Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
12 February, 01:03
In response mark kub to his Publication
They give SOME of your money to other countries. Most of your money is laundered and brought right back to the members of congress and the senate. That is why NOBODY ever tried to do an audit. They do not want you to know how and when they did their theft{s}. Also why there are no failsafe methods to prevent fraud in the massive money laundering systems they have placed into OUR government without OUR knowledge or permission.

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mark kub @markkub
12 February, 10:41
We can not keep going on like this, it has to stop, our children are going to have a hard time if nothing is done. 😏

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
12 February, 07:25
The entire world is breathing a huge sigh of relief because President Trump is back where he belongs - in the Oval Office. His decisions are clearly executed to free us from the slavery of the DS and set our country on a path of success and relief. Other nations are looking to us for guidance on the path forward. We are at a unique place in history to show our true colors as the most powerful nation on earth yet with a determination for embracing other nations in our united efforts to free the earth from the DS Cabal that has continually sown division, hatred and evil into our civilization for eons. We have this unique opportunity to stand up for what is right - to HOLD THE LINE. Our nation will be the leader in this journey to true freedom and great victory over evil. Let us all celebrate with the world for this opportunity to change the destination of this Earth and mankind.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
12 February, 04:41
Copied from TS JD Rucker:

To all the sudden attorneys out there questioning President Trump's willingness to fight the judiciary, it's clear that he will. The personal cases against him are clear indicators that he's not afraid of fighting in court, nor has he ever been at any point in his life. But some are saying he's letting activist judges subvert his agenda. This isn't true. The administration is working behind the scenes to set things straight. He doesn't need to post about it to Truth Social. He needs to let his talented team do the work, and they're doing just that. DOGE will continue. Eliminating waste and corruption is ongoing. Don't sweat over the radical leftist judiciary because they will be handled appropriately.


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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
12 February, 03:50
Just copied this from TS:

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
11 February, 01:25
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider / Patreon

that he’s going after the pedo-ops..
In 2023 Super AI systems began to move the Black Community
& expose these satanic ops inside the music industry.
Those AI MIL INTEL Ops [Q] created a huge movement
that didn’t believe Obama, Biden, Kamala.
The song Kendrick Lamar sang, “They Not Like Us”
is about good humans
vs the satanic ops, pedo-ops [they, them] are not like us..
Kendrick was singing about → pedo-ops → the satanic cabal
→ music industry → Drake → Jay-Z → Diddy.
Jay-Z runs the ½ time shows
& was FORCED by Q-Military & Trump to do it.
He HAD to let Kendrick Lamar sing this song.
These were comms to the DS that these are the next ops
→ Hollywood → Music Industry.
HUGE PANIC → Diddy, Epstein, Maxwell, Clive Davis, record labels
Trump is going after blackmail pedo-ops 💔

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
11 February, 04:18
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
These horrific events continue to surface and bring our attention to them. When can we see the justice come to life? How many more innocent children are lost every single day as we browse through these horrific events? I am sick of hearing how these hollywood celebs have gotten by for decades (thanks to our dollars supporting them) by torturing and abusing innocent children. I know that God is even more sick and tired of these vermin continuing to live and breathe on this planet. It's time for a great reckoning in order to bring about a great awakening. The vast majority of us are wide awake. We want these monsters gathered up, arrested, tried and if convicted - executed right away. No appeals for decades. NO - we need closure and an end to this horrific era. BTW - we the people of this country want the lawmakers who have been and still are lying and cheating us to be indicted and charged with the crimes they have committed. NO EXCEPTIONS.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
11 February, 06:52
In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication
Anyone who thinks President Trump does not mean he says is really stupid. He has the plan already to roll out to do just what he says. In the words of Dirty Harry one day long ago, "Go ahead and make my day" is the same slogan for President Trump. Although he would much rather receive all the hostages back, thank HAMAS for returning them and then bring down the roof on their holdings. Time for the ME to begin a new path forward - free from the slavery of the DS Cabal. God is watching, the world is watching. BTW - the leftie loonies can not stop it.

