Marie Foster
27 December, 11:26
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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Marie Foster
15 July, 10:12
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
worth the watch.
read the chapter at page 64. written in 1916.
worth the watch.
read the chapter at page 64. written in 1916.
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Marie Foster
14 July, 11:43
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Do you know of the Runes that keep the doorway? In elder futhark it says "The gate is now closed. we will have to stand and defend ourselves until the cosmic gate opens again."
its under that pyramid.
its under that pyramid.
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Marie Foster
12 May, 12:15
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Completely De-calcifies your pineal gland. skatefish is a runner up to this. Discovered by the vikings.
Completely De-calcifies your pineal gland. skatefish is a runner up to this. Discovered by the vikings.

Extra Virgin Ratfish Liver Oil | Rosita Real Foods – Rosita USA
Rosita Ratfish Oil is a precious, ancient whole food with natural vitamins A, D, E & omega-3s. Discover why the Vikings called it the "Gold of the ocean." Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Marie Foster
29 April, 01:08
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
"Frozen in time technology since 1908....
Its getting ready to burst forward now.
An amazing society in the next year or so."
"Frozen in time technology since 1908....
Its getting ready to burst forward now.
An amazing society in the next year or so."
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Marie Foster
28 April, 05:18
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
haha wouod have been so great!
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Marie Foster
28 April, 05:18
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
haha wouod have been so great!
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Marie Foster
28 April, 05:16
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
have a link
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Marie Foster
20 April, 12:25
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Quercetin and Bromalien together to treat the inflammation. Lots of water as well staying hydrated is a big factor in it. This combination helps a ton. sinusitis is my nemesis. Oil of Oregano 6 drops daily to fight infection and run a humidifier.
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Marie Foster
20 April, 12:22
In response Bacon Isgood to his Publication
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Marie Foster
20 April, 12:22
In response Bacon Isgood to his Publication
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Marie Foster
20 April, 12:22
In response Bacon Isgood to his Publication
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Marie Foster
20 April, 12:19
In response Bacon Isgood to his Publication
NAD+ Is a component of niacin that cleans and oxygenates your cells. It nurtures and strengthens your mitochondria. Wenlose about 50% of its production due to parasites, enviorment, metals between the ages of 40 and 60. It why the aging is so drastic between those ages.
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Marie Foster
19 April, 11:40
In response Car Kohl to her Publication
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Marie Foster
19 April, 11:37
In response Car Kohl to her Publication
I hope he gets through it!!
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Marie Foster
19 April, 08:31
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Quercetin and Bromaline work well for allergies as well as NAD+
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Marie Foster
15 April, 01:17
In response Pepe Kek to his Publication
this makes complete sense!!
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Marie Foster
13 April, 03:13
In response Pepe Kek to his Publication
I noticed that. still was interesting
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Marie Foster
05 April, 05:05
In response Marie Foster to his Publication
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Marie Foster
03 April, 03:21
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
We knew once. Our ancestors memories that knew once are still inn the waters we are today. Created in water and born with it in us. We will remember our symbolism and truths. They exist in us.
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Marie Foster
03 April, 03:18
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
One of thr best ways to control the frequency you receive is understanding what an amzing conduit water is.
Water holds memory for 1,000s of years. Proven by a scientist in Japan and a fantastic video. Water remembers frequency.
We are 70% water. Imagine what the frequencies are trying to imprint in us.
Want to change it? Charge your water with positive intent before drinking. Speak positively to yourself and those around you. Their water will remember as will yours.
You can speak negatively or just think that way to water you water plants with and they'll die. Positive they will flourish. Imagibe 1,000s of avenues we are told we are not enough in a day. Its subtle slavery.
Break the chains. Positive intent while holding the water you plan to drink. Water is so strong it can break stone and so gentle it can care for a baby. The greatest conduit in earth. I wonder how God travels so easily through his creation❤❤❤❤
Water holds memory for 1,000s of years. Proven by a scientist in Japan and a fantastic video. Water remembers frequency.
We are 70% water. Imagine what the frequencies are trying to imprint in us.
Want to change it? Charge your water with positive intent before drinking. Speak positively to yourself and those around you. Their water will remember as will yours.
You can speak negatively or just think that way to water you water plants with and they'll die. Positive they will flourish. Imagibe 1,000s of avenues we are told we are not enough in a day. Its subtle slavery.
Break the chains. Positive intent while holding the water you plan to drink. Water is so strong it can break stone and so gentle it can care for a baby. The greatest conduit in earth. I wonder how God travels so easily through his creation❤❤❤❤
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Marie Foster
03 April, 03:09
In response Marie Foster to his Publication
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Marie Foster
03 April, 02:12
In response Marie Foster to his Publication
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Marie Foster
25 February, 08:15
In response Made In America to her Publication
It never gets easier to see, just stokes the fire of anger and determination everytime.
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Marie Foster
25 February, 11:52
In response Canadian Patriot Drain the Swamp to her Publication
our faith is the line! Amen!
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Marie Foster
25 February, 11:51
In response michael griggs to his Publication
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Marie Foster
25 February, 11:44
In response Marie Foster to his Publication
The only Potus to have all military flags represented in oval office.
The only Potus to be joined by military on the inaugurational stage during his speech, where Potus states,
"We are going to transfer power from Washington D.C back to you, the people."
The Potus who built our military back up, trained them to go underground, terrified all other corrupt world leaders, with his presence.
Opened a very important new MI branch of military (Guardians), and kept our soldiers from going to slaughter in another pointless war.
Our Potus has endured so much for us, but with logic and heart, I know, I KNOW, he has not been alone or shocked. He is insulted by the finest.
Pray for Trump
Pray for Military
Send our Potus and Military our love,
Pray for the children
The only Potus to be joined by military on the inaugurational stage during his speech, where Potus states,
"We are going to transfer power from Washington D.C back to you, the people."
The Potus who built our military back up, trained them to go underground, terrified all other corrupt world leaders, with his presence.
Opened a very important new MI branch of military (Guardians), and kept our soldiers from going to slaughter in another pointless war.
Our Potus has endured so much for us, but with logic and heart, I know, I KNOW, he has not been alone or shocked. He is insulted by the finest.
Pray for Trump
Pray for Military
Send our Potus and Military our love,
Pray for the children
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Marie Foster
24 February, 08:30
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
i am vibing!!

17 Ways the Universe Communicates With You (signs from spirit) — Follow Your Own Rhythm
Universal Spirit is talking to us. It is trying to get our attention. It is trying to guide us, connect with us, and wake us up. There are plenty of signs out there but are we looking? Are we listening? And do we even know what to look for? Here are 17 signs from the universe. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Marie Foster
24 February, 08:28
In response Jolene Walter to her Publication
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Marie Foster
24 February, 07:47
In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication
Empathy is the thread of love that binds against all division
Empathy is the thread of love that binds against all division
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