vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
23 February, 02:31
Ever occur to you all your collective energies might have once worked extremely hard in synchronicity as the bonding agent that once held a galaxy together & that becoming human was a chance to take a break & just relax, look up at the heavens while watching your children play in the yard? Kinda seems like we were denied that break, doesn't it. Here you all are, working hard as hell together again to take down a bunch of asshoe's to fix that. ⚡♾⚡

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
15 May, 05:51
From Raisin Cain on Telegram -
Can anyone who still has an Anon Up or Twitter post my channel on there? There is still a lot of people that don't know I'm over here and I've deleted all accounts except for this one.


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
24 March, 01:17
Previous Tanzania President was ANTI - VAX & spoke out AGAINST the COVID narrative when he tested fruit, motor oil, various animals & the results came back positive for COVID.

He called out the globalists on TV for their COVID-19 SCAM. Then he mysteriously died.

Looks like Hillary Clinton is happy with his replacement.

Coup d'etat in real-time.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
23 March, 08:36
Doug Ford, The first minister of the Canadian province of Ontario and the province's head of government, says, "There's no politician in Canada that will disagree with the Chief Medical Officer."

2nd video I stitched is the Chief Medical Officers of Canada on a hot mic moment literally saying, "I don't know why I bring all these papers. I never read the COVID statistics. I just say whatever they write down for me." > Whatever they put on the teleprompter.

The Fake News organizations are the ones controlling this entire COVID-19 narrative.
There's 3 organizations you need to own / control via funding, to push a narrative & make the entire world believe they're sick.
1. The education / school system
2. Hospitals
3. The news.

The vaccine wasn't created for COVID-19. COVID-19 was created for the "vaccine."
[They] have syphoned Trillions of dollars from this pLandemic.

THIS is what President Trump 'n' Company has assembled you all here to fight. The corrupt establishme

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
24 March, 12:01
The "EVERGIVEN" cargo ship that caused a traffic jam in the Suez Canal suffered a "Blackout" which caused all the commotion.
"Blackout necessary" 😳

Hillary Clinton's Evergreen shipping containers > Scott Borgerson > Ghislaine Maxwell / Epstein.

That might be the intent of the Evergreen comms tonight. Show the world what the Clinton's have been doing. Leak the footage of the Clinton's human trafficking operations, online. Fake News won't cover it. They'll try to hide it.
They're so fucked if they try to cover it up.
Why bring up how much the Evergreen containers are worth? Why is it valued so high? 🤔

"You can't tell people the truth. You must SHOW them."

Look at this thread.
It's from 3:09 pm.
Went viral across many platforms.
Well, it's contents did...not the author.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
23 March, 08:36
Doug Ford, The first minister of the Canadian province of Ontario and the province's head of government, says, "There's no politician in Canada that will disagree with the Chief Medical Officer."

2nd video I stitched is the Chief Medical Officers of Canada on a hot mic moment literally saying, "I don't know why I bring all these papers. I never read the COVID statistics. I just say whatever they write down for me." > Whatever they put on the teleprompter.

The Fake News organizations are the ones controlling this entire COVID-19 narrative.
There's 3 organizations you need to own / control via funding, to push a narrative & make the entire world believe they're sick.
1. The education / school system
2. Hospitals
3. The news.

The vaccine wasn't created for COVID-19. COVID-19 was created for the "vaccine."
[They] have syphoned Trillions of dollars from this pLandemic.

THIS is what President Trump 'n' Company has assembled you all here to fight. The corrupt establishme

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
18 March, 11:18
I wonder why Pelosi would say that...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
18 March, 11:07
CBS anti-gun narrative push.
Threat against the Vice President, Kamala (Head-board) Harris.

1) Will be spun & blamed on conservative.

2) Let's see if [They] push the "alt-right conspiracy theories." (QAnon)

3) Marjorie Taylor Greene you better get ready to swing if [They] do a "QAnon" spin on this, cuz they'll be verbally coming for you.

Fucking CBS comment section is full of Trump hate, anti - Republicans & anti - 2nd ammendment folks.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
02 March, 10:47
Fake News really is Fake News.
"You're watching a movie."
& it's full of CGI trickery. 👀
Where do the papers & his hand disappear to?!

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
01 March, 07:34
Don't forget it's ok to break down. I've done it multiple times. You're not showing weakness, you're showing humility & it's that very humility that will be used to construct a new world.

It hurts just as bad knowing we can only sit back & watch.


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
01 March, 08:00
Flashing #17 is all it takes to trigger Fake News.

I'm shocked cancel culture hasn't tried to remove Q from the alphabet & 17 from the numbers table yet.

All I know is, if the media's against something, we shouldn't be.
Wonder how much they've spent on 'Qanon' hit pieces by now.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
01 March, 07:06
Biden's 2021 State of Union address.
Looks like they didn't get the green light to air the pre-recorded event yet.

