Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
03 July, 02:25
In response Brian Doney to his Publication
Anytime you like to discuss, Nana is usually around.
I know there are many that think Nana is batshit crazy but that is alright.
When all the truth comes out and more ppl get to a higher level of awake, they will come around.

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Jimbo _66 @Jimbo0566
28 April, 02:44
(I Thought I already posted this last night...)๐Ÿ˜•

* Be careful who you are following. , Some are profiting off this movement.
* Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? , Think logically.
* To some, itโ€™s only about the money.
* Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
* The hard part is coming to an end. [Q+]
* The next phase will bring JUSTICE. [Q+]
* They fall for it every single time. , Risk. , Watch what happens.
* Why would in-game chat be disabled during [FF event(s)]?
* Be ready.

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
02 February, 08:05
Let's get this collapse done... so we can move on to reconstruction. I think the physical infrastructure is the easy bit. The cultural part is much more of a challenge.

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Vincent KennedyโŸ donated @VincentKennedy
21 April, 06:10
Getting Q 8Kun vibes.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
11 July, 09:05
What say we bring down the fear levels just a bit with a tad bit of logic.

Personal opinion incoming>>>>
Nana believes that Q & Trumps small team know the future, for Me, I base this on my research for the last 2+yrs of "The Cube" "Project Looking Glass" "Cern" & portals & on the fact that I myself have been able to visit other timelines & have been shown space travel, jump gates and such by my guides.
#2 -I wholeheartedly believe that the US Navy is working with Simon Parkes to set up a headquarters in FL to open Medbed/Consciousness centers in ever state in the US and same in the UK.
#3 - I am not sure about the 3 day or 10 day shutdown for the EBS systems to inform the public if, when, and how that will happen even if it does happen who will cause it, but if it does, I believe they have systems already in place and plans to get us back online very quickly. We should always be prepared for a month of say no power & things like that anytime not just now.
Continue in next post

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Desert Dog @Zippydog
27 June, 12:37
In response Brenna Jay to her Publication
At this point we have covered world controlled by evil baby eating pedophile sex traffickers, vatican and pope evil, london and queen evil, DC and politicians corrupt and evil, CEO's evil, banks evil, media evil, tunnels miles long and miles deep full of God knows what doing God knows what, public people are actually actors in masks, Russia and China in on it, men are women and women are men, aliens, flat earth, fake moon landing, jfk jr alive. So what could possibly shock anyone at this point? Let me guess, we are fixin to find out?

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
09 June, 09:40
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I live in a small mountain town in Colorado, population 26,000. We had 15 deaths associated with covid
( cannot say FROM covid since the numbers are unreliabe). But we had 17 SUICIDES during the plan-demic! It is very rare to hear of any suicides in our community. This is the devastating result of tyranny. ๐Ÿ˜ข

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Gen Flynn @GenFlynn
24 May, 07:59

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Bob BIGB @Bob13V
05 June, 08:22
Would you?

Join us here โžฃ PompeoChannel
in telegram

FOLLOW @QPatriot17

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Salliari Stevens @Sally
03 June, 04:17

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Mrs. Foster @SpreadTruth
26 May, 07:18
In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

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I AM Cedaina donated @CDDanford
24 May, 07:42
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I like it, no, I LOVE it! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘Š

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Morgan Kevins @MorganKevins
24 May, 05:56
Big Crowds Gathering, Enemy In Survival Mode! Together We Win! Pray! โ€“ AWK Must Video
#survival #ENEMY #Military

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Freedom Patriot @HeatherX
24 May, 10:27

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
24 May, 12:53
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
24 May, 02:09
Iโ€™m open to the earth being flat but I just donโ€™t see how itโ€™s possible.

The sun โ€œsetsโ€ beneath the horizon on the ocean every night. You can see it. Itโ€™s not just heading north in a circular pattern.

Ships lights on the ocean are only visible from a certain distance due to the curvature of the earth.

