Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
10 June, 01:30
VK on Twitter - 1:22pm Eastern...

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
20 February, 04:41
Spec Ops has #KennedyVision 🕶


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mars 1776 donated @mars_1776
09 August, 12:25
Just posted by President Trump

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
26 June, 10:29

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
21 May, 05:00
We are in the blackout.

Something has stopped.

Act II at the gates.

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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
16 May, 02:17
Isaac Kappy.

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Kay Faith @Kayfaith
26 April, 07:14
Yesterday was 4/24/22

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Mary Gessler donated @MaryG
20 April, 05:48
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
VK, this is fascinating. You posted a short snippet of frequencies killing cancer cells last week. Here is a 17 minute video of the full presentation that snippet came from. I’m pretty sure frequencies could have an effect on sinus congestion too. Just saying. :)

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
17 April, 06:32
Juan O Savin

107th day of the year
17th week..
There’s a battle for the numbers taking place.
Because the devil loves illusions & mysteries
where it looks like he’s somehow
tied into God & the Divine.
Just like he was fooling Adam & Eve..
Trying to take them to a river to be cleansed
to save themselves
when he actually wants to drown them.
All those stories from the first 50 days outside the Garden.
He’s always trying to fool them
& it’s always a twist on what God’s trying to do with them.
Same thing with numbers.
What’s the 17th Book of the Bible?
The Book of Esther is about reversals. The flip..
When all the evil that was intended to the children of Israel
was flipped on their enemies
& the things THEY had designed against the Jews..
in fact happened to the very people
who had plotted & schemed in the plan..
Both sides are trying to own that
on this 17th week 💥

😼 What are the odds
the Schumann would measure 17 today? 🕊️

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
16 April, 09:56

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
13 April, 07:23
The future ALWAYS proves the past.


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08 April, 07:38

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Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary
09 April, 05:55
Back in the early days when the Australian media hadn’t received their script for that day.

Whoops! The TOGETHER Trial actually showed that ivermectin worked!

The evidence, including this study, consistently shows that ivermectin works against COVID!!

Story Of Ivermectin And COVID-19


🎯The US Senate just announced that Corona is a LIE !👈

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Kay Faith @Kayfaith
06 April, 02:44
Thought this was interesting.
4/6/2022 at 1:40 pm cst

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03 April, 11:47
Mind Blowing Find!

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
03 April, 01:50
😼 In case you haven't seen this vid
&/or if you know any who are waking up
& would like the TRUTH about Covid911 & the deep state
this 9.34 min vid is a must 💥

Some years ago I was told there are a few "Joe M's"
& in that very special few are "Planet Clearers."

My question was, how could Q & Joe M
so accurately post the path to Victory of the Light
beyond Looking Glass?

The answer was 💗 we are in the hands of Divine Souls
who jump in & out of Timelines & Dimensions
Galaxies & Universes
(as we will once again)
& they are helping to fuel God's Victory
from Celestial Frequencies.

🕊️ Vincent Kennedy posted
"You will realize soon that we are all doing this together
thru our collective consciousness.
→ We are being watched over.
People fear losing control but control is just an illusion.
→ Powers at play we cant comprehend
just yet." 🙏🌹🌸


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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
03 April, 01:22

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
02 April, 07:16
In response Dana Scully - Z to her Publication
Jersey Shore Hospital by any chance?

My cuz went in just to get O2. It was in the low 80's. His outside doctor knows what's up and requested that he NOT get Remdez. Only needed the O2. They hooked him up to the machine. Left him for the night. He felt something was wrong. Couldn't breath. Tried to reach for the Nurse call button but his soul was floating over him. Blacked Out. Woke up to the O2 alarm with nurses there. Hears them say the O2 valve wasn't turned on. Attempt 1.
Next day Doctors come in. Foreigners. Start pushing Remdes to him and he said No. Attempt 2. The doctors look at each other and say 'then we are going to put you on a vent'. Like a threat. Attempt 3.

A guy fell off a ladder at work and broke his rib. Tested + for Covid with no symptoms. They put him in Covid ICU. My cuz now has a roomate. Docs come in to see the new guy. They start pushing Remdes right away. Guy agrees. 5 hours later this guys heart meter starts to code. Successful Attempt.

My Cuz liv

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
02 April, 01:52
He used to tell the truth.
Now he lies to you
Everything he says is now a lie.

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25 May, 05:59
When you lied!!!!
This is the best thing you will watch today.

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Melissa Robinson @Melissa19989
27 March, 08:17

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Kay Faith @Kayfaith
22 March, 03:27
Hmmmmmm.... today is World Water Day?
I had never heard of it before. 2022 focus- groundwater/drinking water

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
22 March, 03:07
Breaking chains.

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10 March, 05:49

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
10 March, 12:18

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Lauren M Bradley @Lauren_M_Bradley
06 March, 06:24

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
05 March, 06:45
Just a Reminder: 👇 👇 👇


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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
24 February, 12:25
Things are about to get wild, Patriots!

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
23 February, 09:39
Coming in Hot...

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
14 February, 06:29
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin

Facebook wasn’t created by Zuckerberg.
FB was created by DARPA. I’ve said this 1000 times.
Who has the power in our govt
in these various operations
to hand over a program to Zuckerberg
that was created at American taxpayer expense
that was the result of YEARS of gaming out
How to you get information control
from the citizens
& have them GIVE IT to you freely?
After they gamed it out they give it
as though it was his idea, to Zuckerberg..
The organizations that do this financing
that do the GoFundMe accounts
all goes back to the same crowd:
Davos, World Economic Forum,
PayPal: You can traffic your kids
you can do Human Trafficking & let PayPal pay for it
& they act like they don’t know anything about it.
But they'll shut you down
for having an honest conversation about that
& allow everything else to go on 💥

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