The Great Awakening through Spiral Dynamics
A framework for understanding society’s response to Q
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What’s occupying most of your mind right now?
+ Hope everyone has a good day! ❤️
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I just want to say thank you very much to everyone, especially those who take the time and effort to like and share my nightly Q Delta drops!
A lot of time and effort goes into these drops to help inform and encourage those to do their own research everything Q and Q+ related. 🐸
Thanks for your time,
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Oh PlZ God hope London is on the list !
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Looks like just another :38 second video as Trump leaves for Nevada but look closer at the 0:05 mark.
What do you see?
👉 That’s right. A MILITARY transport plane. The same military transport plane that carries equipment for a Presidential motorcade.
👉 We can get impatient, we can get frustrated with the timing. I don’t blame anyone for that. We are all human.
But you cannot deny who the real Commander in Chief is. And as long as we keep seeing things like this, we can all rest assured that Patriots are in control.
🔗 https://x.com/danscavino/s...
From Dave NewsTreason Media
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So far we've had Floridian alien zombie creatures, more Epstein docs where Stephen Hawking allegedly attends group "story-time". Also, Epstein may actually be alive, Trumps lawyer calls Bill a pedo...
...and the debt clock's gone mental.
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I am not in the loop but it`s coming very soon
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I luv and respect you all
We been fighting this BS for years
But yet your still Here
We are Sparton
We are all Warriors
And you have all my respect being here
No one says this enough as you are all real heroes
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love you all
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Big Reveal
BIG Reveal
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Love ya all.
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Martin Geddes Photography - digital downloads & prints
Martin Geddes Photography's photography store - purchase framed prints and canvasses, or license stock images for editorial, commercial or advertising use.
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wanted to say thank you to everyone of you for your likes follows repost and comments. It means more to me than you know. I don't want to get to personal. However, just know that all the above mentioned has helped and continues to help me through some very difficult life challenges. For that, I am truly grateful. Now, carry on with the plan of the day. I dug through the shit for you. Here's what I found. Enjoy Frens!!! 👊😎
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Sometimes I post Doom
Sometimes I post Hope
but at the End of the Day
My one and only goal is too Keep us all Alive
God Bless
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Truth is that they were pretty straight forward and forced people to consider concepts we would have never before.
For example: Who Audits the billions paid for war?
Seems pretty relevant now doesn't it?
After 911 I proudly supported kicking terrorist ass over seas. I didn't give it much thought past that.
But go look up US foreign aid through the years. Go look up how many billions we sent to Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 to 2016...
It's been a way to launder our tax dollars the entire time.
What is happening in Ukraine is nothing new. We just never paid attention before.
The Q posts made us think about these things. They also caused people to notice that Trump was DEcreasing the money sent over seas. This is why the current rush to pour money to Ukraine. Because for 4 years the siphon was shut off.
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The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World) - martingeddes
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”― George Orwell I have had some interesting conversations in the last few weeks that explain why I am getting overloaded and struggling to take on tasks I would in the past have found unpr..
https://www.martingeddes.com/the-reconstruction-of-reality-or-how-autists-saved-the-world/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396