Kenneth Cox
22 November, 11:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Thank You and God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
01 July, 05:08
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Exactly what twitter is doing as the truth comes out more and more of human trafficking. Find it odd for tweet limits reads as The sound of Freedom be released just an observation. I hope I am wrong.
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Kenneth Cox
05 June, 12:54
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
You have to use common sense the American citizens have guns no way they will ever completely default it’s a precise demolition totally obvious to the people that research but for the average American has no idea what is happening other than inflation is high. If the country was to completely go bankrupt the civil unrest would be catastrophic. The new financial system is here being tested currently in small increments. The catalyst that brings it will be quick whatever that is to solve it and the government looks like heroes. It only appears we are in trouble to cause fear. The truth is America all 300+ citizens drives the economies of all countries without us they fail. Most people have no clue all they see is propaganda from news but the numbers and data tell the truth. Everything will work out. Trust God above all. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
20 May, 12:25
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
That is the absolute Truth.
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Kenneth Cox
19 May, 10:02
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Praying for the let’s fix it. The very fact they put out riddles to help. Shows some balance in the grand scheme of it all. People either see it or they don’t. Understanding the Bible and trusting God word either way it goes Everything will work out the way it is intended too. This process has changed many people hopefully for the better. Life is a journey for sure. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
17 May, 10:43
In response Kim Runner to her Publication Very informative breakdown of what has happened in the past. The best I have heard she is a great researcher. Highly recommended to watch or listen

Whitney Webb On Jeffrey Epstein's Connection With Elon Musk & Bill Clinton | PBD Podcast | Ep. 270 - YouTube
PBD Podcast Episode 270. In this episode, Patrick Bet-David is joined by Whitney Webb, Adam Sosnick and Vincent Oshana.Purchase Whitney Webb's book "One Nati... Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Kenneth Cox
19 April, 12:55
In response Rachel Ann to her Publication
No apply common sense the United States stands alone when comes to financial system everyone looks to us. What they are doing is making it appear financial collapse to switch to blockchain technology the new system. Our country in whole is good the news media is propaganda to push their agenda of fear. Everything will work out. Everyone will know when the switch over happens because of a man made event to cause fear. Take some time to learn crypto utility tokens not meme coins that technology will be used to move currency. People often forget the majority of Americans has weapons it is what keeps us somewhat free. They know you cannot push it to total collapse. The dollar will be a 1 to 1 change over to cbdc’s. Gold and commodities will be used to back the currencies globally. We are almost to the change over given current events. Our biggest asset is 300+ million of citizens unlike other countries that are controlled by government without weapons. Trust God everything will be ok.
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Kenneth Cox
15 April, 02:07
In response ~Multi~ Dimensional~ to his Publication
True but until the loop is broken it remains. Watch the market is a good sign everything will push up. If it crashes the loop is broken and change is coming following the patterns of the past is good indicator how you know when the loop is broken. We are living in a controlled world by a evil group for over a hundred years a new group is in the process of overtaking them. This is global the United States will be something different in the coming years. We are in a Kingdom change over which everything will be watched good and bad. This new group my best guess is Masonic globally everything is Biblical. The Bible explains Kingdoms past and future. To take on such a change of this mass is why I believe it a group or organization globally people think it’s the military but truth is who is in charge of the military that moves the military to do the right thing. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
13 April, 11:16
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
I have faith in 2023. Once the loop is broken it all breaks. Truly thankful for this journey only through pain you are forced to make changes to be better human being. Read the Bible for answers Trust God and either way it goes everything will be ok. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
13 April, 09:43
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
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Kenneth Cox
10 April, 04:34
In response Kenneth Cox to his Publication
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Kenneth Cox
10 April, 04:30
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Bible explains this sons of God where here on earth the main reason for the flood was to destroy what they had done. Noah bloodline was pure which is why God chose him the Bible even talks about flying objects in the shape a disk it’s all there in the Old Testament.
