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Is COGCON 2 are activated?
Are Shadow Government Set Up?
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I watched a video a while back about The Belt & Road (New Silk Road)
& the NWO. Khazakstan is (was) planned as the NWO Headquarters.
Agenda 21/30
**see image of the new city planned in comments & link to story**
Kazakhstan: As a result of the explosion at the ammunition depot, 9 people including 5 servicemen were killed, several are listed as missing.
More than 1,200 residents of the houses closest to the explosion are reported to have been evacuated.
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As a people, we have all benefitted from the sacrifices made by our forebears and have rested too long on our laurels and the labours and legacies of those ancestors, it now becomes clear.
Humanity must steel its collective and individual heart to stand tall, strong and with the conviction required to afford the same privileges of freedom for our descendants as was bequeathed to us?
All which is required for evil to prevail is that good folk stay silent and do nothing.
For they also serve the DEVIL, who only stand and wait.
Every Government has declared WAR upon its people.
Each shall lose for humanity will prevail.
Let there be no hiding place and no mercy afforded to TRAITORS or their PAYMASTERS.
“Those who make PEACEFUL revolution impossible will make VIOLENT revolution inevitable." President John F. Kennedy – 13 March 1962.
“There are no two ways of being free: one must be entirely free, or become a slave once more.” "Softness to traitors will
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But the AWARE and the newly awakened must stop hoping, praying and EXPECTING the Law and legal actions to deliver us as “Justice” – along with Politics - has been bought, paid for and corrupted beyond redemption by our tormentors, the PLUTOCRATS. It has already been almost two years and our enemies are realising they literally have nothing to lose as their game is all but up. The more of us they kill, before even the currently comatose are roused, the fewer they will have to join battle with, thereafter. They still intend to (and believe they can) win.
We, the People, of every Nation on Earth outnumber both Law Enforcement Officers and the Military by many hundreds to one.
How many cops and military are individually CAPABLE as well as being prepared to SLAUGHTER hundreds of their own people, EACH?
All to perform the bidding of a Plutocratic and Political minority?
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In the last 13 months of our admin, there was not a single American attacked or killed. It wasn’t because of a piece of paper. It was because the Taliban understood that if they acted against Americans & acted inconsistently with what they'd promised to do, we’d respond & we did.
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You're not gonna believe this. I went to my bank up the street to posit a check and the bank was closed and ATM said out of service. Not down for maintenance or temporary down for update. It says OUT OF SERVICE.. so I drive a mile to another one further away. Same thing. Bank closed and ATM OUT OF SERVICE!! WT?!?! i looked it up and WF has closed today. again...WT?
Anyone else have WF and had this happen today??
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Telegram: Contact @GeorgeWebbArchive Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Everything The Devil Does He Has To Put In Public First
Vaccination = 666
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You are witnessing an engineered famine.
⚠️ California State Water Resources Control Board Votes To End Water Diversions For Over 5,700 Farmers !!! ⚠️
⚠️ More water restrictions in the Northern and Central areas of the state are expected in the coming weeks, with the issue also expected to go before Governor Gavin Newsom and candidates for Governor in the upcoming recall race.⚠️
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⚠️ If they don't start fighting now, it will be the end.⚠️
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#Anons #America #Afirst #MI #NorthernUS #ATTENTION #warning #alert #danger #caution #PracticeMakesPerfect #USAF #UrbanWarfare #unitedstates #OFFENSIVE #NOTdefensive #CivilianParticipation #PowerOutages #USA #civilians #drills

Military training plans Thursday will make history | WPBN
ALPENA, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) -- It's a coordinated effort that will put Michigan on the map of military training. A portion of Michigan Route 32 will be closed for five hours as the U. S. Air Force practices landing an aircraft on roadways designed for cars and trucks. According to the Air Force, the p.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Traitor General Mark Milley was in collusion with Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore and an international trafficking crime syndicate to stage a coup against President Donald Trump while attempting to implicate General Michael Flynn. Admiral Moore call… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Traitor General Mark Milley was in collusion with Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore and an international trafficking crime syndicate to stage a coup against President Donald Trump while attempting to implicate General Michael Flynn. Admiral Moore call… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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#USNavy #USMilitary #virtualreality #Location #GPS #BritishNavy #Switzerland #intel #Prather #Sailors
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