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Intentional Stand down in the shootings as students called 911 for help from the inside the school. For over an hour the killer shot students as police CHIEF PETE ARREDONDO stood down and blocked the swat team from entering as he stated that he thought there were no more kids alive >>> but it's all turning out to be a lie as several kids called 911 crying for help inside the building and the chief was aware of the calls///
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"With the jury out in the trial of former 2016 Clinton campaign counsel Michael Sussmann, the usual odds-takers appeared on cable news, rating the chances of a conviction. Despite the seemingly overwhelming evidence against Sussmann, the jury’s makeup seems strikingly favorable for the defense. "

Friends with benefits: Sussmann trial is a black eye for the FBI | The Hill
The combined record makes certain echelons within FBI look like the equivalent of unindicted co-conspirators. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Arrested In California, Report Says
This is what we know. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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reflecting seizure of assets ?
saw a post here yesterday about that happening now
in plain sight, just hav to look / realize...
maybe even that list yesterday of all the stock market
numbers in neg zone for amazon et al
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Fwd D.U.M.B.S and Underground War
Leonard Samson [enclosed chart]
All is done
All is set & ready to go for boom-time flash-time.
Be ready for some wacky stuff.
9-20 Gene Decode 🇺🇸 [said this 2 years ago]
"People don’t realize
all the upper handlers have been removed..
People don’t realize
🍿 we’re watching a movie
& they’re going to let this movie & the cabal play out
right up to the end
because you’ve got to get people to realize
the lies for themselves..
Let ‘em see how close the cabal came
which was literally wiping out
11 out of every 12 people on Earth
& enslaving everybody else
& everything they know would have been gone."
😼 When Q posted
Q wasn't kidding.
I guess we're just waiting for peeps to take their masks off! 💥
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Find a place to sit down before you view this 2 minute video. Not kidding.
Martin Geddes forwarded this from EndIlluminati.
Red pill of gargantuan proportions.
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Every State needs to do this America
Tennessee Makes Ivermectin Available Without Prescription
Published on May 12, 2022

Tennessee Makes Ivermectin Available Without Prescription | Principia Scientific Intl.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill on Apr. 22, 2022, allowing Ivermectin to be dispensed without a prescription. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
These are some evil sobs!
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,but there are many mirrors since [they] build their lies upon truth(...)
or edit out the Y and not the y
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Only followers of this user (MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
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2000 Mules - Documentary ( FULL MOVIE ENGLISH ) New Movie 2022 | Dinesh D'Souza
Apr 24, 2022 #Dinesh_D'Souza Subscribe on Youtube: #NEW DOCUMENTARY #2000_Mules Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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🐰 Juan O Savin
"Where did the money for Playboy come from?
Hugh Hefner said he got it from “friends & family.”
The reality is he got it from CIA.
That money was so that they could create honey-pots
make it “respectable” for gentlemen
to engage in these things
& they were using that out of the Hollywood area.
The Playboy Mansion
& Playboy Clubs & things like that.
When Playboy got in trouble financially
& went into bankruptcy,
they had the Bunny Jet.
It was a black jet & had a bunny on its tail.
What helped them get out of bankruptcy?
What were they doing?
They were ferrying the 💥 Nazi Scientists
between various dark locations
where there were Secret Science projects going on
& they were using the Bunny Jet.
What happened?
The money from the Bunny Jet was a back door pipeline
to get Playboy back in the black." 🐇
👇3 images
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AlwayZ Loved Ya, AlwayZ Will- ]John[ 316
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming- 316
The choice to know will be youRs. Q
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