Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
23 October, 12:00
10-22-22 JUAN O SAVIN
Ep1772_BardsFM -


If you’re going to arrest someone of this stature
a lot of logistics go into it.
Other agencies involved
his Secret Service, Security details, Security arrangements,
other family members..
So you arrest him.
Are you taking him into custody?..
Is he under House arrest at Mar-a-Lago
or Bedminster?..
The CIA’s former director Hayden
said the other day in a supposed Tweet or meme,
that Trump needed to be arrested & possibly hung.
The people going after President Trump
are pretty voracious.
Saying that what he’s doing is a threat to the Democracy
& they’re not backing off..
The people behind this don’t just dislike Trump
there’s a certain venom, vehemence
because Trump has been vehement towards them.
“Are you going to close down Gitmo?
I built it for her!”..
The crowd that is wanting to do this
they want to send him to Gitmo 💥

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
12 October, 12:03
I tried to warn everyone early on that mixing money with the Great Awakening is not a good idea.

I have a feeling I could’ve made a killing at selling Doq Holliday merch, but that never felt right.

Once you go down that path, it then becomes a habit and you lose your purpose. It then becomes about the money, and not about the heart.

Thanks for listening.

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Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! @Patriot63
11 October, 02:29
I'm trying really hard to distract myself today by reading posts etc. cuz today is the 2 year anniversary of when my grandson took his own life, but it's just not working. We last saw him alive on 10/08/20. They came for a visit, we said our goodbyes & I love you's. He then came back out of the car, gave me another hug & "I love you." Looking back, I realized he was saying his last goodbye, & had made up his mind, little did I know that at the time. 3 days later he was gone. Every time I think of him I get a lump in my throat. I had a small sense something wasn't right, there were small signs. I can only hope & pray that he has found the light he so desperately could not find here on earth, that he had to take his own life, that he is surrounded by love & others who have passed on. Child suicides increased a LOT in 2020, but it's not talked about much. I'm not looking for sympathy here, just a reminder to talk to your kids/grand kids, or any child, it could save their life.

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Liberty Jennja @Jennja
09 October, 01:30
Dad is having a hard time today, in so much pain and hard for him to eat, down to soups and smoothies. The tumor is growing fast and pushing on the nerve, his speech is starting to slur as a result.

I'm just sitting here in the dark, sobbing, can't stop crying. 😢 Hate to see him suffering so much. My heart is hurting seeing my daddy like this. My parents were high school sweethearts, they share the same birthday and just celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary. The thought of my mom being alone after having been by his side since they were 14 is almost too much to bear.

God, please hear our prayers! We need a miracle. ✨🙏🏼✨

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Liberty Jennja @Jennja
07 October, 12:21
My father is a 20 year oral cancer survivor, which for that kind of cancer is remarkable. He never smoked or drank and doctors aren't sure why he ended up with it since he didn't have associated risk factors. The radiation ruined his facial bones, fried his salivary glands making it hard to chew/swallow, he lost most of his teeth and the jaw bone has been disintegrating for years. He started having some more health concerns about 10 months ago with facial numbness but all of his tests came back normal. He persisted because symptoms were getting worse. He found out tonight that the cancer has returned and the tumor appears to be quite large. 😢 Family is very stressed and emotional right now because the doctors kept saying nothing was wrong. How could something so large be missed repeatedly? He is a man of deep faith, but tonight, he, my mom, myself and my sisters are devastated.

Would be so grateful for extra prayers right now. Thank you. 🙏🏼

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Rena 1776 donated @Rena1776
14 September, 07:47

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BeBe Cole @IknowwhoIam
15 September, 01:30
Well AU Fam, do you Remember my grandson, Kohlton? He was in a brace and being told he was in real bad shape and I asked you all to help me pray for him...well anyways..😂 I'm taking now 16 yr. old Kohlton to get a tux for the dance. GOD IS SO GOOD!! 💜🙏💜 I love you all and JESUS LOVES YOU MORE! 🤗

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
13 September, 03:01
We must bring the public school system down.

There is no way around it.

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Pinka nita @Pinkamom
31 August, 06:01

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
11 August, 04:56
Can’t wait until the dam of corruption collapses and truth flows out and floods the world!


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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
27 May, 02:08
Watchin Sara Carter on Hannity and like Hannity she had to be approached. Pushing propaganda

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
22 May, 07:25

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metal master @metalmaster
09 May, 09:03

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
15 March, 08:05
Please pray for my three year old niece. My sister just called and said she was having seizures. NO she did NOT have the death shot. My sister just called and requested a bunch of christians pray.

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
17 February, 06:18
I never imagined that I would look forward to the total crash of the financial system even more than a Lego Technics model kit.

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Dovetail 1221 donated @1221Dovetail
16 February, 12:49

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
27 January, 12:09

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EK17 QKraken - Z @GaDawg
18 December, 12:42
There will public hangings and firing squads for Doctors, Scientists, Politicians, CEO's, Media personalities, Intel Agents, Judges and many more. NCSWIC!

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Only followers of this user (FreedomF) can see their posts

Bea Benjamin @FranBea
08 November, 11:54

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
09 November, 12:09

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
06 October, 03:50

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President Elect Kraken @DeepStateHunter
27 September, 05:12
The Police don't want the "POISON"!

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Mrs. Brown @tcbpatriot
15 September, 01:27
Please say a prayer friends for my 14 yr.old Niece. She is at Childrens Hospital and is suicidal. Since covid started, she has started to complain about wearing masks and is worried about getting it to the point that she talked her Mother into getting the vaccine. She is angry, withdrawn, and does not want to participate in anything. I pray to God that she and all kids gt through this. God help us!

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
22 June, 08:26

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TheGreat Awoken @TheGreatAwoken
11 June, 04:27
Fellow patriots.

My father has been fighting Cancer for just over 2 years now. The Doctors gave him 2 to 4 years to live just over 2 years ago.
He has gone through the usual Radio, Chemo and Trial drug and they told him today there is nothing more they can do for him.
His scans today have indicated the cancer is getting worse.

Would love it if you all can say a prayer for him.

Please President Trump - Bring on those MED BEDS

Thank you all so much.

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
22 May, 09:50

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Mac 691 @Mac691
24 February, 02:55

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