I was a laborer for a large railroad and had a pension plan and 401K. I cashed out the 401K, knowing I would be penalized, but it was the best choice at the time.
I became a slave to my own retirement fund, always worrying about how much to put in, if I would even make it to the age "they" determined.
By not having it any more, I have come to the realization, I am not being controlled by that company any more. Hard life choices sometimes give sweet spiritual rewards.

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
11 August, 03:13
I think I can see the end of the mass media. Completely ducked.

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
10 August, 06:55
Soon the world will know the truth.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
09 August, 07:55
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Nana understood that the AI showed that too many ppl were sitting back on their ass just doing nothing waiting on Trump and the military to come save us.

IMHO he had to be removed from the chess board momentarily to get ppl to see what Trump told us in his inauguration speech,
that he is giving this country back to the ppl.


It has to be a complete united shift in everything, every system, the peoples' involvement of the running of this planet, no more auto pilot for this to be the depth of change we need that will last for generations and prompt a spiritual evolution so that we dont revert back to the bullshit the next week.

It has to be this way or ppl would just go back to their ballgames, tv and bullshiit and things would go right back to the way they have been.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
10 August, 02:48
This man used DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide for about 2 weeks on his dog - Amazing results.

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Cabal Crusher @DankQ82Q
10 August, 01:53
Now we know why 87,000 IRS agents were brought in. Because when they set precedent with the taxes of the President? That will mean the taxes of Congress and their affiliates. So, they better be able to prove how they made millions on their minute salaries. I believe they'll be deputized, IF not our own tax agents in the military They'll have to. No Choice when
precedent enters the law. And Trump's case WOULD be the precedent.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
07 August, 05:25
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

[A (reported) 57% of American households
Are Americans waking up to the fact
that the U.S. CORPORATION is over!?]

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
09 August, 07:06
Remember when I said Trump would be arrested?

We have to get discovery for this to end.

And it has to be on a world stage.

How else would it end without violence?

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JQANNE 369 donated @JQANNE
07 August, 06:58

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Mr. Boxoffrogs @boxoffrogs
07 August, 07:27
In response Ana Tate to her Publication
"The reason the Monarch butterfly is so fascinating is that it has an annual migratory pattern from various parts of the US to some specific locations in Mexico, however, the normal life cycle is a scant six to eight weeks for three of the four annual generations. Essentially, the butterflies live and breed through three generations each spring and summer in the US with the fourth generation migrating to Mexico and living there in the exact same trees as their fathers in semi hibernation for 5-6 months before breeding and the babies flying back to their respective summer homes in the US.

Fascinating! Four generations later they land in the same tree!!

Some scientists have postulated some kind of ‘genetic memory,’ the idea that something is coded into the DNA that is marking time through successive generations to make the fourth fly south and the next to fly north, each to a specific location!!"
Monarch Butterflies: Great Migration - YouTube

It’s one of the world’s great migrations. Millions of monarch butterflies from the eastern U.S. and Canada fly up to 3,000 miles to spend their winters in ce...

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
23 July, 12:04
In response Chris Jaksha to his Publication
Also seems like there were placebos as well...wonder who was behind it all!

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
23 July, 01:16
Dams and damnation have same word root. There are no coincidences. Dams literally stop God's eternal water from flowing as intended in the sacred ley lines.

Dams are DAMMED because they are DAMMING earth's sacred frequency and geometry

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
19 July, 05:40
I can tell that what's coming isn't going to be easy to face — and all "eyes on the prize" beyond.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
25 June, 01:39
Esther Speaks Truth

From Q drop 1 10/28/17
to the overturn of #RoeVWade 6/24/22
it’s 1700 days.

👀 at Q drop 1700!
___That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness….. #Q

The end of
is to
#SaveOurChildren !

😼 Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776

@VK 177.6 😉

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Redwave Crashin @Redwavecrashin
25 June, 01:50

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
17 May, 11:13
We have a problem of epic proportions in America that no one seems to talk about.

The younger generation doesn’t know how to do anything.

We need to go back to the trades.

Skilled labor is in the hands of the elderly and robots ain’t gonna fix it anytime soon.

The schooling system has EVERYTHING to do with this problem.

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Dogdude_BeBest @Dogdude_BeBest
23 April, 06:13
In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication
I'd go with this.
Most of the stuff in supermarket chains are branded food products which are mostly all toxic. 'Chains' and 'brands' are slave terminology.
A seeming food shortage encourages people to shop local fresh too, and where possible, start growing their own, and/or barter skills in exchange for services/food.
The same was enacted with the manufactured petrol shortage. All the pumps amassed a lot of thick crude sludge in the tanks below ground during shut-down when demand for supply plummeted. It was a way of clearing out all the old fuel quickly, and people duly obliged. People will similarly empty shelves.
Supporting local farmers market is great also. I have noticed on my travels (UK) that these are popping up now in various locations.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
18 April, 10:54

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Ice Kates donated @IceKates
19 April, 11:31
In response Golden Times to her Publication
Let's Grow Together 💗

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Miro Bratanov @mirobratanov
19 April, 02:42
In response JQANNE 369 to her Publication
Guess who turns 17 in 2023? :)

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
16 April, 10:07
Q mentions pray/prayer 103 times.

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Bea Benjamin @FranBea
14 April, 10:39

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
15 April, 04:18
Think of all the management crap that goes on in corporations to get people to deliver something useful, and compare that to the intrinsic motivation and self-organisation from anons. I haven’t done a status update, progress review, goal setting, annual appraisal, 360 feedback, etc in… forever! Yet I probably produce more value to the world than any time in my life.

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