Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
13 February, 12:20

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Jewel Zzzzz @jewelofthenine
12 February, 08:09

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Sparkle Green @Sparklegreen
12 February, 08:58

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Jimbo 66 ✓MAGA! @Jimbo0566
12 February, 08:35
* Chatter - Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate.
* Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today?
* Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE.
* Sequence complete. Target(s) known. Track 7B-DS
* Stop track. Register all data pulls to location. Standby.
* Credit to Anons who deciphered Red/Green Castle.
* Why must we communicate this way? Think NAT SEC laws.
* We only go ‘public’ when we want the ‘target’ to ‘know’.
* No mercy. No bargaining. A Traitor’s justice. P-A-I-N , RATS EVERYWHERE.
* For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money - There is no escaping God.

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
12 February, 08:01

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
12 February, 08:39

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Bob Eddy Z @falconeddyx
12 February, 03:39

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real dank magadonian @deplorablemagadonian
12 February, 08:56

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Jean Kilroy⭐ @Jeanie
12 February, 08:09

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mark kub @markkub
12 February, 10:43

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Jimbo 66 ✓MAGA! @Jimbo0566
11 February, 09:15
Feb 12, 2019 10:15:43 AM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e78aef No. 5139798
[Controlled by those who worked for the Clinton's]
They have ZERO control now.

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yae ebisu @yae51502951
11 February, 11:50

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Sparkle Green @Sparklegreen
11 February, 07:05
No one is taking the Wisconsin Supreme Court election seriously.

The democrats are outraising us.

If we don’t elect Brad Schimel on April 1st, Republicans will likely lose the House — there go all of your wins.

You have been warned.

Let’s see who listens.

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LanieLou _MAGADonian @LanieLou_MAGADonian
11 February, 02:24
Can't Make This UP! American Bar Assoc. Shares BLISTERING Anti-DOGE Letter, There's Just One BIG Problem

opinion> They're one of the BIGGEST recipients of
Stolen Taxpayer $! Take your Maritime Law & stick it

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MOST COMMON SENSE ANGEL @mostcommonsenseangel
11 February, 10:45

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JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod
10 February, 03:57

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10 February, 02:34

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Captain Morgan @KristinMorgan
09 February, 09:01
Let's just take a minute to think.

Kendrick actually said "certified pedophile" in front of millions.

Game over is right.

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
08 February, 06:53

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08 February, 07:13

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Rut Row its Kevin™ @kevinjbuttner
08 February, 04:01
"...and the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous." Prov 13:22
#wwg1wga #GodWins #JesusSaves️️ #NCSWIC #SaveTheChildren

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
08 February, 02:00

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
08 February, 01:34

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Cap'n Dan @HIREmyHERO
06 February, 08:46
👀 I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (Bright), bright (Bright)
Sun-shiny day

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Silver Cat @silvercat
06 February, 08:19
Rosie The Red 45 & 47🇺🇸 ⭐️❤️

Elon just proved the Matrix is real.

DOGE just confirmed we are living in an Orwellian dystopia.

The media is funded and controlled by the Left-wing globalists, using our tax dollars, and they have been brainwashing the planet for decades.

We live on a foundation of lies.

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
06 February, 08:59

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Jack Fancy @Jack_Fancy
06 February, 06:51

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Crystal Iannacone @Matriot
06 February, 02:05

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
06 February, 02:29

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
06 February, 08:28

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