Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
11 July, 07:13
In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication
I NEVER called you names !! Talk about feeling sour cause someone CALLED YOU OUT !! Wow STILL pathetic behavior ! Not telling the truth !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
11 July, 09:19
In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication
You STILL do not get it.. Let me give it to you simple so even you can understand !!!! STOP FREAKING LYING TO US !!!! Do real reporting where both sides are covered. BUT you WON"T !! It is PATHETIC at this point .. How about the monster Joe Biden or His Son . Bill Gates and his pokie thing. How about looking into De Death himself Faucci !! Because it would paint a different version of the story you all want us to blindly follow no questions. It pisses you off when we go out of our boundaries you all put up.. TELL THE DAMM TRUTH ON ALL SIDES . It is that freaking simple !!!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
10 July, 09:18
In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication
IF AND I MEAN IF she was ANY KIND OF HONEST journalist she would have given ALL SIDES of the story not A story narrative SHE thinks she did deep dives on ( CLEARLY she did not ) Even I can dispute some SHIT she spewed out that is on the net now !! She just gave us her political opinion by calling nothing but names ! She shows her true colors of NOT wanting to be a trusted journalist ! This is getting TO SAD and PATHETIC from all of you . WE DESERVE BOTH sides to make our OWN opinion . Not just somebody calling people Hitler ! You're an EFFEN journalist we do not NEED your opinion . REPORT THE TRUTH !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
29 May, 12:12
In response T.M Manley to her Publication
I agree I'm about to retire ! LOOK OUT PEOPLE HERE I COME !!!!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
03 May, 08:46
In response Dan Smith to his Publication
THAT looks like Silver Creek falls !! A great place to hike under the falls !!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
01 March, 03:21
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
They are chemically treated and NO they are not . We had some as a border to a garden. IT RUINED the plants ! Had to burn them one by one

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
04 January, 09:23
In response Wethe People-UltraMAGA to his Publication
Everything you said IS what I went thru when I woke up.. Having said this,,, What came out of the ashes of tears was a WARRIOR for the kids . I lost friends from school to family but It took me a year of praying talking to my bff , she thought I was crazy for posting the truth .. Your right again.. I did not care. Still don't ! My faith in God would not let me rest and my own experience and that of my sister that God made me strong to handle this and be fearless when exposing this. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOREVER !!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
02 January, 09:03
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Heavenly Father. We come together to pray over this family that they can enjoy as much of it as possible with LOVING and HONEST conversations and the grace they need to get thru that only comes from you . We TY for family and friend who enter our lives to enrich and bless us with love. TY for showing us that you love us more than we love them. TY for Jesus in whom we place EV thing in including our salvation .Bless this family as only you can AMEN

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
14 December, 08:29
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I remember this because IPOT did a video of this !!!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
18 November, 12:52
In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication
See IPOT The Weatherman series ! He dose GREAT digs !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
12 November, 11:12
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
LOL ! My big brother can attest to this as fact. He said it was the most he was ever afraid of me.. He is 6 years older. But we never fought like that again.. HE GOT IT !! LOL

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
10 October, 02:58
In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication
One of my favorites !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
09 October, 11:37
In response Jimbo 66 ✓ᵈᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ to his Publication
This is good ! TY !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
08 October, 06:46
In response America First to her Publication
This was a good video ! I really like that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things ! To God be the GLORY FOREVER !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
20 September, 08:42
In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication
I have lost friends too all the way back to high school ! YES it hurts to know that you have loved someone so much and they think you are coo coo for coco puffs ! I have been shunned by my church family as well because I am a Trump supporter. When he ran against killery ! I look at it like this.. God woke me up to learn about history we have had hidden from us . WE WILL BE the ones who can explain all this to them when God reveals HIS plan. Our job is to be patience and accepting no matter what. Because God wants EVERYONE !! Even Moses only went as fast as the children and elderly so we must wait for his orders ! To GOD be the glory forever

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
17 September, 11:12
In response Jason Webber to his Publication
Amazing Polly did a big dig on him... they are all in on it...

