Larry Dooley
18 January, 03:02
In response Sue Kearns to her Publication
Well, lets see. 140 degrees to 6000 degrees "in a few seconds". I'm thinking an outside meter, will burn and short out the main lines way before it gets to 6000 degrees. No mains, np power, no anything. Still, I might be wrong and don't want to prove it by misfortune.
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Larry Dooley
13 January, 06:48
In response Sue Kearns to her Publication
The meter is outside. I'm thinking the outside would melt the service to the house would melt, so there would be no power source, maybe take the breaker panel with it. I don't believe it would even get to your system. I could be wrong.
I don't care for much of anything manufactured with a "smart" label on it.
Nice chat.
I don't care for much of anything manufactured with a "smart" label on it.
Nice chat.
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Larry Dooley
12 January, 09:06
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Copper melting point is under 2000F
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Larry Dooley
04 August, 06:36
In response George Edmiston to his Publication
Roger, roger...
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Larry Dooley
04 August, 06:30
In response George Edmiston to his Publication
Thanks George, good to be back I think. Shit show Aye. back on the job Aye. Ready to answer all bells.
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Larry Dooley
13 February, 06:23
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Damned good synopsis
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Larry Dooley
03 October, 06:39
In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication
Been ready
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Larry Dooley
02 October, 06:54
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
It's old timers howdy doody time. Maybe?
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Larry Dooley
25 September, 07:10
In response Gayle Storm to her Publication
short answer No. Got into that bag of shit last week. conclusion? I'm nuts. Just ask them.
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Larry Dooley
18 September, 07:21
In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication
right on. Like the new artwork, very nice indeed
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Larry Dooley
18 September, 07:17
In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication
welcome back, have not seen you for a bit.
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Larry Dooley
17 September, 11:45
In response NoVacks . . . to his Publication
A true recall will come from the MFR. Buy backs are usually dealer driven, for a time, new cars were unavailable ( no chips), used cars were and are still overpriced but available. Dealerships are always suspect, does not matter brand. IMO.
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Larry Dooley
10 September, 08:58
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
Hi Julie, Larry 1 of 9. I can not seem to figure out twit. Can't see who I'm following, if anyone has followed me...Hell, I'm barely figuring out AU. I tried to find you on Twit, no soap. I'm still here though and I'll keep trying to figure Twit. L
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Larry Dooley
10 September, 08:31
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
That's funny. By God, I'm still laughing. Good Job.
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Larry Dooley
05 September, 07:14
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
I believe that there are some very strong people within this community. I say that knowing my past, knowing what I know, and making it work (more or less) for me. I have run into some people on AU and X that I find to be incredibly strong minded. They don't fall for the BS, more likely, they will root it out and find fact.
When it all comes out, about the kids and all the rest of it, you might find righteous outrage and the will to finish this so that it would take a few thousand years to come back. History says it will come back, maybe we can crush the evil so hard that it would be many years before the evil raised it's ugly head. I might be as strong as I'll need to be, but I have friends here and elsewhere to help me out when it gets dark. I've been in the darkness, I'm still here.
When it all comes out, about the kids and all the rest of it, you might find righteous outrage and the will to finish this so that it would take a few thousand years to come back. History says it will come back, maybe we can crush the evil so hard that it would be many years before the evil raised it's ugly head. I might be as strong as I'll need to be, but I have friends here and elsewhere to help me out when it gets dark. I've been in the darkness, I'm still here.
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Larry Dooley
15 August, 06:51
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
Julie , this is one of nine Larry Dooley's. I gave you the wrong poop as to Twit name. I'm very sorry, I really don't know all the icons or what they mean... still learning. At this point, please try @17LarryQ I previously sent an e-mail addy I think. Yes, I'm the most inept LD online. Working on it
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Larry Dooley
12 August, 11:49
In response Larry Dooley to his Publication
I may have done it wrong Larryvangone.
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Larry Dooley
08 August, 06:33
In response Larry Dooley to his Publication
did you find me on Twit?
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Larry Dooley
07 August, 06:22
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
9 ???? Guess I'm not that special. Had no idea.
Larryvangone should do it. It's only a couple weeks old.
Larryvangone should do it. It's only a couple weeks old.
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Larry Dooley
06 August, 11:50
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
I just got there last week
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Larry Dooley
05 August, 03:57
In response amy lilley to her Publication
you got them, Amen
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Larry Dooley
05 August, 03:53
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Martin, you're not the first one and not the last. I had to stop the constant onslaught of all of it. Been here reading since 17, got all the Q posts never got an account anywhere. Piggy backed to AU and Twit on a couple hot links. Got my bookmarks for both. Watched the twit blood bath
during election season. Watched people I don't know get wacked for really no reason on twit and AU, no forwarding addy lol. Some I was able to find, some not findable because of all the other sites that popped up. TS GAB Telegram a few others etc. Had to make this account because I had something to say then. Then twit went X, changed their shit so I made an account there.