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amy lilley @amylilley
10 February, 08:18
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Issues Direct Threat To Hamas: Release Hostages By 12 PM Sat Or Face 'Hell' - YouTube

At a press gaggle in the Oval Office, President Trump demanded the release of hostages by Hamas by noon on Saturday or they'll face "hell."Fuel your success ...

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
10 February, 01:30
In response James Dean to his Publication
GMOs should NEVER have been incorporated into our diets.
When did GMOs first start?
The first genetically modified organism (GMO) was created in 1973 by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen. The first GMO was a bacterium that was resistant to the antibiotic kanamycin.
Timeline of GMOs:
1973: Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen create the first GMO, a bacterium resistant to kanamycin
1974: Rudolf Jaenisch creates the first transgenic animal.
1980: The first patent is issued for a living organism
1982: The FDA approves human insulin, the first consumer GMO product
1994: The Flavr Savr tomato, the first commercialized GMO food, is released
2003: The GloFish, the first commercialized genetically modified animal, is created
2015: The AquAdvantage salmon, the first genetically modified animal approved for food use, is created
GMOs are organisms that have had their DNA altered to give them new traits. These traits can include resistance to pests or herbicides, or nutritional enhance

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James Dean @Wait_its_time
10 February, 12:07
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
When you think about it they've been poisoning us for years without a cure always coming up with new medications that cause additional side effects leading to more medicines that cause more side effects until you're eventually dead.

Natural cures are the way to go without any side effects other than becoming healthy.

I've tried so many alternative medicines but the one that always seems to do the trick and has such a wide variety of healing has been pure gum spirits of turpentine. 🤠

Once all our food goes back to natural form as it was originally before they started altering it especially the fruits and vegetables as they've been eliminating the seeds in them which you actually need, then our health will greatly improve.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
10 February, 12:27
In response James Dean to his Publication
💔 You are 💯 JD,

[They] create the illness
& [they] create the NON-CURE for it
& they have zillions of human beings
paying bajillion$ of dollars to "get well"
who remain sick for life 🤬

Meanwhile, this WONDERFUL cough medicine
is non-Rockefeller AMA 😹
I drink a version of it EVERY NIGHT
without the Whiskey!
I have Hot water, Lemon Juice, Cayenne
& 1 TBLs Maple Syrup daily.
Sometimes 2 x a day 🍋🍋

Good news, as Q The Storm Rider said
in his latest video:

🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
STARGATE is powerful Intelligence Ops
from 1000s of years into the future
of how they’re going to destroy the deep state
to fix humanity,
to fix sickness, addicts, mentally sick — ALL ❤️

Not only Med Beds, JD, but ALL KINDS
of HEALING methods 💖🔆🕊️

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
10 February, 01:23
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
You are describing my Mama's recipe for a "hot toddy". She brought that down from her Mama who was half Cherokee Indian. My grandmother was a "healer" and a "mid-wife". She delivered many babies back in the early 1920s era. But I always add a small shot of whiskey. It tastes better that way.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
09 February, 06:28
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
The victims who are LOST and vanished under the most detestable pain and suffering imaginable are no longer in harms way. But there are still way too many unaccounted for and missing. Too many are still in the tunnels and being tortured by these monsters. Time to pull out all the stops and go straight and quickly to rescue them. For too many it is too late, but are there any we can rescue? We must try.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
09 February, 05:19
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider / Patreon Channel
[Elon] is working with super-super-super-super-advanced
→ STARGATE underneath the Alaska mountains
operating ALL these systems..
Sen. Marsha Blackburn — EPSTEIN —
she’s going to expose Ghislaine Maxwell,
bring out testimony, documents & THE BLACK BOOK
Obama, Gates, Hunter, Military, Senate, Congress, RINOs,
& Democrats.
High profile people → MAXWELL BLACK BOOK
Kash & Bondi → expose EPSTEIN..
The destruction of the Democratic party is happening before you
because the DNC had plans for 2026
to use the Senate to take control of the U.S.
Trump is taking apart the DNC, FBI, CIA
these were the biggest ops controlling other ops
Epstein Exposure is going to come out
P Diddy Exposure is going to EXPLODE before Summer 💥

