Mcken Shel
23 February, 04:52
In response Every Time to her Publication
And yet none of them faced criminal charges for their roll in the deaths that resulted from their actions! WHY!
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Mcken Shel
10 November, 02:04
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
When you realize we cant beat their system. like biden said they have the most inclusive voter fraud system. We have no power to fix the goverment crime syndicate, 2 in a row, 2024 is gonna suck!
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Mcken Shel
20 September, 03:40
In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication
actually all day and night!
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Mcken Shel
22 February, 12:38
In response Starry Peacock to her Publication
tell us!
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Mcken Shel
22 November, 06:28
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
ive heard so many things trying to find the truth! whats your thoughts on Devolution, another syop?
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Mcken Shel
07 November, 01:58
In response Silver Cat to his Publication
i wonder how long ago things changed!
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Mcken Shel
18 October, 08:29
In response Walk After Midnite to his Publication
there are plenty of us out here who know something isnt right but all the double talk and such keep us from trully being awake! we can only wait patiently wait and hope God has us in his arms.
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Mcken Shel
13 October, 02:41
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
since when do you need the goverments permissision to love someone! It s whats in your heart not whats on a piece of paper!
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Mcken Shel
11 October, 04:14
In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication
Hey, me too!
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Mcken Shel
21 September, 11:46
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
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Mcken Shel
21 September, 02:36
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
cant speak for others, but im ready to know what is really happening in our world. and what can we do to to stop what appears to be the detruction of humanity.
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Mcken Shel
21 September, 02:31
In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication
most of us dont know whats going on, weve been feed little bits and pieces of things, enough to know something isnt right and because we havent been part of the world of the internet till recently are still in the dark to the truth!
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Mcken Shel
21 September, 02:19
In response Adolph Medina to his Publication
so tell us, what is it we dont know! why must we continue to wait for a big reveal! how do we help others if we are kept in the dark? Not really expecting an answer, just concerned to much is being hidden for what?
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Mcken Shel
21 September, 12:24
In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication
hes had covid! hes right, and biden is limiting its use in florida!
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Mcken Shel
14 September, 02:05
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
A friend, an insperation and a patriot i never meet, she has been one of the few who kept my spirts up thru this awful experience we are going thru! God bless you! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Mcken Shel
13 September, 06:16
In response LQve Trump to her Publication
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Mcken Shel
07 September, 01:15
In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication
too bad the pic is a fake! look a little closer and you will see it, arm around females neck?
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 03:49
In response NEO ONE to his Publication
? where are all the Anons who were posting stuff 2 and 3 times a day a few months back and especially those that were here before biden took office, theyve pretty much all vanished?
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 03:43
In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication
Thank you! i hope the same for you too!
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 01:40
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
me too! and i almost never said anything on there, just read the stuff others posted! made another account and got banned again. However i hijacked my husbands account i didnt even know he had, which he didnt even know how to navigate! lol.
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 01:33
In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication
and my employer will see me walk out the door if they mandate the vax! which is highly probable! since they are offering bonuses for those who are Vaxed! Funny isnt it! we cant hire people to do the work but were gonna fire those who wont bow down to a corrupt system. today was a ruff day, my employer wanted to give me a write up for a late lunch punch and working over my scheduled shift 3 day last week. funny thing is ive been covering for another employee whose out for cancer treatment as well as doing my own job! sometimes just because its a policy to only work scheduled hours, maybe you should ask why before you threaten hard working dedicaded employees! Need a new job!
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 01:08
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
well thats one way to look at it! Even thou i believe the fraud occured, its still not a proven fact! The faux impeachment (the 1st one) woke me up to what a corrupt Goverment we have and made me dicide to Vote for trump! we may never get the results but just knowing our electiced officials see us all as big paycheck for them while we struggle to make it from one paycheck to the next is discusting. we were robbed of our only hope. And now it seems they now want to kill us all with the vax. sorry! a little long winded!
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 12:41
In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication
thanks for the reply! I just wish everybody wasnt so criptic with their messages of whats happening. it just seems we keep being lead down paths that lead nowhere. And i guess im tired.
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 12:34
In response Robert Combs to his Publication
well we know the answer will be nothing! only the left is allowed to launder money thru go fund me and other such money organazations.
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 12:23
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Hell if it did!
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 12:19
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Did we really expect then too? Nobody voted for biden, were all tired of the lies.
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Mcken Shel
31 August, 12:05
In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication
yes we have been warned to stock up, over and over again and still nothing. what makes you so sure this is it? ive stocked up severial times and ? nothing. its beginning to feel like a lost cause, nothing being promised has come of all the warnings of this is it! please stop all the hype and be straight with us.
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Mcken Shel
30 August, 11:42
In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication
their prey! and their not sahamed of it!
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Mcken Shel
30 August, 11:30
In response Deb Cummings to her Publication
so when did this happen! since the link is from an archive?
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Mcken Shel
30 August, 11:28
In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication
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