Doq Holliday @doqholliday
Whether the earth is flat or not doesn’t solve shit.

It doesn’t make people not evil.

It doesn’t keep people from sacrificing and abusing children.

It doesn’t help us win anything.

If anything, it divides and conquers and people end up arguing about pointless shit.

Let’s take 3 steps forward and zero steps back instead of 1 step forward and two steps back.

Flat earth arguments are for weak minds, given the current situation on planet earth.
08:06 PM - Jan 17, 2022
Only people mentioned by doqholliday in this post can reply
Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
21 January, 09:46
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
T H A N K . Y O U . finally

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Desert Dog @Zippydog
20 January, 09:20
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Absolutely. The ugly bidness in the front windshield must be dealt with then sort out everything else later.

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Laura Truther King @LauraTrutherKing
20 January, 09:18
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Agreed. I think this is being pushed so hard at the moment (whether true or false) to discredit us in the eyes of those just waking up.
Of course we have been lied about almost everything, but you can't bombard people/make them think you are any crazier than they might already or they shut down on you.

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P.J. Shekhinah @Shekhinah
20 January, 07:15
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
i think the same!!! I had exactly this conversation today. its apparently proof how much they lied to us? really? from the 40,000 foot view it means bugger all

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Qbero Gil Vega @Qbero17
20 January, 12:58
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
100%, everything other than taking out the evil doers and saving our children is a distraction. Distractions help the evil DS/Cabal/Globalist

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Qbero Gil Vega @Qbero17
20 January, 01:03
In response Qbero Gil Vega to his Publication
Those children can care less about those arguments right now. Stay with the children and exposing the evil. Normies still dont see the children. Help them see.

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19 January, 04:15
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Copy that.

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joann ferguson donated @joann212
19 January, 12:55
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Q drop 563

Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.

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joann ferguson donated @joann212
19 January, 12:49
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
THANK YOU for this post!!! I was typing something this morning before work and erased it.

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Jan Jackson * * * @Jan_Jackson
18 January, 12:21
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I have noticed something very consistent.
Those of us who research flat earth and share our findings, do so very calmly. Sometimes, even enthusiastically.
Those who criticize us call us names and cuss about it and get very angry. What? Have we struck a nerve? We don't argue. Globers do.

Gee- y'all into "vibes" -which camp provides the most negative vibes?

We already KNOW about the children. We already KNOW about the fiat currency, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and all that crap. We already KNOW about the Plandemic, the death jabs, Remdesivir, depopulation, the "great reset". I do battle on TWITTER, trying to redpill people about these topics. I even visit Libtards' pages and diplomatically drop red pills there. How many Anons just stay on Anonup, preaching to the choir? (Don't answer that.)

I am free to research any TRUTH I want to. There is NOTHING I can do about the other topics except to drop red pills on THE BATTLEFIELD (Twitter, FB, etc.), and I do that daily.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️Pepe Le Q~17⭐️⭐️⭐️ @TheQuietStorm17
18 January, 12:15
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
You gotta admit though… It’s a pretry significant lie being perpetuated upon humanity!! Yes, the children are priority #1 but immediately following that comes TRUTH!!! All these lies keep us from understanding our significance and reason for being here. Plus it keeps us from progressing and ascending as human beings!! They should have never fucked with the children!!! #SaveTheChildren #wwg1wga

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Carey Lou @Careylou
18 January, 11:46
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
The TRUTH is worth fighting for

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arba happihr @arba
18 January, 11:43
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I agree.
Manners are manners where ever you stand!
People have lost their manners!
Parents have stopped teaching manners!
Flat or Round
Manners are imperative!

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KELLY EDWARDS @angelinredmond
18 January, 11:09
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Q drop 3012:
“Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come.

Thanks Doq! Have a great day!

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arba happihr @arba
18 January, 11:43
In response KELLY EDWARDS to her Publication
Prepared and waiting

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rolandkhan @rolandkhan
18 January, 11:03
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Isn't it a bit strange that the only real divisiveness that comes from it though are all the people that mock, insult, and dismiss those of us talking about it?

It's very similar to normies/media's treatment of "conspiracy theorists" in general, all the while they have to appeal to authority, use strawmen arguments, and defend the lies of liars...which is strange in and of itself coming from people who are otherwise awake to [their] deceptions.

Where's the division coming from again? Not those of us simply trying to expose the lie, but those experiencing cognitive dissonance throwing around insults and being dismissive.

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Suzanne C. 575 donated @Sepia3c
18 January, 11:01
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Pointless to you, but not pointless to others. No need to argue. Why argue???

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Kristopher Anderson ~X~ @kanderc
18 January, 10:50
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Exactly, its doing nothing but gatekeeping and causing a distraction, from like you said, moving 3 steps forwar, if not more steps forward. its nice to stop and look at the scenery sometimes but there is also more of it on down the road. lets keep moving foward and kick this thing into warp speed...

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joann ferguson donated @joann212
19 January, 07:49
In response Kristopher Anderson ~X~ to his Publication

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Yankee Carolyn @YankeeCarolyn
18 January, 10:35
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Doq, I vehemently disagree with you and you need to know why.
The true cosmology of our environment reveals our Creator and any lies about it deny Him.
Furthermore, the globe earth lie is a precedent from upon which many more lies come.
For instance, no other planets besides earth means no extraterrestrials besides spiritual/celestial beings.
No one who truly believes in the one true Creation would ever accept ET's as fact and thus would rightfully be on guard against malignant, malicious spiritual beings that would hurt children.
Project Bluebeam would be identified immediately by a "flat earther" as a scam.
while children held captive in dumbs by demonic forces would be understood.
Albeit, i concede it is not the hot-button priority and we're on a schedule so to speak

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memes matter @NoComment
18 January, 10:27
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
verden vil bedras

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Judy 777 @JudyAnon777
18 January, 07:51
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Doq, I understand why you think this. It is a huge red pill to swallow. I was where you are now about 2 years ago. Didnt give a crap about the shape, what does it matter and why?