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
09 February, 01:16
In response Brandy Molina to her Publication
Brandy your Brother is my Hero.
He helped us get to where we are today.
My best friend is 82nd Airborne & valiantly fought hand-to-hand in the jungles of Vietnam, but now losing his memory & capacity to function independently.
Those MEN like your Brother, American Heroes ALL, held back the Cabal's march to subjugate the world under Bolshevism, just as the previous generation held back Fascism in Europe & Communism in Korea...achieving all that in the face of rampant treachery and one hand always tied behind their backs. They kept Humanity in the fight until this War could achieve Final Victory today. Until President & CIC Trump and his 1000+ Generals & Admirals could unleash HELL on this Enemy.
My friend's stories of the Jungle are nothing short of harrowing and can be really comprehended by only those MEN who were there. Your Brother, as well all Vietnam Veterans still living, need a special Holiday, a real Welcome Home & Celebration Honor befitting their service & sacrifice.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
09 February, 02:58
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
I heartedly agree. My brother was one of two of the youngest sergeants in the Marines at that time. He fought valiantly and was truly a great soldier. It has been 58 years since his death but not a single day passes without me missing him. While I am very proud of what he did, I am
angry at the government that placed our young people in harms way. I am determined to "never give up" but keep my eyes on the path ahead and my hands on the wheel. "Steady as she goes" as we old Navy vets say.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
08 February, 06:30
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
😿 You're so right, Mike.
Oh God, Oh God. I dread getting to Pizzagate 🍕

James Alefantis, son of Philippine de Rothschild,
& owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza,
where much of the DS US government
child trafficking, soliciting & facilitating
was going out of 💥

Philippine de Rothschild was also
@ President Kennedy's assassination
along with GHWBush & GWBush
to make the assassination a satanic sacrifice
with 3-satanists present
& 3 x the magnification of the evil spell 💔

She is seen here wearing her
"baphomet" jewelry
& at JFK's assassination 💔

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
09 February, 06:44
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I, like millions of other Americans watched in horror as that day unfolded. I was left dumbfounded. How could this possibly happen here in our beloved state of Texas? Or anywhere for that matter. My only brother was so moved that he joined the Marines a few months later and LBJ's military promptly sent him to Vietnam. After 13 months there, he returned home only to die 10 months later in the VA Hospital from the effects of agent orange. My life has never been the same without him. Knowing what I know now, I would like to rip those monsters' tongues right out of their mouths. But alas, God has this - not me. I am horrified by the depth of Satan's hold on our beautiful country. I am excited to see that demon being extracted little by little every single day. The moaning of the lefties is music to my ears. Their pain is only beginning.

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
08 February, 08:35 (E)
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I'm with you, Kat. "done & dusted" 💯

"Audit it" sounds good for the public Normie ear, but one doesn't treat Organized Criminal Syndicates or Criminals that way in Criminal Law Enforcement matters. When did you ever hear of Law Enforcement of any kind of an "audit"?

They do INVESTIGATIONS & RAIDS. You first surveil, then RAID, & SEIZE EVERYTHING, keeping chain of custody. Making Arrests, too. Then go through all the collected evidence and build the Case even bigger, and this is probably the biggest Criminal Case in American History.

Mention the word "audit" to a Criminal and they'll just laugh themselves silly as they burn, shred & smash everything with hammers like Hillary did.

Besides, THE FED had the highest paid BAR Attorneys on retainer + Judges in their pockets, so a real "audit" would take years, maybe decades.