WTF. PBS gotta change their name to PBR. They're fucking drunk...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 07:31
The raw emotion of our citizens is EXACTLY what this country needs right now.


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 07:07
President Trump ~"We need to ensure that America, not China, dominates the future of the world."

Under CCP rule, that future does NOT include freedom of....anything.

Another major problem we have is allowing China to send its ppl over here to our schools & colleges, then immediately runs back to China to then use that education to further benefit & empower China.

That needs to stop.

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
28 February, 06:49
To the people who still doubt what is actually happening...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 06:16
Joe Biden got his SHOT!

"We had the military, what they've done, our generals & all of the ppl what they've done is incredible. We took care of a lot of ppl, including I guess on Dec 21st we took care of Joe Biden, cuz he got his shot".

Last year I told you guys Joe Biden & his cohorts have been replaced with BAD ACTORS, purposefully tasked with pulling down their pants to expose themselves to the public via script, to wake up the masses.

As I've said, these monsters were IMMEDIATE THREATS 2 humanity & needed 2 be dealt with quickly, but President Trump couldn't announce [Their] apprehensions due 2 Fake News brainwashing the masses into believing, "Orange man bad."

Ppl would have mass assembled in the streets chanting, "Trump's trying 2 cover up his crimes."

As I've been saying, these sick occult fucks embedded in news & politics that have hidden so well 4 so long, didn't just suddenly get stupid & sloppy out of the blue. SCRIPTED!

& the ppl ARE waking up!


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 05:29
President Trump ~"Actually as you know [They] just lost the White House." TROLLING!!
Castle Rock Studios! 🤣


I like how he says, "I may even decide to beat [Them] for a 3rd time."

We ALL know Trump won the 2020 election!

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 01:22
Hoping Trump's messege to Biden at CPAC today be like...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 12:59
Vincent Fusca showing up to CPAC. Of course he's there! 🇺🇸😁🇺🇸

There's more ppl in the streets than Biden had at his 'inauguration'.
Trump is still our President.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 12:53
Indictments soon? 😳
Great to hear on the day of Trump's CPAC speech.

I bet President Trump can still top today's news...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
28 February, 11:00
President Trump ~"We're gonna win & we're gonna win big. Q just watch. We have the cards, [They] don't."

Anyone else pumped for Trump's speech today at CPAC?!

3:40 pm Eastern Time

Link -

🖕Fall Cabal🖕

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
27 February, 06:53
Biggest fucking frog I've ever seen!

I shall name him King Trump cuz he eats snakes for breakfast, CNN for lunch & CIA for dinner.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
27 February, 11:46
Kansas is gonna sling some tornadoes of truth!
Tune in...

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
27 February, 11:37
General Flynn ~"We must now create an environment in which the American people demand the necessary solutions to repair this broken election system. The people need to find out “what really happened.” What is the matter with discovering the truth? Eventually, the truth will rise to the top.

Interesting, "What Happened" is a 2017 memoir by Hillary Clinton, excuses & fabrications of why she lost to Donald Trump & General Flynn quotes, "What really happened."

I think America is about to find out...


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
26 February, 02:10
President Trump's top aid ~"Buckle up for Sunday, if you're part of the swamp, Big Tech / Media, or part of Joe Biden's radical left wing mob, you're being put on notice".

President Trump's CPAC speech on Sunday is going to be YUGE! Make sure you tune in! I know I wouldn't miss it!

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
26 February, 01:23
Dan Scavino tweets a flag at half mast today.
Appropriate considering the Supreme Court is fucking dead to us.

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
26 February, 12:24
COVID-19 test given to woman with tourette syndrome.
NOW, is it her tourettes doing this, or her survival instincts?
It's the double 🖕😐🖕 to the swab that did it for me! 🤣
This is how I would take it & I don't even have tourettes.
So would all of you & I absolutely LOVE you for it!

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
26 February, 11:17
More deep-fake Tom Cruise.
Makes you really wonder what we're seeing on TV.
Perhaps, a movie full of CGI

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
24 February, 08:06
New Dan Tweet...7:29 pm Eastern


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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
25 February, 10:42
DON'T be afraid to speak out AGAINST narratives being pushed upon you & ESPECIALLY don't be afraid to speak out AGAINST accounts that just don't sit right with you who are labeled "popular" / large accounts.

If you are too afraid to speak against ppl on social media who hold ZERO power over you, how do you expect to be able to speak out against your local elected officials that do, who have been doing REALLY fucked up evil shit behind closed doors?

You've been conditioned FAR too long to keep your head down & stay quiet, which actually allows assholes who shouldn't have power to walk all over you. (Even in this movement)

The most important thing President Trump is giving back to you, isn't money that was stolen. It's your VOICE that was stifled, trampled on & stolen.

Sacred geometry of the universe flows from WITHIN you via frequency.

The power within you is YOUR VOICE.
JFK's grandchildren singing "TIMBER" ring a bell?
Timber > Timbre

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