Another way to gently ease a nice juicy Red Pill down the throat of those you love...have them just look up at the clouds, i mean chemtrails...✈️✈️✈️
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NEW: Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC
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Every last one.
You find Patriots working on massive ideas like finance, energy, housing, media, health & medicine and you support them with everything you've got.
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Please send me your stories via DM, use your name or your avatar name or both which ever you like.
Jim Cue posted:
WE THE PEPEs MUST ALL MEET one day, somehow, to share our stories of Enlightenment, Love for our Country & PDJT, God's World and Her many Wonderful People & each other. I've never met any of U--but, I Truely Love each of U.
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The Great Awakening can’t activate completely until the majority of people are waking up, that’s why it’s called the Great Awakening
Slow drip - flood. No one is going to be able to handle the realization that a millennium’s old secret society of Luciferian Satan worshipers are sacrificing children until they at least believe the election was rigged.
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This is very dangerous territory! I already have a vendetta against the Nestles of the World. They steal our clean water, bottle it in petroleum products that poison our bodies and pollute our earth, and then sell it back to us.... but NOW, H2O is a freaking tradeable commodity for profit! This should alarm you!
What is stopping them from poisoning and polluting water supplies as a business incentive.
Think about it! The more water that is contaminated and the less water that is available and clean, the more money you can charge for it.
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This can’t be an accident, this can’t be coincidence... This means DECLAS coming soon.
IT’S (Declassification)
COMING SOON (the Truth)
To a THEATRE NEAR YOU (Media Blast)
28-Aug-2018 5:11:00 PM EDT
Do not force those not yet ready.
The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time.
Do not isolate yourself within your own family.
Dark to Light.
Impossible to DEFEND.
Impossible to IGNORE.
Stay Strong.
You are NOT ALONE.
Patriots ALL.
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Remember Sarah worked for Epstein bringing him probably thousands of underage girls. In exchange she lives a lavish lifestyle.
Check this photo taken last year of the "yacht girls"
Her and Meghan Markle (Another "Yacht Girl")
Remember Trump said he didnt care for her and he wished Harry all the luck cuz he's gonna need it
#epsteindidntkillhimself #ThesePeopleAreSick #ENDHumanTraficking #wwg1wga
Drop anything you got on this below FRENS 🐸🐸🐸
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If you are too afraid to speak against ppl on social media who hold ZERO power over you, how do you expect to be able to speak out against your local elected officials that do, who have been doing REALLY fucked up evil shit behind closed doors?
You've been conditioned FAR too long to keep your head down & stay quiet, which actually allows assholes who shouldn't have power to walk all over you. (Even in this movement)
The most important thing President Trump is giving back to you, isn't money that was stolen. It's your VOICE that was stifled, trampled on & stolen.
Sacred geometry of the universe flows from WITHIN you via frequency.
The power within you is YOUR VOICE.
JFK's grandchildren singing "TIMBER" ring a bell?
Timber > Timbre
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Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check to Start Thriving Home Garden to Feed His Community
Elias Marat - A man from East Tampa, Florida, decided to use his funds to invest in a much more long-term project, a food garden. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
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Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
By Phantom31 on GAB:
Right so we know Trump is making an announcement Sunday 28th, dare say Gesara and military in control, we know 30 days was the word from Flynn, we know 2 days ahead of schedule, leaves 28 days, we know 27th of March Trump is reinstated, which is 28 days after 28th February, we know Trump was looking forward to 1st January, we know ancient Roman calendar March is the 1st month, we know ides of March which is also a full moon that falls on the 15th. Debts gone, and we also know that they believe and the saying was March is the month of STORMS.!!!! Boom!!!!
< 4 pictures >
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After 3 1/2 years of making videos I decided to make an intro video for my channel :) So for those new to my channel, buckle up, it's time to embody your higher self. Please Like, share and subscribe if my channel resonates with you :)
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Matthew Wood new book release.
'The universal themes and spiritual technology of shamanism are all here: the coming-to-consciousness of the animal self (Abraham and the ram), the Castaneda-like wrestling with the spirit being (Jacob and the “angel”), the wisdom of Nature (Melchizedek), spiritual obedience and spiritual freedom (Ishmael and Isaac), warriorship (Tamar) and dreaming true (Joseph). There is no virtue in “believing” in these stories; they are to be experienced—“it is all within you.”

Seven Guideposts The Shamanic Story in Genesis Matthew Wood
What could shamanism and the old story of Adam and Eve have in common? Everything, as it turns out. The sagas in the book of Genesis date back three thousand and more years, drawing on a time when oral history not only preserved stories of ancestors and the origins of the world but reflected the uni.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather ( Geoengineering Watch )
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