09 February, 02:19

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
06 January, 03:55
1-5-25 🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
General george Patton was so excited about the advanced tech
& the anti-gravity systems
& he knew that this could change the world
& the way the world perceives energy
& this would be a life-changing
for the whole civilization of the world.
Patton wanted to share the information immediately...
but Allen Dulles warned him not to say a word..
General Patton threatened that he would release all the information..
General Patton was killed in a planned staged Auto accident
by the OSS... in late 1945…
JFK learned of the tech of ancient civilization under Antarctica
& was told why general george Patton was killed 💔🇺🇸🪖

🎥 [The world’s #1 Top UFO, UAPs / ETVs]
“..brought back an anti-gravity disk from Germany
with Allen Dulles & George Patton.
cuz of the energy systems it was using
they set up an accident & killed him.” 🕊️

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
01 January, 12:03

🦅🇺🇸🪖 President/CiC Trump, Mar-a-Lago
On behalf of Melania & my family
we’re all here tonight,
we want to thank you all very much.
We’re going to do a great job as the President.
The country is going to be better than ever before.

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?

🦅🇺🇸 DJT
I just want everybody to be HAPPY, HEALTHY & WELL ❤️


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Oʼ Boy WTF @V_Anon
22 July, 04:29

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Michael Merrier @MichaelMerrier
05 May, 05:32
Don't miss out the art in the nature. Sky isn't like this everyday, so take a moment to enjoy when you see it.

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Oʼ Boy WTF @V_Anon
27 April, 10:54
In response Medeea Greere to her Publication
Ivermectin is produced from Wormwood.

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15 April, 10:53

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10 February, 12:53

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Dr. Bobbi Anne White @vrajavala
17 January, 01:08
NOW YOU KNOW: The One County Out of 99 that Trump Lost in Iowa Ran Out of Party-Switch Forms on Caucus Night (VIDEO)

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
25 November, 09:05

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23 August, 08:58

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
17 May, 02:48

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Courtney Webster @Patriot777_
13 February, 02:42
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
as a woman, i have always had anxiety as to why my cycles were only 28 days and not 31 days... now i understand :)
i think they wanted to create that anxiety and fear in women, to make their cycles irregular as thats what stress does............ :(
i appreciate you confirming with your calendar

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Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! @Patriot63
12 February, 01:29

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sercorimo ... @sercorimo
12 February, 12:09

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Charlie Lost in the Woods⍟ donated @Quilibet
02 February, 08:26 (E)
The picture is from the movie Groundhog Day.
Many years after this move, I lived above the bakery pictured here.
It was a studio apartment that overlooked the whole town square.
For a short time, I was furloughed from work and the bakery would let me sweep and mop when they closed and they fed me soup and a small loaf of bread. That is the America I remember!

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
31 January, 11:26
Have you seen this? > Biden Intends to End Covid Emergency May 11th
This is highly strange. Why wait until May 11th? Why pick a date way out there unless that day has significance.
May 11th just happens to be National Twighlight Zone day! I just can't make this up.

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DkH O’Dell @DkH
07 January, 05:58
In response Mandy ... to her Publication
Finally figured out it’s on the home screen search not the roku channel search.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
11 December, 01:50

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
04 December, 11:22
If you've been engaged on this platform for the past 12-23 months you are from the future as far as the general population is concerned. There is no such thing as a small account. Just do you. I usually wake up with a word or theme I want to engage which is probably a distillation of whatever my subconscious mind worked out in dreamland. Today the word was clear...


We're letting the game come to us.



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KiKi Love1111 ⭐️✅ donated @KiKiLove1111
27 November, 12:34
As of late, Almost Everything that I think of, I see somewhere or hear… & having conversations with People, I have a thought & then within a couple of minutes, the person is literally talking about my thought 💭… hmmm 🧐🤔 What dis mean? When I think back, I guess this has always somewhat happened… But now, This has been happening more & more in my Life, How about You? Have You been experiencing this?

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The Real Me @TheRealMe
17 November, 12:51
So many things stood out in Trump's speech yesterday, so I broke it all down in memey-bites. These are not decodes, just thoughts, and questions. Feel free to take whatever you like (of course), in whole or in part. And do answer the questions, too. Inquiry minds want to know!

15 pics. - 10 here (max). 5 more in comments.

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ℕada sees thru the matrix @Nada
13 November, 03:26
A lot of people getting restless. I actually feel better after this week’s election shit show, the FTX fallout, Trump/Desantis feud, RINO’s exposing themselves, etc

I expected a corrupt election steal, but we got so much more. Should be an interesting week.

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
11 November, 12:55


Replying to greggphillips and KariLake
We need Jim Jordan as Speaker... Mccarthy (RINO) needs to move to the side. We need strength. Wish we could vote for speaker. Jordan>Mccarthy ×17. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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Ron The Best is Yet to Come @Ringo4maga
09 November, 01:40
HUGE! Maricopa County Exit Polling: Only 14% of Election Day Voters are Democrats!

Do not give up its coming -this will flip on a dime all of it at once -the election the arrests the RV NESARA -This will be the greatest come back in history you have to keep the faith a little longer - its been a long hard ride but we are almost there. We will never look back once this planet is free. WE (you and I ) are the WE in "We the People "
Patriots Unite and stand strong -thats who we are.
God Bless our Military
🏁 Finish line

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
06 October, 08:33
In response Little Mac to his Publication
Tucker on fox! Right place, right time baby!

Connect the dots!

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
14 September, 11:11

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
05 June, 02:27

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George The Patriot @Dpain1969
17 April, 08:22
In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication
Milk is a gateway drug to whiskey. Quit being ignorant people. Cannabis was made illegal not because it was bad but because it was good. If you believe anything other than that you are brainwashed. This is a beautiful picture of Gods work. Try leaving the matrix and understand that anything God made is for a purpose. We know what plants are deadly so why are they not illegal? Only the plants that God made to heal and help mankind are illegal. Open your minds folks.

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Sigis Armor @Sigi7
04 April, 07:07
In response T.M Manley to her Publication
You were there with understanding of protecting We The People. Nothing changes the way we feel about our Vets and current servicemen and women.

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