Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
07 December, 11:44
In response Star Ravyn to her Publication
I find it funny that there is only the potential to "offend" others when its a display of Christianity. Lets be honest here ...its not the Jolly old white man,lights,reindeer, nor presents...its the Christ part others find so offensive. The author of this letter should live by their own standard they just set & get rid of their home,car, computer & printer(they used to print this letter),cell phone, food,lights,water & anything else others may not be able to afford. My faith in God & my unshakable belief that Jesus is king isnt harming anyone. Im taught to love my enemy as much if not more...than I love myself... to pray they get to see the unwavering love of the Father & that God softens their hearts. I am not to judge those I discern as committing a sin,bc I am a sinner myself. I will speak the truth though in love & pray that God softens their hearts,gives them ears to hear,and eyes to see. If that is offensive then you may want to reevaluate the meaning.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
16 August, 12:49
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
That is exactly what they want,but I know thats not what God is going to give them 😊

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
25 June, 10:36
In response Manda Yeah that one to her Publication
Pray to him ...tell him you want to get to truly know him.Pray and ask him to show you what he put you on this earth to do for him . Most importantly start thanking him now for all he is about to do because his love for all of us even those who have done horrible things unconditional & he doesnt want to lose a single soul. Pray those who do evil repent and turn their eyes and hearts back to him.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
14 May, 10:52
In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication
Thank you 😊 I actually havent seen a DR in a few years now. I literally have 0 trust in them . I know the good ones are very rare these days.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
14 May, 10:49
In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication
I just had an aha moment reading this . I started having the same issue around 12 years old. I would also have tachycardia as well though ( sometimes up to 240 bpm) I had 3 heart surgeries by the time I was 21 and still couldnt fix it. (was diagnosed with AVNRT & SVT) a few years ago i started taking magnesium and doing epsom salt baths for totally unrelated reasons and I havent had an episode in 3 years or more. I never correlated the 2 until now. I just assumed I had outgrown it or the surgeries had finally worked. They kept pressuring me to do a 4th surgery & get a pacemaker,but I said enough is enough ...yall are treating me like a lab rat. Thats when I turned to more natural medicine.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
26 February, 11:05
In response Michael Matthews to his Publication
probably on Amazon 😏😁

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
26 February, 11:04
In response Michael Matthews to his Publication
probably on Amazon 😏😁

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 February, 05:03
In response Shelly Hoerer to her Publication
its amazing how the more we dig we fully start to comprehend how even the small parts of our daily routine putting on deodorant was poisining us. kind of makes you sick thinking about just how ruthless they truly are.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 February, 02:00
In response Shelly Hoerer to her Publication
its been a few years since i bought it so ill look at it when i get back home,but i think it was if im not mistaken. My childrens grandmother told me about it. You can look up alkaline water filtration systems though and compare pricing . some are a lot pricier than others but I know the one I have truly does filter it. And of course places like Wikipedia will try to tell you there is no scientific proof it has benefits,but I know firsthand the difference it made for me. Look up tge benefits it ranges from weightloss to relief of joint pain issues.. digestion issues ...etc.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 February, 10:57
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
well you can buy it pre bottled from the store,but I dont trust it lol. I bought a real simple filtration system and you can literally see all the little pieces of metal and junk in the tap water as is gets filtered out . The filter is just a simple looking stone (almost looks and feels like a pumice stone) and i have to clean it off every few days it collects so much junk on it . You can test the ph balance with drops that came with it but a filter will last a very long time. I cook with it also. I even bought a shower head from them that filters the water and its really changed my hair & skin as well.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 February, 10:40
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I have tried a lot of brands and always go back to Toms. In my opinion it is the best flouride free toothpaste. I also make my own alkaline water and drink 1 to 1.5 gallons a day and it has changed my life. I cant even begin to explain the benefits of cutting out the flouride and drinking alkaline water . I hope people take your advice 😊

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
08 February, 07:07
In response Paul Robb to his Publication
its not . I was really hurt & angry for a long time & I woke up one day & said "You know what God?Im fully trusting in you. You took these people out of my life for a reason and you'll place them back...or put new people on my your time" For the 1st time in my life Im taking care of myself fully. I was always the go to problem solver for EVERYONE & im not complaining ...but I forgot about myself in the process. I think we all have beautiful things in store for us in the near future!!!😊

