Harold Holman donated @Ready88
29 January, 06:45

All 50 States:
Voter ID
Clean Voter Rolls
No Dead Voters
One Day Voting
No Machine Algorithms
Swift Certified Voter Results

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
11 January, 05:04

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willow patriot @Willow_Patriot
11 January, 07:14

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28 December, 04:20
In response Patriot@ Heart to her Publication
Checked out his account on Telegram….
It was interesting perspective.

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Marlene Redmond @marllyargh1221
16 December, 09:01
In response Patriot@ Heart to her Publication
☑️.. big deep web

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
09 December, 02:52

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Patriot@ Heart @PatriotAtHeart
16 December, 05:01

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
16 December, 08:48 (E)
#1 The Earth is a globe. #2 The Earth is a globe #3 The Earth is a globe


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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
09 December, 02:00
10-24-24 🇺🇸 Dr. Scott Young OFFICIAL
Most people don’t understand this is NESARA in a nutshell.
You eliminate the IRS.. you eliminate the FED..

🇺🇸 Peter Schiff
Now @realDonaldTrump is advocating
& replacing it with tariffs..


12-7-24 🇺🇸 Loy Brunson @ NicholasVeniamin
“We’re talking Global Entities
They are LOADED with a HUGE amount of assets
There could be TAX RETURNS in the form of
shares of STOCK with Dividends taken from these bandits
& other forms of wealth returned to America
that would cure a lot of depression & eliminate tax debt.
We’re going to see AMAZING THINGS in the next few months….

Whatever you call it 🥳 #Habbening

🤠 link @ ol_cowboy

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
08 December, 08:19
In response EOS Goddess of Dawn to her Publication
🙏 VERY cool link, EOS ✨🚄✨

😻 Thanks to great Patriots
we’ve known for years that Maglev Trains EXIST 🚄💥
Plus the deep state demons
ALWAYS SHOW & TELL in the movies 🎥
No such thing as SCI FI only SCI FACT‼️


🇺🇸 6-5-24 Q The Storm Rider
...TRUMP was going to go after
certain cartels in Mexico and use the military..
Now the past months it's reported
in msm Rolling stone that Trump
is going to use military operations
(the REAL TRUTH... This has already begun...
And Cheyenne mountain 👉maglev
have been shipping weapons.
Trained Mexican soldiers back to Mexico) 💥

#TyGeneDecode 🇺🇸🪖

🚄 The Subway Transformation Scene -
Liam Neeson

[1:05 maglev train]

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
08 December, 07:16
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I'm just at the point Kat where I gotta laugh it all off. 😂🤔🤣

Movies show us STARGATES, MEDBEDS (Elesium), DUMBs, underground TUNNELS & Maglev Trains, human meat in the FOOD (Soylent Green), Synthetic Humans (Alien), Space Corporations mining on OTHER PLANETS & Clone hybrids (Avatar), then there's STAR TREK (our SSP & Federation) and STAR WARS (Dark Fleet)...THE LIST IS ENDLESS.

I'm pretty much convinced that Pedowood had ZERO creativity & was just taking story lines & plots from our ACTUAL REALITY & making movies out of 'em.

Don't even get me started on HORROR FILMS. I could never watch them, because something in my GUT told me they were REAL too, AND HERE WE ARE, waiting for the world to learn about REAL horrors like FRAZZLEDRIP.

Say, Sarge at ICONS2020 did a great show today covering Stargates just today. Just corroborates your post even more!😃


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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
08 December, 12:31
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
As I understand it, ol_cowboy,
there's a Stargate under Cheyenne Mt. 🌟😹


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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
05 December, 06:06
🇦🇺🪖 Lt Col Riccardo Bosi
The U.S. has control of Energy weapons
that would make your eyes water if you knew what it could do.

🇺🇸🪖 Gene Decode
38:58 What the Oreshnik does, it’s hypersonic,
more than Mach 10 [7,672+ mph]
It has a total of 6 warheads that → into 6 more.
These are guided coming in with such kinetic energy
they VAPORIZE the target
& VAPORIZE the D.U.M.B. a mile underneath
with NO EXPLOSIVES at all. A Game Changer.
First strike capacity without nuclear.
45:39 The White Hats, as Col Bosi said,
have neutralized the ability of the DS/black hats
they INFILTRATED & took over DARPA systems
& NASA systems, so you’re going into the Dark Fleet.
You’re talking about
+ a dimensional weapon.
The Alliance is using things even beyond that..
48:50 What is being revealed now
is the Black Hats have essentially lost 💥


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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
04 December, 07:36
😻 Such a great post from Ariel, because he’s pointing out
different sides of everyone.

