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They lived together for at least 5 years after they graduated college. My son, nephew, brother also his father and I all work at the same company so we are very close. This is breaking my heart.
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Can't access any funds from anywhere else,
and they got their own dang countries to rebuild to GREATNESS.
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Notre Dame reopening: Trump-Macron's ‘17-second' long handshake goes viral | World News - Hindustan Times
Social media erupted after both the leaders exchanged firm, prolonged handshakes with each other. But they didn't beat the record they set in 2017. | World News Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Hunter can talk now.
Hell, as many of you know, I suspect he's been talking for years behind the scenes.
But now they can begin rolling out 'the largest criminal investigations [note the plural, please] in modern day history.'
Declass is coming.
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Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race on Sunday. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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forces which are too unconventional
to be called conventional
forces which are growing in number
& importance
& significance.
For we now know that it is wholly misleading..
to say that our security rests only on the doctrine
of massive retaliation.
This is another type of war
new in its intensity
ancient in its origin —
war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins,
war by ambush, instead of by combat;
by infiltration, instead of aggression,
seeking victory by eroding & exhausting the enemy
instead of engaging him..
These are the kinds of challenges that will be before us..
If freedom is to be saved
a whole new kind of strategy,
a wholly different kind of force,
& therefore a new & wholly different kind of military training."
🦅🇺🇸 President John F. Kennedy,
West Point Commencement, June 1962
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Former White House official dies of injuries after jet turbulence
Dana Hyde, who served at the State Department and as an international aid official, was remembered as a “brilliant and generous colleague" and a loving mother. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Sending this out to all my Anon family & asking for your prayers for a new Mama today…..
My sweet cousin, Krystal, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on 2/9. They had to do an emergency C-Section as Krystal’s BP went sky high & she was having trouble breathing. Diagnosis, Preeclampsia. This quickly led to pulmonary edema, her BP bottomed out & they couldn’t stabilize bc of rapidly developing complications. She was moved to ICU, in critical condition.
Yesterday she was airlifted to a hospital that has an ECOM machine. She is now on that machine (it pumps & oxygenates her blood, outside of her body, allowing her heart & lungs to rest). She is totally sedated, vented and restrained. Literally on life support.
Little Alexandra comes home today, new Dad is scared to death all are very worried. Krystal has a long road to recovery & there are no changes, so far today, so your prayers will be dearly appreciated. Thank you, thank you. ❤️🙏
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Pictured is my daughter upon reunification with her 11 month old daughter after 10 months separated.
My daughter and 6 grandchildren suffered a horrific domestic abuse and were separated for 10 months. She was kept captive by her abuser and suffered greatly. After lots of prayers, the family is being reunited but is in need of financial assistance. She is left to piece together their lives left behind by this abuse. Broken windows ( Winter in NE) and broken furniture, car repairs as she needs to transport young ones to day care and school and heating costs. She is currently in arrears 2,600 to gas co. I, being widowed in 2021 have helped all I can at this point. Please, if it is in your heart to donate, please do. Share if the spirit moves you to do so. as well. God bless us and lift us all.
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Now DS using ballons for survailence?
If MSM says they're CCP, then they're not CCP.
So of coarse DS won't shoot them down.
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Jury Finds Mark Houck Not Guilty on Bogus Biden Admin Charges -
Life News Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Abp. Viganò: Trump's LGBT gala shows Deep State has 'contaminated the entire political elite' - LifeSite
The Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396