Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
15 January, 03:45

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
08 January, 12:20 (E)
Nashville anyone ?
Plz share for him 🙏

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
09 October, 04:55 (E)
Oh this would be beautiful on a cold wintery afternoon, with some enya on and a roaring fired and watching the snow fall out those 18 degree view windows!!! Even catching a little relaxing nap on that sofa or reading a book of a journey!💛 Oh an chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven wafting in the entire house!

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
16 August, 12:58

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arba happihr @arba
20 May, 09:09
I am sure God had a plan when he allowed demonic evil to mingle with God Loving Innocent Humans
Evil is a personal Journey ?
I am so glad I missed out , Wanting to be a evil demon when I grew up.
God gave us this beautiful earth, to maintain, make better, and people chose to join evil satan 😳
My mind doesn't understand their evil thinking.
I'm sure the evil behavior is more evil than my mind can comprehend.
I wish everyone breathing evil, Good Luck.
Until humans open their "hearts" and eyes, Good Luck.
We" have blue skies, and happy thought going on here this morning.
I will never surrender to evil.
One more thing.
It's a sad story when you are smarter, more knowledgeable than the new doctor that took over your doctors practice.
I am no longer able to deal with Stupid! Degrees and all.
I am glad I learned to like me. We", me myself and I", get along really good these day. It took awhile 😊😂😂
Never give up 😊💞

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Chris David Bell @Only1CdnPatriot
28 November, 05:43

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
09 November, 06:55

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Silver Cat @silvercat
23 October, 09:45

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Yankee Carolyn @YankeeCarolyn
21 October, 07:41 (E)
Did you know?
Netanyahu was raised partly in PA, USA and is a graduate of a Pennsylvania high school, MIT and Harvard. He also served in Israeli intelligence when he was 18. That means he was already in intelligence as a young man living HERE.
His grandfather and father were Zionists.

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mars 1776 donated @mars_1776
15 October, 06:05
New debt clock message.
Andrew Jackson destroyed the 2nd Central Bank with the backing of "we the people".
The Fed is the 3rd Central Bank. It's a den of vipers too.

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Only followers of this user (HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Lisa Moyer @Mondexmomma
08 October, 08:29

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
06 October, 07:33
In response Zanne Anon to her Publication

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
02 October, 05:03

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
17 September, 10:42

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judith Kennison @JudyinAmerica
02 September, 12:16
Here is a great poll I screencapped from X
Who should Potus Trump pick as his VP? JFKjr isn’t there but that is also an option

Kari Lake

Byron Donalds

General Flynn

Viviek Ramaswamy

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Lydia Fahsholtz donated @Oleendee
07 August, 11:14

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
15 July, 07:23
For better or worse, these are names that will appear in future history books. It still feels surreal that I personally — yup, little old me — has had to stand in the front row in public under my own name as the full onslaught of the corrupt propaganda machine was directed at us all.

So far I have not been maimed, murdered, imprisoned, so I guess I have come out fairly unscathed. I know that forces unseen have my back, and I am eternally grateful for the protection given. It's still ugly to be targeted for character assasination.

I haven't been well this last week (minor stuff - stomach, sinuses) but added to the long term stress of war it's been disabling. Am struggling to get much done beyond feed myself and go for a walk once a day. Exhausted by it all.

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
04 July, 11:40

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Kheiron Uriel Esquire @KUE
12 June, 11:21
How can I sit quietly and enjoy life when Satan has control over my family. I do not even feel comfortable in around my own family. There must be another family that I belong to, soul family. Where and who are they ? I certainly do not belong here. Its very difficult, living in enemy territory. I do not feel respected, or heeded. I do not belong here, and I wish to find a place where I do belong, with peers, and soul family who accept and respect me. I cannot grow in this environment. I am ready to cut the dead weight and move on as I have no purpose to be here. I have patiently waited to be released from this rock prison. A thick layer of cognitive dissonance separates me from those I love. I am willing to let them go, down the path of destruction, but why put me here just to waste my potential trying to enlighten those I love, when they refuse to listen and be guided towards the light ? What is the point of all of this ? Please, explain what I must do to escape this hell. Lord help.

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Jado _PC donated @JadoPC
05 May, 07:45

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KiKi Love1111 ⭐️✅ donated @KiKiLove1111
16 April, 10:38
🙋‍♀️ Hey Y’all :) I’m starting a 48 Hours Fast this evening:) Will start around 1700 if anyone wants to join :)

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M3thods @M3thods
24 February, 10:09

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TheStormIsHere NOW @theyRcoming
14 February, 07:19
The Truth About Valentine's Day - Satanic Origins
The Truth About Valentine's Day - Satanic Origins - YouTube

Become Our Patreon:!/Subscribe to: Ra...

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Real John Galt @RealJohnGalt
28 January, 08:26
thank you, Koba. You are amazing!

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Derek D Truth @Derek_D_Truth
15 April, 06:05
so i wanna do a poll on maskers vs non maskers. share if you dont wear and like if you do wear. START!!!

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Only followers of this user (Maudiemaye) can see their posts

Dorothea Dankowski @DorotheaTN
21 November, 11:24

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Captain Morgan @KristinMorgan
25 October, 07:08

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Real John Galt @RealJohnGalt
02 October, 10:15

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