🍿 We’re in a movie with a TON of 2.0’s, rubber masks,
clones & body doubles & we have NO IDEA
who is a what or what gender, species or what calendar⁉️🐍👽

As I understand it, in order to be CONVINCING in your part
you may have to do things you don't want to do
but YOUR LIFE depends on it 💔

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
When you’re doing Intelligence work
A LOT OF STUFF may not look right to people.
You think this guy’s a bad guy
but to play the part, you gotta LOOK like a real bad guy
but they may not BE the bad guy you THOUGHT they were.
Conversely, a lot of people you THINK are good guys
& they’re played up as the good guy, aren’t good guy either.
In a captured operation you grab a chain of people
& you only know the person above & below you.
In this sequence of contacts
somebody further up or down the chain can be grabbed
& put into somebody else’s thing 🙃😎

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Craig Robert Steele @QuantumChristian2022
15 February, 03:00
In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

Memory is NOT "Stored" in the Brain. It is ACCESSED through the Heart in Quantum Resonance and Coherence with the Quantum Heart of God that is the Source of our Individual and Collective Consciousness.

The Nervous System/Brain (i.e. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil/Left Hemisphere/Right Hemisphere) is an Antenna that Simultaneously Receives and Transmits the Information that is Holo-Fractally Encoded in Photonic Light

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sercorimo ... @sercorimo
07 February, 09:07
Nephillim Giants

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Hyssop Cedar @Hyssop_Cedar
07 February, 09:56
In response sercorimo ... to her Publication
💭 I see that and I think who are the grey’s!?!

Nephilim: Giants of history or present day greys

This book will not only tell you, who they are, what they are, but will reveal a deception, so beyond belief that your perception of reality will be forever altered!
Every single belief you now hold is the result of a perverted reality designed to keep you in a pitch-black “prison”, of dumb-downed, presence of mind.

There will be no turning back, once you discover the genuine nature of the position in space and time that you presently occupy.
But, you will be armed with the truth. What you choose to do with that fact, is your decision and yours alone. You can choose to ignore it, but you cannot say you were not warned!

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Ingrid Colby @ingajana
12 December, 08:46
In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication
wow i have seen him before. a translator of scriptures etc, a young man, i believe him. we are saying the wrong name when speaking about jhwh ---- yah=u-wah--- whose name is as we know it jesus which interprets in hebrew to satan.. please listen,,, if this is truth.. we are sorely in need for new information to come forward, just maybe putting pieces together on christmas eve it will be lucifer who will come forward, even he himself said this was difficult to get to him heart...

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11 December, 03:07

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12 December, 02:22
In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication
Awesome breakdown!

Thank you for the video Marlene.
Brought it back to us here.♥️🙏🏽♥️

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MOST COMMON SENSE ANGEL @mostcommonsenseangel
13 December, 04:36

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
12 December, 09:15
In response Yester Vue to his Publication
Jesus did not come to die a horrific death to fullfill the Old Covenant requirements to start religions. He came, as he said, to set the captives free. Who are the captives? Answer: all humanity. What were people captives to? The Old Covenant Law that they asked for. Why was this law given ( the ten commandments plus all the others laws the religious leaders added) was given to show people they could not uphold it perfectly, which was the requirement to gain rrighteousness. Jesus came to fullfill the requirements of the Law as our perfect sacrificial Lamb. He came to set us free from the religious practices and burdensome laws. He is our Savior. His only requirement is to trust and believe in all he accomplished for us. When we believe we receive the righteousness ( being made right before God) necessary for a true RELATIONSHIP ( not religion) with our Creator. We are made spiritually alive, and cross over from death to life when we are filled with God's Spirit by belief. 😇

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Lilly May @twiggy4065
13 December, 05:15

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WalkByFaith356 ... @ThumperTracks
13 December, 12:11

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Noelle Noelle @Noelle
10 December, 07:58

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Jones 5.56 FMJ @Rifleman
09 December, 02:19
In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication
Its been far too quiet since election. I feel something hugely bad on the horizon. Demons are not going home because trump got elected, only Jesus can send them back to the darkness.

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Grasshopper TAFKAG @GrasshopperTAFKAG
09 December, 02:28
DEC 9TH 2024

#309 DEC 9TH 1917 ‼️7YDELTA‼️

H/T to @Tifanie andweknow

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
09 December, 03:08
What authority?
Tick tock Liz!

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HTG TheolddoG @HTGthelapis
08 December, 03:34
JUST IN: 🇺🇸🇸🇾 US military strikes ISIS targets in Syria, hitting 75 targets.

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Bob Enslow @cmbwsu
08 December, 03:36

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