23 October, 10:53
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Tesla 12/12/12
111 years > 12/12/23

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
02 August, 06:56
The damage the enemy has done to me is puny compared to the damage I have done to myself. It’s definitely no conventional war. We are being asked to maintain our physical and mental health throughout a genocide that is denied by its victims. It’s a lot to ask, especially when there are so many unhealthy distractions available to ease the pain on your soul of watching the horror unfold. The fight with your own shadow need equal standing with the fight against evil outside.

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deborah sidener @debbiedo
22 July, 10:16
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
thank you Martin

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Haint Blue @HaintBlue
22 July, 10:25
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
You either know this or you don't. One person can not convince another of it. I no longer try. It is a fruitless endeavor. Surprisingly however, is finding sameness in the most unexpected places/people. At the grocery an older man exchanged a worn bill for a more crisp one from me so that a machine would accept it. We were fast friends in less than a minute lamenting a digital world. A plumber in my home knows what is up with the one world agenda. The washer/drier installer does too. These are all races/ages. WE ARE EVERYWHERE. So, keep the faith :)

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
22 July, 10:02
"You live under an artificial dome in a synthetic reality as a mind-controlled and genetically stunted slave being fed lies about every aspect of your perceived reality including a completely false history and cannot reason your way out because you are unable to maintain a connection to the divine within for long enough to activate your inner power while forced to reincarnate in an endless loop preventing escape from the simulation" is indeed a lot to take in, especially on a Saturnday.

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some one special to some @godrus
22 July, 09:43
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
a new show on Apple+ is Foundation written by Isaac Asimov where billions of people lived underground in layers of a megacity and the sky was AI-generated for the lower levels - a screen.
Until rebels broke it, generations had lived 400 years never seeing the actual sky.
well-timed to match today's current events! Much like our faked moon landings and 'space' programs.
all smoke and mirrors to keep us working so hard to pay the tax man and keep ourselves housed and fed - on the grind for the machine (their fake ginned-up petro fiat dollar system) so we never can even dare to question [their] narratives or why we toil our lives away as slaves.

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Kunal Verma @vkunal308
22 July, 05:15
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Lots of activities, behind the scenes!¿

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
21 July, 10:40
Tonight's huge moon.

The light on the right is a street lamp for perspective.

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Digital Soldier @Digitalsoldier17
23 February, 11:06

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Lydia Fahsholtz donated @Oleendee
23 February, 06:22
In response mars 1776 to his Publication

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
22 February, 05:52
More crazy Mormon stuff dropping...


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arba happihr @arba
22 February, 04:00
In response Disclosure Library to his Publication
Aloha Thank you for the list of information to view
I appreciate your research and time

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Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary
22 February, 03:58

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Velvet S Angel @VelvetsAngel
21 February, 10:50
My daughter in law was just taken to the hospital with a temperature of 105, if you see this and feel led, can you please say a prayer for her.

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Kindred Spirit @OccamsRazQr
21 February, 10:30
In response ⚒️ULTRA NUCLEAR MAGA PATRIOT LUIS M.⚒️ to his Publication

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Dottie French @DotOn777
21 February, 09:58
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Isn't this the part where OUR MILITARY is going to swoop in and save the world?

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Sierra Victor @sv_patriot
21 February, 07:15
In response SMa rk. to his Publication
I would have missed the little blip on SR had you not marked it with an arrow. What does it mean?

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Moultrie Patriot donated @Moultriepatriot
21 February, 07:47
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
It’s gonna be an entertaining 21 days type of different?

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
21 February, 02:20
It feels like one of those different days.

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_Z_D21_ ... @_Z_D21_
18 January, 12:52
The WEF isn't the only thing the people don't want.

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Starz4stripes Lmm @Starz4stripes
11 June, 10:48
Some positive vibes from an old George chat 🇺🇸!

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_Z_D21_ ... @_Z_D21_
11 June, 10:46
Ya know ...

If i had the productive muscle of Elon Musk,
I would venture to find a way to manifest the hardware,
similar to a macbook pro, but run any kind of Linux
on it as you please ...

maybe its time for the peeps to learn how to use it
./man creativity

cut the chain to the old apple tree,
let us run creatively free ..

Toolbox X,
perhaps, something to that effect ...

maybe a boring idea,

just sayin.

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Positively Negative donated @Positively_Negative
20 August, 12:31
General Flynn Interview on NewsMax.

“Johnies Beach” 10 and 7👀

#wwg1wga #QANON#TheGreatAwakening

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
23 July, 11:17
Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP
Monkey Werx US
Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP LIVE - YouTube

For Monkey Werx gear and products, go to https://www.monkeywerxus.com/shopYou can help support the channel and watch live SITREPs at https://www.patreon.com/...

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
23 July, 11:18
7/23/2021 -- Large M6.7 Earthquakes bouncing back and forth across Pacific!
7/23/2021 -- Large M6.7 Earthquakes bouncing back and forth across Pacific! - YouTube

This is the 2nd M6.7 in the past 48 hours, the first being in Panama Central America on the other side of the Pacific. A seismic tennis match is taking pla...

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Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary
09 June, 04:33

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
07 June, 07:06

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
03 May, 01:30
I am kind of in disbelief right now...
I have a story I would like to tell you.

I've had a giant Q in my front yard since March of 2019, and I have been standing on the Bridge for 6 years.

My doorbell rings this morning and it was one of my neighbors from a block away, Dee.

She introduces herself, and asked if she can talk to me about the Bridge... and I said of course.

She goes on to tell her that she's known of my Bridge work for quite some time and she would like to know if her and her group of Patriot friends can join me on Our Bridge one day, to help educate people about the harms of vaccines....

If she isn't the poster child for One Hello at a time, Never Give Up, and the Great Awakening all rolled into one... I don't know who it is.

Thank you Patriot sister you have shown me that one person in this Country can make a difference...

And today that person was you.

Thank you for ringing my doorbell ☺


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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
27 April, 04:47
FDA documents.
Anyone trying to take down this site will be named as codefendant in Nuremberg 2.0 for being an accomplice to crimes against humanity. That includes social media. Lawyers are standing by. https://nojabforme.info

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
27 April, 07:51

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