Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
My mother-in-law just told my husband she has been diagnosed with โ€œlong covid.โ€ Her doctor told her she will have it for the rest of her life ๐Ÿ™„ She said that he prescribed her a breathing treatment that puts powder into her lungs. I had never heard of such a thing so I got to researching to see what they are up to now, and this is what I found. Powdered remdesivir. Protect your loved ones! These people are sick.
12:50 PM - Dec 21, 2022
Only people mentioned by ItAintEasyBeingGreen in this post can reply
Law & Physics @physics171
22 December, 11:36
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Parasite elimination

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Tazz 1776 @tazz1776
22 December, 11:30
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
[These] people are sick/insane. Killing us slowly

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Malika Vogelsang @NiceAngel11
22 December, 11:19
In response Lane Rae to his Publication

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Malika Vogelsang @NiceAngel11
22 December, 11:18
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
There is no covid or long covid, only radiation symptoms ( they are killing us slowly with the 5G )

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Malika Vogelsang @NiceAngel11
22 December, 11:17
In response Lane Rae to his Publication

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Law & Physics @physics171
22 December, 10:43
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Thank you for sharing conscious awareness.
"These people are sick"
Blessings to you on your journey.
Together we protect innocent, change thinking, change the world and bring to justice those responsible for human rights violations, trespassing our rights, our liberty, freedom.

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Diane Mitch @Diane11
21 December, 07:22
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
And also called Vekluryยฎ (remdesivir) they never stop i would never take it and informed as many people as possible.

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 07:39
In response Diane Mitch to her Publication
Thank you for providing the alternate name. I couldnโ€™t remember what she said, but this was it! Definitey need to alert all loved ones. Unfortunately not all of them will listen ๐Ÿ˜ข

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Paula Taylor @paulamjohns
21 December, 06:45
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
don't do it - I was in the hospital with covid pneumonia for 6 days - I was blessed to have an angel for a nurse - she was from Ukraine and we bonded - I told her I was not vaxxed - she said she not either- I had to go 2 whole days without a fever before they would release me- she told me to continue with my spirometer...the 2nd evening she came to take my temp - it was 99.8 she said to me use the spirometer a few times and I will take it again - I did and temp was 99.5 was released next day - she said that that simple machine is not being used enough in the hospitals - she also share with me that 2 other people were on the same floor and were ventilated - both had been vaxxed and booted I am 68 years old and I left. I did refuse remdesivir -at the beginning. We all have angels surrounding us - but we need to speak up. I also shared with her that I thought it was our government and not Russia causing problems in UK. she is my forever angel.

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 07:19
In response Paula Taylor to her Publication
There are so many great people that work in the medical field. I have personally had a doctor at a urgent care facility tell me โ€œI donโ€™t blame youโ€ when I refused a covid test. That is exactly why I say any doctor still promoting this BS is apart of the tyrany. They know better, but their paycheck is worth more to them than the lives they are suppose to be saving.

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Celery Juicer @Emme
21 December, 07:58
In response Paula Taylor to her Publication
Im grateful you made it out!

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Whites QWall donated @QTip75
21 December, 06:29
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
What did your mother say when you told her about Remdesevir and the harm it will do?

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 06:31
In response Whites QWall to his Publication
She very non-reassuringly told us she would look into it, but how much she loves and trusts her doctor. She is definitely brain washed and loves the attention she gets from her doctor. Sad situation ๐Ÿ˜”

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
21 December, 03:51
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
"Long Covid" is a made up name IMO for a weakened immune system. You can use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide mixed 50/50 with Normal Saline and inhale in a hand held nebulizer to help break up mucus. Look it up. Anyone who keeps getting recurring upper respiratory illnesses should be sure to boost their immune systems:
Hydration with filtered alkaline water
Sunshine ( natural Vit. D)
Deep breathing
Vit. C, D and Zinc
Healthy organic NonGmo diet
Alkaline diet, no soda, no bottled water, no fast food
Herbal teas, vitamins, elderberry, supplements like tumeric, black seed oil, NAC ( check with doctor first)
Adequate sleep
Reduce stress, anxiety, fear
4 pics ๐Ÿ‘‡

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 04:31
In response Carol Roberts to her Publication
Never heard of the peroxide and saline solution. Definitely going to give that a try. Thanks for sharing!

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Matrix Observer @MatrixObserver
21 December, 05:08
In response Carol Roberts to her Publication
given I live in south west britain, my next 20 minutes of sunshine should arrive in mid april, when Im at work, indoors. So Im hoping to get my next 20 minutes sometime next july when I have a week off, but then it will probably be overcast and raining.