Well, it matters because:

We, people on earth are the center of creation, not a speck in a large universe,
thus PROVING an Intelligent Designer.
Athiests suddenly are hit with the fact Proving God exists.. Believers are vindicated and emboldened in their faith and Agnostics finally will jump off of the fence.

The fear of a meteor hitting us, the sun exploding, axis tilt, climate change, etc Immediately vaporates because we are in an enclosed system.

People then see that NASA, government, military and all of our learning institutions have lied to us all across the earth so that leads them to start wanting to know what else they are lying about.

The peace that finally came over me after learning the truth is indescribable.

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Other Half @Otherhalf
18 January, 11:47
In response Judy 777 to her Publication
Seems to me you can prove the existence of God by asking one question: Where did everything come from?

"Science" has no answer for this one. The Big Bang requires a huge miracle before it can even begin.

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Age of Enlightenment @Sparrows
18 January, 12:21
In response Judy 777 to her Publication
Plus, I think humanity will become better stewards of the Earth. ❤

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18 January, 07:33
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
doq, its good to know the tricks these demons play on us so that we know their tricks. there IS a reason “they” wanted us to believe it is a globe. have you even researched it? it is good to know all of the devils lies👺and why they lie about it. the more i know about their👺lies, the more i know about God’s truth✝️, the devil will NOT trick me now or in any future situations.
i get your point sbout more serious matters, but when it comes down to it, it is ALL serious, and it could mean your life🙏🏻

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Optimus Titan @OptimusTitan6868
18 January, 07:42
In response RT_PEACE_LOVE_ TRUTH_FREEDOM to her Publication
Holy fuck. I hate this subject.
Stop. We have all researched it. And guess what? The majority of us dont think it adds up. Get over it.
I can see why its so easy for folks to get off track and believe something that isnt real.
The past 2 years have shown how stupid the human race really is.

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Anon 4203 @Anon4203
18 January, 07:03
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Yes lets stick with the mission! Save the Children! 🙏

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Malika Vogelsang @NiceAngel11
18 January, 06:21
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Agree but still important because it defines who we are: the pinacle of Gods creation .

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Silver Cat @silvercat
18 January, 10:33
In response Malika Vogelsang to her Publication
It is very easy to fall into the hubrys trap. What if there is no "pinnacle" of God's creations? What if we just get over own egos and celebrate all of God's creations? God created EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY in the universe! Indescribably marvelous! Every blade of grass, rock, tree, star, planet, even space itself! Wow! Also, there are no doubt other planets out there whose inhabitants know God and celebrate Him, too! So maybe if we get off over our tendencies to argue about silly stuff like whether or not the earth is round or flat and get to work on the important things we might make some headway on our current missions: A) Each one of us developing a closer relationship to God and B) Making this planet great, with God's Grace and help!

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
18 January, 06:13
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Q_KingDavid 0o0 @TheHermitPepe
18 January, 06:20
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
Tat is a tough Scripture Jason. Group think is actually terrible. Think for yourselves. Disagreement brings truth, Debate brings truth

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18 January, 07:39
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
so true. people are failing to see that God expects us to be one in thought to enter His Kingdom. He is trying to show everyone His truth and they dont want to see His truth, only their own truth. Gods people need to be on same page, NOT scattered in their own thoughts or ways😢🙏🏻

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Sunny Kitchen @Sunnyrainy
18 January, 04:37
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
stupid things to argue about absolutely hundred percent correct🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️ hundred percent true patriot

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Victoria ~ Z Skywalker @Victoria1144
18 January, 03:12
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
it doesn't matter the shape..........what matters is what happens here...........AND where we really are (and WHO put us here)........and what's outside of this place.......

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Daniel 4444 @TheotherDaniel
18 January, 02:08
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family donated @Milldee
18 January, 02:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Law & Physics @physics171
18 January, 01:57
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Earth has an inner earth?

There is a lot going on in the inner earth?

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Here KittyKitty @HereKittyKitty
18 January, 12:20
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
The body of Christ is one body with many parts. Christ alone is the head; the people are the different parts of the body. Each part has his own function, and all work together to make the body operate. If all were the same, the body would not work. (1 Cor 12:14-26)😐

Truthers are in search of the TRUTH.
Some are well-versed in the truth about the political establishment,
or the educational system,
or big pharma & medicine,
or natural healing,
or technology,
or ancient history,
or NASA & the earth shape,
or DUMBS ,cloning & chimeras

The point is, ALL these topics are important for discussion, because the lies have kept people oppressed for centuries.
Lies are the biggest weapon of the enemy.
It's the TRUTH that makes you free. 🤨

There should be NO arguments among genuine truth seekers; information sharing is gathering wheat and blowing away chaff.
Those who would argue and belittle simply have that nature, and would argue with a tree stump 🙄

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
18 January, 05:25
In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication
He who has ears to hear let him hear.

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Jan Jackson * * * @Jan_Jackson
19 January, 02:44
In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication
Don't forget there are Jewish people in this fight, too. Not everyone is a Christian.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
17 January, 11:42
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
For Nana it is only extremely relevant at this particular moment in this battle if it affects the outcome or evolution.

For me, yes it is important to know the truth at some point about it as well and I am not convinced either way.

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BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family donated @Milldee
18 January, 02:52
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
As long as there is division we will NEVER be well rounded!

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