Laurie Wilson @Micah6_8
29 December, 06:32
Can someone help me understand something.

We're still looking at a significant food shortage for 2023, correct?

Are any of you still stocking up for this?

Our beef industry is decimated, it will take 8-10 years to build it back up a gain, IF we have good hay crops.

Our poultry industry is also decimated and they are claiming 2023 will have even more bird flu (I call foul on that for so many reasons). This bird flu is breaking all the rules for bird flu, so I believe it is a biological attack on poultry...anyway, expect eggs and poultry meat to be incredibly high and in short supply next year.

And I am waiting for the pork industry to be hit with swine flu, they can wipe out all our meat and dairy production then.

Beef takes 8-10 years to spring back, pork takes about 3 years to spring back, poultry takes about 2-3 years to spring back...IF their feed is plentiful (which it has not been).

How long is everyone prepping for? I homestead, we're set, but others??? I

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
29 December, 06:32
VK on TRUTH Social - 4:46pm Eastern...


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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
29 December, 01:28

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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
28 December, 08:11
The optics of a President Trump perp walk never made sense to me, but let’s see what happens! 👇



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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
28 December, 11:53
Well Patriots, I just for some tough news.. Our baby boy has to be re-admitted into the hospital. Please pray for great results and a speedy recovery. Will keep you posted. Thank you and God bless! 🙏❤️

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
20 December, 03:02
We are being tested. Not sure by who but its the only thing I can come up with.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
16 November, 12:45

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
26 October, 04:55
New new rally announced - 11.5 via POTUS on TRUTH Social - 4:21pm Eastern...

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Selah 321 @Selah
13 October, 05:42
I could use some prayers for my husband.... he is not feeling well and has no immune system due to various issues.. God has gotten us through some very dangerous an rough times...and I need some help with prayers...I am feeling overwhelmed... please help if you are so guided..His name is Terry.

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
13 October, 10:46

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
13 October, 10:55

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Only followers of this user (FreedomF) can see their posts

Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
02 October, 03:53
What happens when a major bank fails?

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Mizz Sheila @sheilahd19
10 October, 01:26

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jeanie 333 @jeanmarie_333
08 October, 03:07
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Mizz Sheila @sheilahd19
07 October, 03:54

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
07 October, 03:43

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
04 October, 09:38
Senate approved billions more for money to Ukraine, but did jack shit for Florida.

I will NEVER forget this! And I will NEVER forgive our own representatives that refuse to help American people displaced from their homes and flooded out in a hurricane.

Central Florida was not hurt as bad as other areas IN FL that were totally devastate (like Sanibel Island), but they have not sent water, ice, food, national guard, fema reps, nothing...

But they will give food and hotel to illegal aliens, but nothing to the middle and poorer classes in my area, many of whom STILL have no electric in 90-100 degree heat.

Americans are supposed to scrimp and save and live frugally, just to have a home and survive, but our own legislators do NOTHING for us in a disaster???!!!!!! BUT SEND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS TO UKRAINE FOR MONEY LAUNDERING, AND AMERICANS ARE QUIET ABOUT IT??????

THIS IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
27 September, 03:59
🍊Joe Biden is refusing to call Ron DeSantis, the Governor of a state that is about to be hit by a massive Hurricane

Follow BennyJohnson 🇺🇸

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
25 September, 05:30
Feels good to reach goals.

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Mizz Sheila @sheilahd19
25 September, 06:17
Who does this look like wearing a MAGA hat? 😉

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Johnny Q -Z @JohnnyQ
25 September, 11:33
🇹🇷🇬🇷 Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are approaching the Turkish city of Edirne, calling themselves the "Convoy of Light".

They storm the border with Greece and move north through the Balkans. The final destination is the countries of Western Europe, mainly Germany.

In total, up to ten such "convoys" can be formed this fall.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
10 September, 09:14

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
10 September, 01:34
Q4951: Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
10 September, 08:31
This day in history.

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Jon-paul Collins @Spartan317
01 September, 11:07
The vax is poison . Did Trump forced there hand?. Was 5 years of lockdown and forced Vax's what the sick bastards wanted. War time President. Looking Glass?

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
23 August, 03:43
In response Royal Raven to her Publication
The majority of the entire world
thinks Anons are nuts
but it doesn't make us wrong!
In fact, it makes us ALIVE
because we said "Hell No!" to the vax! 💪🇺🇸

👇Tuck this away to show your husband later this year! 😉

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Courtney Webster @Patriot777_
21 August, 10:49
can I ask you please pray for baby Julian Robert Irwin,
he is 5lbs and has an underdeveloped heart and requires surgeries to help him 😔
thank you so much♥️

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Johnny Q -Z @JohnnyQ
15 August, 03:54
JUST IN - Trump says the FBI confiscated his passports during the raid at his Mar-A-Lago home in Florida.


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Mizz Sheila @sheilahd19
09 August, 05:15

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