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Cassio Peia @Cassio63
21 December, 03:19
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
This is so awful. Have a dear friend diagnosed with Long covid, has had all the shots including flu and pnemonia, got very sick after having all 3 on same day, hasn't been same since. Hope they don't rec this inhaled rem.....HORRIBLE. Will pray for your MIL and all humanity who remain brainwashed to the genocide happening. God help us all๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 03:25
In response Cassio Peia to her Publication
Prayers for your friend! This is rough ๐Ÿ˜” I was hoping this post would reach someone who could warn a loved one who gets the same diagnoses. Unfortunately, my MIL is brainwashed and loves the attention she gets from her doctor. I really cant stand this world sometimes ๐Ÿ˜

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sharon pasvant @memyselfi
21 December, 07:28
In response Cassio Peia to her Publication
too much too soon.
thats why the kids get sick.
i never let my dr or my pharmacist give me more than one injection at a time.

need at least 1-2 mths in between.

one of the reason i do that...on the paper included in the injection box is a can find those papers online on the specific drug site.

alot of times it tells you that one taken with another injection...will decrease the effectivness of both injections
can cause reactions

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 03:19
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
This is actually very terrifying. The drug we all know is a killer has now began to make itโ€™s way into American homes. Doctorโ€™s are so desparate to prescribe this that they diagnosing people with โ€œlong covid.โ€ Thatโ€™s right, covid that lasts forever. They are really grasping at straws at this point, but yet the masses still choose to trust them. God help us ๐Ÿ™

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Love Wins @Lovewins_17
22 December, 08:02
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Nice little description, "brittle matrix powder". ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ Sad and people will obediently take it. Seems like this is going to go on long enough that every single person that does not think for themselves will be culled.

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Cyndi Bankston @Cyndi
21 December, 02:43
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Oh, HELL no! Evil, evil bastards. They know no bounds. grrrrrrr

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Liberty Belle @LibertyBelle
21 December, 02:42
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Wow! Thanks for sharing.

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โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธPepe Le Q~17โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ @TheQuietStorm17
21 December, 02:41
In response Lane Rae to his Publication

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Mrs. Brown @tcbpatriot
21 December, 02:12
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
My only Sis who listens to me said she was taking it for covid, is it in pill form? I told her to stop using it immediately!

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 02:39
In response Mrs. Brown to her Publication
She said it is some kind of inhaler/breathing treatment that puts powder into her lungs. You would think that even a closed minded individual would think that sounds bad, but the masses trust these scum bags. Makes you feel helpless when you have to watch someone you care about poison themselves.

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DorQus Patriot @DorQus17
21 December, 02:02
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Yes, a colleague of mine had the same thing happen to her husband.
He has now been in the COVID ward since 11/29 as he keeps testing positive for COVID, now they're saying it's from the Remdisivir

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 02:36
In response DorQus Patriot to her Publication
Makes me sick. We can only hope these medical tyrants go down with the rest of the cabal. They have to know by now that they are giving people the death sentence by putting them on that crap.

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Elihu โœ๏ธ| @RealLilTrump
21 December, 02:00
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Knowledge is power

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Lynn Tapper @lst5050
21 December, 01:39
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
There's also a new name for Remdesivir - Valkymyr or something close to that.

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Lynn Tapper @lst5050
21 December, 01:38
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
and its being reported that CLARITIN is helping people stay off the Vents

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Lynn Tapper @lst5050
21 December, 01:37
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
People on Telegram using Ivermectin 1.87% paste to cure all kinds of health issues - follow Dirt Road Discussions and his chat group.

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Deena Gee @DeenaGee2
21 December, 01:35
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
The day I see them all hanging from a rope is the day Iโ€™ll be happy.

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Desert Dog @Zippydog
21 December, 01:40
In response Deena Gee to her Publication
I'm probably not going to be fully assured of anything until I see the first publicly distributed execution of any one of the traitors, pedophiles or medical tyrants. From that day forward I will know that I can rest assured that there is justice.

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Only followers of this user (HopeAlways888) can see their posts

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
21 December, 01:48
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
I will have to tell her to try out these remedies! Thank you so much for the prayer โค๏ธ

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___ Fritz28 @Fritz28
21 December, 01:29
In response Lane Rae to his Publication

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Sneakers 359 @Sneakers359
21 December, 01:28
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
๐Ÿคฃโ€œLong Covid.โ€ WTF Trust the Science give me a break next there gonna tell you caught "Milk Covid" or "Bread Covid" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I am sorry but these doctors are clown and guilty of crimes against humanity!

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
21 December, 01:27
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
And it goes on and on and on

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The Real Me @TheRealMe
21 December, 01:24
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Iโ€™m picturing seized bags of powdered Remdesiver just like cocaine except this is legal. These people are sick. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฌ

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BobbieAnne Drawe @Purpleunicorn
21 December, 01:24
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Better resesrch Remdesivir๐Ÿ‘ฟ

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