Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
05 January, 02:20

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
05 January, 01:29

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
01 January, 11:21
. (dot) As Congress debates re-electing the ‘accidental’ speaker Mike Johnson, conservatives across the country should remember Speaker Mike cast the deciding vote to allow a secret court (FISA) to search American records without a warrant and to send $60 BILLION to Ukraine.


11:08 AM EST

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
03 January, 07:08
BREAKING: The Biggest News of 2025 – US Corporation DISSOLVED! Donald Trump Leads as Commander-in-Chief, Restoring America’s Sovereignty. Maritime Law is DEAD!

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1776 Life @pacu44
22 December, 10:03
I am asking everyone who sees this, to join or rejoin X, I love anonup but we need you there also

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1776 Life @pacu44
22 December, 10:00

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
24 November, 06:09
The CDC says that little 6 month old babies must get SEVEN doses of the Covid Vaccine 💉🚨🚨 in order to be considered fully “up to date” on their vaccinations.

This isn’t including the dozens of other vaccinations leading up to 6 months.

Pure evil.👿👿👿

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
24 November, 07:33
Shitshow Chicago: A clip of this weekend's downtown chaos.

People reported cars being jumped on, being beaten (sometimes robbed), multiple guns were recovered and at least one person was shot ( near the former Marshall Field's building on State Street.

16th & 17th District Chicago Police Scanner

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Anthony Michau18 @AnthonyMichau18
19 November, 01:50
F*ck around and find out.

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Anthony Michau18 @AnthonyMichau18
19 November, 01:57
Make the swamp a swamp again.

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Roy Herman Kellerman @RoyHermanKellerman
19 November, 12:56
13..... They always stick there satanic numbers in the headlines don't they?

So 157 people are responsible for four victims.... Remember Disney has their own government their own law enforcement they're all in on it

Let this sink again

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
19 November, 01:49

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
19 November, 02:17

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
19 November, 02:04
Emergency warning.

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1776 Life @pacu44
18 November, 01:43

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1776 Life @pacu44
18 November, 01:43

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1776 Life @pacu44
18 November, 01:43

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1776 Life @pacu44
18 November, 01:42

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1776 Life @pacu44
08 November, 04:56

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1776 Life @pacu44
05 November, 03:58

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1776 Life @pacu44
05 November, 03:58

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Kuntuzangpo 1776 @Kuntuzangpo1776
04 November, 07:46
“ My fellow Americans,

We have reached our final battle.

Tomorrow, We The People take back our country from the corrupt establishment.

A reckoning is coming. The People have had enough, and our vessel for retribution is Donald J Trump.

It has been an honor fighting alongside you all over the last 8 years, and I can honestly say that we have left no stone unturned. Despite every obstacle that was thrown at us, despite all the censorship and suppression, we managed to improvise, adapt, overcome, and thrive.

We outworked the MSM, administered millions and millions of red pills, shifted the Overton Window, and woke up as many normies as we could.

Now we have one last duty, and that’s to get Donald Trump across the finish line, so we can make this country great again.

Vote Trump. Save America.”

From Bio Clandestine


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04 November, 06:40

Square profile picture

America First Legal


NEW–Secretary Fontes didn't want to produce the list of 218,000 and appealed to the Court of Appeals.

His appeal was just REJECTED.

He must produce the list TODAY!

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
04 November, 06:55

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
04 November, 06:42

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1776 Life @pacu44
04 November, 06:57
@sercorimo u there?

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Margical ONE @IAMChristlight
04 November, 04:30
In response Davy Crocket to his Publication
🌟 Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments suggest a profound interconnection between our mental and physical well-being. If our thoughts and emotions can influence the molecular structure of water, and considering that the human body is composed largely of water, our mental states can similarly impact our own cellular health.

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Mye Sh’Rona @Ailgaard
04 November, 06:46

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1776 Life @pacu44
04 November, 05:31

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1776 Life @pacu44
04 November, 05:31
early anonup

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