Albion Deux @Albion
23 September, 01:54
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Best "costume" of the day - Undercover guy pretending to be a Subversive.

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Albion Deux @Albion
05 June, 05:24
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

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Albion Deux @Albion
14 May, 06:29
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
I long for the days when "comedy" like this was actually funny.

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Albion Deux @Albion
11 May, 06:40
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
I suggest that Fauci take note of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - International Lawyer who with approximately 1,000 other lawyers has instigated the world's largest Class Act Lawsuit in the history of the world - Nuremberg 2.0.

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Albion Deux @Albion
03 May, 05:53
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
How perfectly emblematic of what Joe Biden is - his family & the entire "ensemble of actors" currently occupying the White House.

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Albion Deux @Albion
27 April, 01:40
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Newsom will become more & more irrelevant - no longer a useful instrument for the Cabal. They'll abandon him. The End.

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Albion Deux @Albion
27 April, 01:36
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
The first gong of Epicurious' death knell. Each time a product or service, et al go "woke" is a sign that they are in dire trouble & needing to revive their bank accounts.

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Albion Deux @Albion
17 April, 03:49
In response Brandon Callanan to his Publication
The "eternal owl". "The owl is associated with death, sorcery and the dark underside of life."

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Albion Deux @Albion
16 April, 08:32
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Can we please also add Archbishop Viganò’s letter to President Trump - June 2020 wherein he addresses the subject thoroughly,


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Albion Deux @Albion
10 April, 02:13
In response angelneshov to his Publication
A very nice "fairy-tale". Link to authentic source - please. Names of source(s) please.

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Albion Deux @Albion
30 March, 06:20
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
'Curiouser and curiouser' - but not unexpected. The time to worry is when ALL Schumann Resonance sites suddenly go DARK.

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Albion Deux @Albion
28 March, 01:57
In response Mary T Scott to her Publication
The "Ten-Commandments" of the Left.

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Albion Deux @Albion
27 March, 03:09
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
An "opinion" piece by someone who has never met - much less known any supporter of Q. Neither is said opinion-person vaguely knowledgeable about what Q is - because it is NOT a person per se. They don't have the courage to sally into the "verboten" land of Q to discover for themselves just how fictional Q's posts are - OR are they? That is the fear - that their might be some logic & truth in them -& how scarey would that be!

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Albion Deux @Albion
25 March, 06:43
In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication
Just remember: There are NO coincidences. The end.

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Albion Deux @Albion
20 March, 05:53
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
The Tsunami has begun.

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Albion Deux @Albion
20 March, 05:53
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
That's one way to appear/feel more relevant.

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Albion Deux @Albion
18 March, 06:18
In response ••• Bender ••• to his Publication
President Trump's former - White House Deputy Chief of Staff & Director of Social Media. Still working deligently at his Job.

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Albion Deux @Albion
17 March, 03:59
In response True ENGLISH Patriot UK to his Publication
Cowards first - then let the rest of the populace become "sacrificial lambs".

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Albion Deux @Albion
14 March, 03:43
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Dan is actually at the top for dropping-drops that make a HUGE SPLASH. Lately they've become more brazenly defiant.

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Albion Deux @Albion
14 March, 03:34
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Someone PLEASE inform Melinda Gates who swore this week that this technology does not exist. She doesn't lie very well. No one believed her.

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Albion Deux @Albion
06 March, 05:38
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
A "gentle" way of saying that some people tend to overthink everything & anything. One reason why Q & the Anons have been force-fed into the public discourse as a cult. It's a narrative the DS are more than willing to exploit magnify.

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Albion Deux @Albion
05 March, 02:38
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Isn't Stu Varney echoing Ric Grenell's direct emfrence that Ric knows exactly "who" is running the Presidnecy & that it's a woman.

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Albion Deux @Albion
05 March, 02:33
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Only in Pelosi's delusional mind.

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Albion Deux @Albion
28 February, 04:37
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Even more Bibilical that every. He is apparently "tweeking" his words "listening" to the crowd's energy. The man is organic in everthing he does - that is his genius. Donald J. Trump "listens" & has his entire life - first & foremost to his spiritual intuition.

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Albion Deux @Albion
26 February, 08:28
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
One thing for certain - he must be FINISHED!

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Albion Deux @Albion
21 February, 07:06
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
It's people who believe in the drivel politicians - "talking heads" spew supposedly based on science that are the most to blame. They're believing in the social status, fame & prestige - rather than questioning the actual person's character. There again society has gradually been led downward into devolving - rather than evoving.

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Albion Deux @Albion
19 February, 11:00
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
"As my mother would say ..."? Apparently Biden has a "dialogue file" of everything his mother has ever commented on. Not forgetting that she also must have been a clairvoyant in order to have something to say on the vaccine.

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Albion Deux @Albion
18 February, 09:32
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Before investing in Bitcoin - silver, etc. - Logic needs to be the biggest investment.

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Albion Deux @Albion
16 February, 11:51
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
In "political speak" the CCP are likely being "honest". The project and/or subject is not being called a "time machine". The fact that's exactly what it's being built for - time-travel - is another subject. "A rose by any other name ..."

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Albion Deux @Albion
16 February, 03:58
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
110% behind this. Anything less than demanding President Trump's WIN is giving in to the DS. It's exactly what the DS/Globalists are working at - to discourage us somehow - someway so that Trump's support is weakened. 2024 is not an option - it's capitulating to the DS & letting them really win. Sorry - no - it's not happening.

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