Doq Holliday @doqholliday
19 May, 12:48
All these social networks are wanting me to unplug, get grounded, bath in rivers and see God’s creations.

Live that hippie lifestyle for a bit.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
23 May, 11:27
Just take this information that I am about to tell you and write it down, then move on with your life.
Herbs for

Alkanet, bistort root, Cinchonia Bark, sage, black cohosh,

I use herbs in tincture, in teas or powdered form with juice.

One at a time as individual herbs.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
23 May, 11:24
I am just going to put my sweet little find here for you:
It is a book written in 1889 called "45 years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous". It covers 45 years (so starting in the year 1844) the statistics of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases once the blood has been poisoned by vaccination. They cover the health of the vaccinated VERSES the UNvaccinated.....bad news for the vaccinated...they were dying more from other diseases such as measles, mumps, smallpox and diphtheria because of a weakened countenance from vaccines. This was covered 128 years ago.
Oh and all you "The science is settled on Vaccines" People... Nope. It never has been settled. They knew it was hurting mankind.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
23 May, 11:18
There is a rare book, that I bought about 3 years ago called "Plagues & Pestilences as affecting Human life with An Inquiry Into Their Causes" by Cornelius Walford, Copyright 1884. It is fascinating to say the least. The plagues are listed clear back to 2500 BC to 1882 AD with information regarding each one. I will share information in this book as we continue on this quarantine and social distancing, however, There is a chapter on ~Plague Preventatives and Remedies~.Of course I wanted to go to that chapter first and mind you, this edition that I purchased, this actual book, used to be a part of the the Army Medical Library in Washington, DC.
Here are some of the recommended HISTORIC methods to recover from these times:

Prayer and Fasting: There are written historical details of plagues during this time that were resolved by this.

Feasts:To gather together in prayer and joy for one another

Repentance:This includes anything from infidelity to "eating the sacrifices of the

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
19 April, 03:52
I’ll gladly accept a class action lawsuit against USA inc for forcing us to lock down and negatively affecting my life.

For accepting a rigged election and letting an elderly dumb ass wreck this country. (I know he’s fake)

Let’s bring on the great default and bankrupt this corporation forever. (already is bankrupt but needs to play out for normies)


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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
19 April, 09:58
Christ doesn’t need symbols or hidden works done in secret.

Therefore, governments, freemasonry & secret societies are not inline with Christ.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
10 April, 12:51
My husband is a leatherworker, and this pair of boots came in for repair. And, guess what that is? Yep, that is a flipping tracking device that was embedded into the sole of the boot, with a glue that prevents it from getting wet or destroyed! And, guess where this pair of boots was made?

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
10 April, 12:48
From Big tech, to Rfid tracers in clothes, shoes, to food cartons and refrigerators to read the contents, this is a must watch documentary.

As a friend that truly cares about each of you on my friends list, I ask that you take the time to watch it.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
04 April, 11:02
Please listen to this.

He is calling out the school boards, and Supreme Court Justice, and the porn books in schools.

How to maintain victory over the enemy.

I wish more pastors would be this bold and preach straight truth from the Bible.

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
29 March, 11:11

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
29 March, 10:16

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
21 February, 02:15
I remember this well. A false flag was used demonizing and blaming the Patriots back in the day.💩

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
16 February, 03:20
Ecclesiastes 7:19
Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

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Tank Patriot donated @TankPatriot
13 February, 09:06
on this #KennedySunday . WE can dream HE is behind the Durham Investigations. mayne More than a Dream 🙏🏽🇺🇸

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
13 February, 06:27
Can’t wait to see what ‘Mike Pence’ says/doesn’t say in the coming days/weeks.

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Boooo BooBoo donated @Boooo
10 February, 12:34
❣️I just had an emotional moment.
God bless you truckers, hold the line ... hold the line

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
10 February, 12:52
from RealEyes

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
01 February, 08:19
important watch. especially at the 22:24 mark! 😳

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
30 January, 09:35
Happy Sunday...Not all Angels play the harp ♥️

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
28 January, 10:00
Live Line Barehand workers off of 75N in Florida. Much respect 💕

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
24 January, 08:01
Its time to end federal taxes and bring on social security reparations for US Citizens, innappropiately fooked by the system!

Do it Q!!!

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
11 January, 02:56
Will normies finally think it would be good to expose Fauci?

LFG already! Time’s up!

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
08 January, 01:17
Seems like we are transitioning from "soft disclosure" to "hard disclosure". I don't make predictions on timing, but I am definitely stocking up on chocolate caramel wafer bars tomorrow.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
08 January, 11:30
2009 Covid-19 episode! Hmmmm, Obama was president in 2009. 🧐

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
08 January, 10:43
We have been in active geomagnetic storm for the past few hours.

This may feel like anxiety, headaches, heart palpitations, tingling or stinging of your skin, ringing in your ears, and exhaustion. Make sure to hydrate, ground, and rest as necessary.

Also, check the chart below for possible issues you may be feeling.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
05 January, 11:52
Truth here.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
07 January, 04:15
Q The Storm Rider [Edited]

We must be careful, Patriots, ANONS
who spread the GREAT AWAKENING

5G is no joke & full unauthorized testing
has taken place in the U.S. & abroad
Rollout of 5G in U.S. expected after Jan 19.

The power behind 5G is more than a human can FATHOM
DARPA can use 5G as a weapon many ways:
Replicating sickness
& antagonizing body cells to excrete spike proteins
& Graphene Oxide combine with 5g to Control the body.
There are many factors to 5G causing illness..
Military 5G weapon can KILL subjects
through positioned directed weapons
(small energy weapon & can find subjects
through Nano, phones, wifi, RFIDs.)

We are coming into the SUPER dangerous part of the WAR
There's a reason the virus + 5g
was rolled out in Wuhan at the same time

Stay safe keep your spiritual body armor strong!!!!

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
04 January, 01:25
The weird things happening around the world is actually fulfilling of the Bible. Stay prayed up.

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
03 January, 05:27
This guy is sharing Word knowledge about our DNA that I did not know, and what these vaccines were created to do. Please take time to listen. 😳

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Just Me... @Tnsfno20
02 January, 06:54
Listen up and stay prayed up.

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