In my case I started to flame out, had people tell me I was the nutcase during the covid nonsense, I have family still wearing masks....I had to time-out. Came back to peep it out.
Grain of salt man, grain of salt. I won't be surprised at much of anything at this point, I'm military, seen shit before. I'm with you.
during election season. Watched people I don't know get wacked for really no reason on twit and AU, no forwarding addy lol. Some I was able to find, some not findable because of all the other sites that popped up. TS GAB Telegram a few others etc. Had to make this account because I had something to say then. Then twit went X, changed their shit so I made an account there.
In my case I started to flame out, had people tell me I was the nutcase during the covid nonsense, I have family still wearing masks....I had to time-out. Came back to peep it out.
Grain of salt man, grain of salt. I won't be surprised at much of anything at this point, I'm military, seen shit before. I'm with you.
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Larry Dooley
22 July, 02:25
In response Patricia. Hartzog to her Publication
It's always been a privilege. Good to meet you.
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Larry Dooley
02 June, 07:22
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
roger roger
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Larry Dooley
02 June, 06:17
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
I would stand with you, I agree. However, I can see big problems if the "Plan" people are not ready to insert the plan. Much would have to happen to replace / re organize or something else. Pulling the budget plug would be chaos I'm thinking.
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Larry Dooley
01 June, 06:31
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
Suppose, just suppose there might be more to this apparent budget debacle. What might that look like?
Maybe we get through the next little bit without crashing the economy (Default would crash a lot of shit), and muck through for the purpose of gaining some time to get the pieces in place to avoid the absolute chaos default would bring.
I'm suggesting the possibility that our people do not have the circumstances to pull it off to the proper outcome.
There is always the initial thing, the immediate disappointment (this Bill), but upon reflection, I think this happened the way it had to be. For now.
Maybe we get through the next little bit without crashing the economy (Default would crash a lot of shit), and muck through for the purpose of gaining some time to get the pieces in place to avoid the absolute chaos default would bring.
I'm suggesting the possibility that our people do not have the circumstances to pull it off to the proper outcome.
There is always the initial thing, the immediate disappointment (this Bill), but upon reflection, I think this happened the way it had to be. For now.
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Larry Dooley
23 May, 06:53
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
I make no judgements, and I may have misunderstood your post. On the face of it, your post is clear I think, you disagreed with his post. I can't know your reasoning, and I think you speak your mind. GOOD. It's possible he just might be a bit frustrated. I may have read it and responded to what I thought I read.
I meant no disrespect, in fact I enjoy your posts.
Some times it's hard to lead if you're not at all certain of the path. I try to keep up, and read the opinions of people I mostly trust (you are one of them). I'd like to think most of us are moving in the same direction and support each other as best we can.
I meant no disrespect, in fact I enjoy your posts.
Some times it's hard to lead if you're not at all certain of the path. I try to keep up, and read the opinions of people I mostly trust (you are one of them). I'd like to think most of us are moving in the same direction and support each other as best we can.
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Larry Dooley
22 May, 06:55
In response Julie Casey to her Publication
I'm thinking Doq might be right. If you notice, an awful lot has transpired since 2017. Then add all the work that Pres Trump accomplished even with all the crap thrown at him ( God love him), all the Q posts, all the scenarios about what might be going does get a bit tedious. I get the part about "when it's time, on a schedule we are not aware of, then it's time. Apparently, it ain't time yet. Even with the Durham disclosures, all these congressional hearings, and now we have articles of impeachment on various people, and don't forget, the debit ceiling, ( say that with your best creepy voice), and what do we have?
We have Doq saying what I've been thinking. I can't see behind the scenes. I'm told to enjoy the movie. OK I have the popcorn, I think I can remember the plot, and I will even admit the last 3 weeks have been interesting.
I'm not hanging on every little thing now.
Doq might be right, I'll wait to see if/when something substantial happens.
We have Doq saying what I've been thinking. I can't see behind the scenes. I'm told to enjoy the movie. OK I have the popcorn, I think I can remember the plot, and I will even admit the last 3 weeks have been interesting.
I'm not hanging on every little thing now.
Doq might be right, I'll wait to see if/when something substantial happens.
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Larry Dooley
17 May, 06:06
In response Sarah Connor to her Publication
I'm right there with you. Great post. You've articulated it better than I ever did but this is real close to what I meant. Damned good post.
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Larry Dooley
15 May, 09:22
In response Aus Sco to his Publication
Don't know him. Related to Obama Kenya?
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