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Kenneth Cox
10 April, 12:03
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Absolutely. If you see investing in the utility that runs the system is the key to freedom on the financial spectrum. Pay no attention to news they want you out. Buy hold in a cold wallet do nothing and wait you win. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
09 April, 05:12
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Everything runs through their data center a secret within a secret. Looking at the overview of what little we know and applying the bigger picture you can see clearly how things currently are playing out, Then trusting the Bible applying that knowledge you see the future. If you try and live how God gave us instructions to live even through the pain of it you know everything will be ok. Hope and Belief in something bigger than yourself can be a powerful tool. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
09 April, 03:09
In response Tao Of Smoo to her Publication
ISO20022 is a message service like texting the process of settlement remains the same old way, Trust between banks each bank has to have equal value to move currency. On demand liquidity is the future it eliminates trust between banks instant settlement which is what Xrp will be used for. Currently In testing phase everything is ready just waiting on mass adoption. I imagine a big event happens to adopt it seeing governments are in control seeing they look like heroes to the people given the knowledge we now know how things operate. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
09 April, 02:52
In response Mary Gessler to her Publication
Glad David cleared things up. If people would look at the technology then apply how it fixes a problem you see value. I hope people see it. When the dust settles you will be glad you bought it. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
04 April, 08:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
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Kenneth Cox
30 March, 07:27
In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication
Been waiting on this for awhile things will move faster now. Looking for the federal reserve to go insolvent next. Past proves future. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
29 March, 09:02
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
This is why the federal reserve has to go insolvent it breaks the bond. What happens next is a double edge sword with blockchain technology there will be more control over bad and good because everything will be watch. My prayers are good will rule for a long time but eventually bad will control it at some point basically Revelations coming to fruition.
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Kenneth Cox
28 March, 10:47
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Starting to get real excited. Writing on the wall. I hope people see it. Still have a ways to go but it’s faster and faster. God Bless.
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Kenneth Cox
28 March, 05:19
In response Sergeant Shultz to his Publication
The banks will bring down the Fed before that happens. Next 60 days if that. The treasury steps in with gold back currency things are moving faster and faster. To many guns in America for there to be a major civil unrest only an appearance there will be a Great Depression. All of this is to switch to a new financial system using blockchain technology. I hope people see it and take advantage of it.
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Kenneth Cox
24 March, 07:46
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Very curious how this plays out when you know the outcome. The federal reserve becomes insolvent the treasury backs our currency back to gold, blockchain technology is introduced into the system to move currency around the globe then the dollar is digital crypto regulation come into play 95% of the scams coins go away leaving utility and tokenized real property moving into real adoption of blockchain technology. And Trump becomes President hopefully all in 2023. Really hoping in the next 3 weeks at least the fed going bye bye the banks are making that a reality every day. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 03:59
In response Kenneth Cox to his Publication Sums it up for me
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 03:47
In response Amy Grahm to her Publication
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 03:16
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
You do understand once you accept Jesus in your heart and completely understand what all that means. You as a individual are change even when we sin constantly even a bad thought is a sin even though you never acted on it. Understanding sin is constant no one on this earth is sin free thus judgement of another individual is mute only God can judge accepting Jesus is God free gift when Judgment day comes every sin is forgiven because of Jesus took the sins of the world and was prosecuted for us that believe in him. You are change when you believe life gets much harder because evil wants you back. It’s a constant battle this is my belief every individual has their own way of understanding it. This is why I do not judge or try my best not too. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 02:41
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
I wonder who is wrong me trying to be nice and uplifting or you being judgmental and condemning. I will say both because a prudent person understands the outcome. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 02:38
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
Difference is judging yourself vs others once you understand you lead by example. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated yourself. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 02:32
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
Exactly for you yourself. Trying to condemn another or point out another person false is playing God. Lead by example not by condemning others. We are all sinners every single second only by the gift that God gave us his son Jesus are we saved which is humbling to understand that. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 02:21
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
It’s not up to you to decide that. I wish you nothing but happiness. God Bless
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Kenneth Cox
23 March, 02:16
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
I appreciate the prayers please keep in mind judgment is not our cross to bear judgment comes from God. Jesus gave his live for our sins understanding that is each individual free gift. God Bless
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