The FEDERAL RESERVE & its enforcement goon squad the IRS were criminal CARTELS, and had to be treated just like the Drug Cartels of Mexico.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
09 February, 06:07
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
Great Point OC. However, President Trump already has it all. He now wants to see them squirm and writhe under the pressure while his team reveals everything they already have. Too late for the shredders. They never knew what hit 'em, kinda like the Titanic?

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
08 February, 05:35
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
It is clear why God anointed Donald Trump to be our President and CIC. He is the only human being that can stand up under the extreme pressure(s) placed on him every single day. His stamina is that of a SUPER MAN. His genius is amazing. Those who are resisting him are the ones who have taken our wealth and robbed future generations of Americans of their chances to be successful. FINALLY, there is a man who is willing to "take all the arrows" for us and fight to overthrow ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME the evil DS demons who seek to completely destroy humans who are of no use to them. Thankfully, they are so stupid they do not know which way to turn. The lightning speed that President Trump and his amazing team have moved is more than they can compensate for. They are greatly overwhelmed. Thank you God for your great choice for our leader. Please keep him and all his team safe.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
08 February, 03:35
🙀 There’s a dust-up over at Treasury 💥

The deep state have enlisted a Federal judge
to BLOCK Elon & his DOGE boys from accessing
‘sensitive’ US Treasury Dept. material.

Elon wants to put US Treasury transactions on a blockchain

The highest ranking Treasury official, David Lebryk,
resigned on Monday following a dispute with Elon
over access to their GOVERNMENT PAYMENT SYSTEM.


🦅🇺🇸🪖 Il Donaldo Trumpo posted

Staying tuned 👀

But as Anons know #NCSWIC 💪💥

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
08 February, 01:54
President Trump 2 weeks in:

▪️ Mexico caved

▪️ Panama caved

▪️ Colombia caved

▪️ Venezuela caved

▪️ Canada panicking

▪️ Mass deportations

▪️ Hostages are home

▪️ DEl programs ended

▪️ Bureaucracy slashed

▪️ FBI purges are underway

▪️ USAID funding cancelled

▪️ Gender ideology eliminated

▪️ DOGE already saved billions

▪️ 51 intel agents lost clearance

▪️ Border crossings drop by 93%

▪️ Reservoirs filled up in California

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
08 February, 02:35
In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication
And the President hasn't taken a day off or a vacation. How many pressers? I've lost count.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
08 February, 02:33
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
Call 1-800-WHA WHA for a recording. Press 1 for instructions on writing your resume.

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Mike Anon @Mike314
08 February, 02:03

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
08 February, 02:32
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
It is shocking to realize the power of money and power that would cause any man to take a man and call "him" his wife. Let alone to be intimate with "him". It is beyond stupid and evil. These imbeciles have their final destination etched in stone. I Timothy 1st chapter:
"We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, FOR THOSE ACTING IN HOMOSEXUALITY, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to us."

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
08 February, 01:39
😹 I just spoke to a friend who said,
“Please don’t let me miss it when it’s announced
Michelle Obama is a man‼️”

I promised I would let him know but that
when THAT happens, you wouldn’t be able to miss it.
And BTW, the President of France is married to a man too 👱‍♂️👱‍♂️
And so is Schumer, Gates, etc.

🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
Everybody is in PANIC @ the DNC, Hollywood—MASS PANIC..
All these exposures are going to keep on going
& expose different Presidents like Macron & his ‘wife.’
This is part of reason why they raided Mar-a-Lago
because 💥Trump had papers on Macron & his ‘wife.’💥
His ‘wife’ is a transgender & is inside of these DS ops.
It’s much more than you can imagine.
EXPOSURE of World leaders. World Storm Ops. All the countries.

🇺🇸 Candace Owens reveals ‘Brigitte’/Jean-Michel Macron
BECOMING BRIGITTE: Gaslighting The Public

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
08 February, 02:15
In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication
Thank God for this. We are being peppered by toxins that make us sick, tired and angry. Our weather is UNGodly. Please relieve us from these completely UNNecessary poisons.

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