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Tim Larlee @timlar
22 May, 08:29
wall street crashing and burning
crypto also
central banks falling
thousands of corporations failing
big pharma will be pulverized.
The people are fighting back ad lock downs, masks etc will end.
Incoming huge announcement on EBS
we are days away from a AZ and GA reveal of audit
The actor Biden will step down
The big reveal will wake people up to the vaccines too.

tier 4B notifications for exchanges.
Then the public tier 5
humanitarian funds.
Farm loans are right now being processed and paid out after 20 years.
Debt removal
benefits to seniors
6000 technologies
hover cars
free energy
new internet
new quantum education
new governments under constitutional law
all taxes will be returned as they are illegal.
Healing med beds

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Doctor Precipice @DrPrecipice
15 May, 04:33
I remember when we were on twitter in the beginning of this scamdemic. Many anons rose and yet we weren't the first. There have been people waiting for 4+ years for this moment. Now here we are, a mix of everybody. I'm seeing things I've seen before and things I haven't seen through this site. If you don't believe in the great awakening yet, it's because you haven't been through the trenches others have. Just remember that the soldier that speaks to you could be one that has waited forever. Stay humble. Stay focused. The best is yet to come. Rejoice.

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Thungawd ... @Bipitybopityboo
16 May, 04:58
โ€œThose who voted for Trump but gave up on him, will deeply regret it. Go ahead and bookmark this. Take a picture. Write it on your refrigerator. The scope of things to come is astounding. All great things. Power back to We the People.โ€

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mike fitzpatrick @mikefitz4
14 May, 03:12
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I don' block people. I'll leave that to those living in a world of fiction that don't want reality coming in.

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
08 May, 10:24
I had to pull over to make a phone call... I saw our Beloved Flag flying, pulled in, only to find it standing in a cemetery of all things.

The very first spot in the cemetery?
A Veterans Memorial.

I spent a bit of time, to honor their sacrifice, before getting back on the road home.


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Phoenix Rizing @PhoenixRizing
06 May, 04:36
In response SPORTS to his Publication
When you find out the truth about what has and will happen, and what has been prevented, you will be grateful for what you now perceive as a shit show. Thank God Almighty for assembling the amazing team that is standing up for the people.

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
28 April, 08:55
Wanna make yourself feel better?
Hang a giant heart and a big 'ol Q on a Bridge...
Works every time ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™



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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
27 April, 02:50
Ppl can call Nana crazy I really dont give a shit. Nana is just a normal everyday old lady that has been a foot washing Baptist my whole life with a "Fookn show me" attitude about everything but God.
He ALREADY showed me decades ago with my NDE & a vision I had of him last yr.
He held out his hand and said "Ppl should listen because my angels are already there" He was golden light energy with angels all around not a man.

I dont want any money from anyone and I am not out for anything that is against God.
But I am telling you that we all have the ability to connect with God inside of us and we are eternal light energy beings inside of this earth suit. There are many other planets and species that are the same (light beings inside different vessels)
Believe, dont believe, is up to you. I am TOO sane most days and i know what is happening!
You can do the same if you raise your frequencies and are only in service to the one God of the Universe!

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Nanette NYPatriot @Nanette
27 April, 12:02

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Sabrina Gal @Sabrinagal
26 April, 03:01

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Sabrina Gal @Sabrinagal
26 April, 02:59

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Save the Children @VeryQuantumVery
25 April, 02:53
Oprah gets my vote for the 1st Declas arrest/tribunal/public execution.

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
23 April, 04:03

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Miss Shelly @IbowonlytoGod
24 April, 11:14
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I imagine Mary at the cross. Did she know the plan? Did she bawl her eyes out? Simeon said her heart would be pierced. Makes me think she didnโ€™t know the plan but just trusted in Him. She knew it would be alright but i bet it hurt like hell for her. Is she ready to forgive, too? Yes, this was a great book of awareness!

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