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
14 September, 08:14
In response some one special to some to her Publication
Congrats to you and yours. Piece od advise. Make everythibg you do with them an adventure. Before you know it they will call you and ask for adventures... Mine think everything we do is an adventure !!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
04 August, 09:43
In response I am Keri to her Publication
Heavenly Father hear this mighty prayer for Jimmy, he needs you so much and his family can not be with him in this darkness, In the name of Yeshua we command light and guidance in his spirit the kind that finds his way to you Lord of host ! We THANK YOU on bended knee for any and all blessings in this manner . Cover the family with peace and grace . Holy Spirit intercept on his behalf to allow him to heal 100%. Give the Dr's the right tools or knowledge they need to guide him back . In Yeshua's name AMEN ! God be with you my friend !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
31 July, 09:37
In response Courtney Webster to her Publication
YES ! It is a nightmare ! I know because my own son is going thru the same thing ! I can tell you how HEARTBREAKING it is to watch your child pick up something from the street and eat it because he was starving ! Or how many tents sleeping bags and food I bought to make sure he was somewhat taken care of . But he would not do ANYTHING to help himself. I am called every name in the book. Nothing I or anyone said mattered ! They need to want help ! I have been PRAYING for 20 years now ! Not sure why mine is not answered . He is a believer and knows the Bible almost word for word !! PRAYER is all we have over them . So it is all I do ! YES it makes you crazy ! That is what the enemy wants ! I know in my heart that God WILL make this right. It hurts to no end knowing I can not tell one of his sons who he is If I mention my son name my grandchild gets taken away . It hurts to know how much people hate him .. I have to give God total control no matter what ! It is all I got !!! PRAYERS

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
23 July, 09:05
In response Brave Grace to her Publication
KEEP working on your garden ! We also are learning this process. We found out we LOVE IT !! we have also have sucess and failures but it is a learning process ! The harvest gives you gratitude. Espically when you share your all grown homemade salsa with you friends and co workers !! STAY AT IT !! you can only get better !! MUCH LOVE to you patriot !!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
30 June, 11:58
In response deborah sidener to her Publication
Heavenly Father we come together to pray for Debbie . Lord she is fighting with all her heart. We Pray that YOU would give her a miracle healing We believe in your words that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.. We ask that you bind the any enemy that would hinder her COMPLETE healing IN JESUS NAME !! Thank you Father for any and all blessings AMEN !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
28 June, 11:06
In response Pepe _T_ to his Publication

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
26 June, 11:35
In response Pepe _T_ to his Publication
It IS BEAUTIFUL there Pepe.. It is ALSO something we have thought about... SADLY we live in Oregon , It IS ALSO a beautiful state they are KILLING on purpose .

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
23 June, 10:47
In response Nancy Cottrell to her Publication
Where I work we see a lot of homeless people. There is one however that I feel a bond with I keep five dollars for. She is not on drugs. She has some sort of mental illness. My daughter works with the homeless as here job.. I am so proud of her.. We are called not to judge. I will buy food for most but rarely give cash . Only once was I creeped out with someone

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
19 June, 09:57
In response Royal Raven to her Publication
Heavenly Father we humbly come together and pray that you would allow a Father and Son to have a conversation. We lean into your understanding. We thank you for the guidance your provide and ask for comfort to surround this family as they go thru this trying time. Amen !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
21 May, 01:14
In response Ana Tate to her Publication
YHWH we humbly come to you to pray over Wayne and his family please surround him and his family with mana that comes only from you surrounding them with Angels to cover and protect them. We bind the enemy from any and all blessings they will receive in the mighty name of YESHUA AMEN ! Thank You in advance !!!

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
18 May, 04:37
In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication
I live in Or too ! It SUCKS the way they are taking this state !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
17 May, 12:39
In response Chris Jaksha to his Publication
Heavenly Father, grand parents are one of the true carriers of love and heritage.. We see the love and respect this family has for each other and THANK YOU for this.. WE humbly ask that you cover them all as they transition thru this sad and loving time.. The memories our grand parents teach us , take them back as well to see little parts of them in us. This is what family is.. We Humbly ask that you be the biggest part and give them strength and allow all the glory of life and death to you !! IN YESHUA's name AMEN !

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
16 May, 09:07
In response Dottie French to her Publication
You are !))?% correct ... Look here not here where we will invade your state and make it ours.. exactly what they are doing to Minnesota.. Just look at Ilhan ...Now look at how hard Minnesota is fighting ... Makes you wonder if all those settlements they have been secretly creating if they are illegally voting in our election .

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Renee Nohren @Mtngirl503
08 May, 09:05
In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication
Also they have to be bonded to be licensed so SUE the BOND company and the board for letting them !!

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