TrueView Patriot @TimA
09 June, 06:56
Australia’s biggest Covid quarantine camp to close after housing thousands of returned citizens as the NT declares the pandemic is OVER and scraps vaccine mandates and ALL rules
9 June 2022

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
04 June, 06:10
Elon is using his 96.5 million followers to ‘poke the bear.’
His 3:47 timestamp might just be a prognostication of whats to come.

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LanieLou _MAGADonian @LanieLou_MAGADonian
04 June, 06:15
The Military Earth Alliance’s covert operations has neutralized top level parasitic elites, bloodline families & secret societies in the last several years. Vatican City, City of London, Washington DC, Federal Reserve & central banks are all seized.

The lower minions (high executives) are at a crossroad — do the right thing or continue to march the NWO agenda? The don't know Masters have flipped. Lots people in these brackets.

This is confusion & fog of war we are witnessing. ✨👁✨


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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
29 March, 07:06
The work that anons do cannot be bought at any price. The humour, the authenticity, the rawness — all feeds into an unrelenting determination to overcome the darkness and deceit. We threw enough sand into the gears of their propaganda machine to break it, but without being broken ourselves via isolation and demoralisation. Somewhere there will be a military model which says how many lives were saved by the anons. Might be surprisingly large...

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
29 March, 07:46
I intuitively know that 'we have it all' means exactly that. Anons have to sit with the knowledge (inferred, evidenced, rational) that a flood of damning, incontrovertible, and indefensible information will be released at some point. Documents, confessions, videos — no shortage of proof to destroy the old paradigm.

The waiting, however, is torture. Literal psychological torture. All kinds of professional, personal, and family relationships degrade and break. Injustices are heaped upon us. Our world becomes a game of attrition and willingness to 'hold the line' in an epic test of faith.

I dread to think how many we have lost to alcoholism, overdoses, disease, suicide, and mental breakdown. I have had my own struggles offstage, and yet I am still here. Mass awakening is the end of our nightmare of 'trial by patience'. Nothing could ever be sweeter.

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
07 May, 07:38
What they dont know:
🔴 The auditors will be able to easily crack the password and get into the system without the explicit cooperation of Dominion or Maricopa County.


End result:
🔴 Everyone learns that Dominion was running the show in at least Maricopa county.
🔴 Auditors also get to see the logs, settings, and whatever else is hidden behind the admin password.

You can’t have information security without physical security.

The auditors have had access to the physical machines which means any data on the machines can likely be trivially cracked.
Sure there are many types of encryption that can’t be trivially cracked, but from what I understand of Dominion, weak information security practices may actually have been a FEATURE of their systems.

It is unlikely that the Dominion source code is in the password-locked admin panel.

= PART 2 =

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[30] Exact @Gq1620
07 May, 07:32
Donald J. Trump
1:41pm May 7, 2021

Josh Hawley, our fantastic Senator from the beautiful and great State of Missouri, has a fantastic new book, just out this week, about the terrible Big Tech companies and their attempt to ruin our Country. It’s called The Tyranny of Big Tech—it has my Full and Complete Endorsement. Buy it now!


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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
04 May, 05:04

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Shannon Briggs @Shannon_0017
07 May, 07:38


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Tom Carr @RiseAgain17
20 April, 12:39
The #BidenCrimeFamily was worse than the #ClintonCrimeFamily !

Biden owned an island next to Jeffery Epstein’s child torture chamber of satanic sex abuse!
Biden was executed years ago, and is being played by a double/clone to mock and wake up the sleeping sheep that remain under mind control! (#ProjectMockingbird )
(“He’s Shot”, “He is missing half his head”
-President Trump tried to explain this in code)

Biden and Kamala Harris were literally the two worst possible candidates, that’s why President Trump selected them. (“You ain’t Black”) was mocking Harris! Also the two hated one another, and had a contentious debate years ago!

JFK Jr. called Biden a traitor back in the early 1990’s and filed charges on him for the attempted kidnapping of him, as both Biden and Clinton Family’s knew of JRs plan to overthrow the Deep States Swamp of Globalist Government scum!
You are watching a movie! 🍿🎥
The truth will set you free!
#wwg1wga ♒️

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20 April, 10:36
💣 CIVIL UNREST - Leaked Memo Reveals Soros Plan for Federally Controlled Police.

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Kathleen Ahern @SaiKate108
09 April, 12:53
George live chat just indicated that Q will post again.
Hold the wine.

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Mac 691 @Mac691
12 April, 08:30
MUST WATCH: Truth Bombs coming out about EVERGREEN // EVER GIVEN. Turkey Is reporting it on the news! Hidden contents of the Evergreen. The video is in Turkish, but with English subtitles.
@vincentkennedy @qjmoss @PunishDem1776 @LoveTump @ellestar @Peacock6 @AWISHNSTAR @MrDeeds1111 @DianAandDennis PatriotSher @sabrinagal @DJT_JFKJr CarmindaB @MrsClaus @PATRICK @peaceinamerica1 @martingeddes @doqholliday lostsailor @jonellam @sparkledocawake @DongaldTrunk
@MonkeyWerks @inthematrixxx caseydee521 @WhitestoneFineArt
@HiiiPow3r @ghostezra @DanUSCG brad_ayers

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1Red Cracker @CrackersCuzin
12 April, 07:30
Who else knew this?

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
12 April, 08:10

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Detective RedPanda17News @RealPersonJedi
12 April, 07:50

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
12 April, 09:44
General Flynn comfirms that Trump is STILL President! Its the only proof I need!

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Shannon Briggs @Shannon_0017
12 April, 10:04
New Mr Pool

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Shannon Briggs @Shannon_0017
12 April, 10:04
New Mr Pool

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Shannon Briggs @Shannon_0017
12 April, 10:04
New Mr Pool

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Shannon Briggs @Shannon_0017
11 April, 09:20

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 April, 08:51

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18 March, 08:48
100 Percent on Point!

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Pixie Dust @Declassifianon
22 March, 06:09

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Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Mac 691 @Mac691
19 March, 10:46

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
21 March, 04:49

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
21 March, 04:49

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Hawkeye 1745 @Hawkeye1745
21 March, 04:59

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Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) @i4ni2th4a2th
21 March, 03:10
Dollar Sign = Egyptian Deity($=I$I$=ISIS)

The magic STAFF that MOSES turned into a SNAKE for the PHAROH was given to him by JETHRO the HIGH PRIEST of MIDIAN.

I (STAFF) + S (Snake) = I$I$ = ISIS

The word MEDIA comes from the ancient town of MEDEA which is where ancient sorcerers lived, practiced black magic and honed their dark arts becoming proficient in hexes, spells, vexes, voodoo, and psychic manipulation. In those days if a king or chieftain couldn’t settle a dispute in the royal court or in the battlefield they would hire a Median witch doctor to cast spells on their enemies. They have been using the symbolic power of words, colors, light, hand gestures and mood altering images for aeons infused with mysticism for their own self serving ends (Midian/Medea/Media/MSM - literal modern day social media marketing soothsayers - it’s an intricate & unbroken line).

(I+Sx2 = ROD/STAFF = I$I$)

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