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
08 February, 06:45
In response LQve Trump to her Publication
other than my 5 yo...ive lost everyone .Not a single family member or friend left . I literally have 0 people in my personal life to talk to. I still tried to be the bigger person & reach out numerous times, but you can only hear "I wash my hands of you" so many times before you give up. I did start talking to God a lot though & not just asking for everyday things ...I truly started talking to him . I have decided If they chose to reach out to me when its all said & done I will be humble & show them kindness they refused to show me. Can it be repaired? Only time will tell🤷‍♀️

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
08 February, 09:51
In response 1776 ... to his Publication you should watch some videos on this youtube channel. They dive deep into the celebrity mind control.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
07 February, 06:23
In response Manda Yeah that one to her Publication
*our .. i got a little type happy 😂

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
07 February, 05:06
In response Doctor Precipice to his Publication
agreed!! I'm sure the level of stupid will only get better as the night goes on 😏

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
07 February, 04:51
In response Doctor Precipice to his Publication
I turned the tv on just to look for that type of thing and thats the 1st thing I saw...then noticed the Pedo symbol on the stage behind Miley Cyrus & turned the tv right back off.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
05 February, 11:07
In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication
it is disgusting, but that might backfire on them... I know plenty of people who arent awake that would rather click on nude photos than listen to the "pillow guy talk about election fraud". Sad but its true 😑 Maybe theyll learn something in the process.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
05 February, 05:49
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I completely agree with him . I stumbled upon this a few years ago when i was sent a documentary of a whistle blower in the music executive industry(particularly rap) He was stating they were invited in the early 90s to a meeting where they had to sign NDA's .They discussed how the music industry was buying into the priv. prison system & part of their plan was to push violent low vibrational music so they could make money off the artist then $ off the prison system when young people followed the artists "lifestyle" they also stated radio stations were paid to play music in freq. such as this.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
05 February, 02:48
In response Laurie Weber to her Publication
thank you 😊

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
05 February, 08:07
In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication
Bot Sniper

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
29 January, 01:32
In response Storm Kennedy to his Publication
Does everyone remember the Uber driver that suddenly went nuts one day & was picking people up & shooting them ? When they interviewed him he kept repeating that he doesnt remember doing it & has no clue why he did it...that the devil emoji kept popping up on his uber driver app then he would go blank. Everyone who knew him said they never in a million years would think he would do that. That was the first thing i thought of when I heard it on the news. They even have linked people like Charles Manson to the C_A & Manson has been linked to Ted Bundy. Nothing surprises me anymore .

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
26 January, 03:24
In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication
i got in a heated debate over this on Twatter about a year ago. Someone was arguing that Trump couldnt possibly care about the people bc he supported 5G. I tried to explain if they did thorough reserach they would find their are 2 types of 5g...the China version that literally sucks the oxygen out of any living thing & another version that uses alloys to counter the affect . I had like 500 people attack me over my comment ....guess i dont sound so insane now 😁

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
23 January, 12:34
In response CanAm Girl to his Publication
Thats the point though . Biden wasnt sworn in . Its all for show . He hasnt signed a single executive order can go to the Federal Register and look it up . He has signed 0. The last EO that is registered was on 1/18 By Trump. It shows Biden has absolutely none. We are getting a taste of what this country would look like if he really had power. Helps open peoples eyes & see just how easily our freedom can be stripped from us. The best thing anyone can do is keep speaking the truth bc they are revealing their lies left & right & i even see hard core non believers waking tf up!!

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
21 January, 12:42
In response michael griggs to his Publication
anyone who has ever had the "pleasure" of dealing with wallpaper...knows it is hell to take down and even more fun to put up. There is no way you can redo wallpaper & floors in a couple of hours time. I agree this is a completely different room. When you look at them side by side the vibe doesnt even feel the same 🤦‍♀️ ...I love how they push being observant & analytical as "conspiracy theories" though...when we simply call an apple an apple and an orange an orange lol

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 January, 11:30
In response :Jennifer: Rough. to her Publication
I didnt watch it,but i watched a clip where she slips up and says President Obam then stops herself and corrects it to Biden.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 January, 11:30
In response :Jennifer: Rough. to her Publication
I didnt watch it,but i watched a clip where she slips up and says President Obam then stops herself and corrects it to Biden.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
20 January, 12:10
In response Angelic Prophet to her Publication
i seen a few people on youtube link some articles that they are being brought in through shipping containers . I would have to go back & watch them again,but im wanting to say its in 3 or so different states.

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
18 January, 02:57
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
I might be pointing out the obvious ,but the numbers on the ships added together are both 5. side by side 5:5 ?

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Manda Yeah that one @ItsthatTime722
18 January, 01:22
In response Red 55S to her Publication

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