Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
29 May, 05:00
IMAGINE being a company traded on the stock exchange and you have only 70 million shares that you issued to the market to be traded with and you find out that there is over 500+ million in the market after doing a shareholder vote on corporate actions..... THIS IS A CRIME of MASSIVE MASSIVE PURPORTIONS!!!

NOW IMAGINE, that your not alone, almost every company in existance has upwards to 50% to 150% more shares being traded in the open market than ever was issued...... Now try doing the same thing with a $100 bill, and try to use a counterfeit one and see how fast you will go to prison.... Someone(s) naked shorting our whole economy and they are atealing $100’s of billions of dollars per day/week/month from our economy but yet the gooberment stays quiet!! WHY??? Because they dont want to bite the hands that have been feeding them!!! WATCH THE MARKETS CLOSELY, especially gamestop and AMC...... Shit is about to get really real!!!

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
29 May, 04:47
keep an eye on the goings on in the market!!! i do believe 100% that the market plays the biggest roll in this whole saga... Naked short selling is being exposed by companies like gamestop and amc theaters.... Big BIG things will be happening the next week or two.... What if the algos that switched votes were the same algos running HFT trading systems in our markets, causing a MASSIVE $100+ TRILLION being fleeced out of our markets into corrupt criminal banks, hedge funds, politicians pockets??? stay tuned!!

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
07 April, 02:58
Serious SERIOUS issue fixing to hit us all IMO...

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
07 April, 12:40
somehow i believe this GME/wallstreetbets thing is HIGHLY connected to what weve been waiting for.... These corrupt hedgefunds and banks have been stealing Americas wealth through “naked short selling” and these same people have been financing these corrupt politicians.... I think we are fixing to see “THE GAME STOP” here pretty soon when the enormous transfer of wealth happens from the 1%ers back to the people and we start witnessing the trials of these criminals/terrorists namely CITADEL... What they have been doing is a crime against our nation as well as crimes against himanity.... I think we are fixing to witness ALOT of corrupt broker dealers/hedge funds going bankrupt SOON and stocks like GME, AMC, NAKD, KOSS, and many many others blast to the moon when these naked shorts are forced to buy back these naked shares.. The evidence is overwhelming that these institutions are liqudating long positions accross the board to pay for what they are fixing to llose on GME alone...

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
27 February, 11:01
I may lose or win but guess what.. iM HERE AND IM SAYING ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! I’m done with you Fckers stealing from US, STEALING OUR CHILDREN FOR YOUR CULT, and STEALING OUR FREEDOM and if you want to play the game, your gonna have to kill me...


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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
27 February, 10:56
General Flynn is like Gladiator.... Bad MF'er!! BRING THE PAIN SIR... I know a GENERAL when i seenone!! 👍👍👍

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11 February, 06:02

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Jlight 1111 @Narrowpath
15 February, 07:45
He was saying it in 2012.

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Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) @i4ni2th4a2th
10 February, 12:22
I hate fear porn but why did Jeff Bezos just build
a 5 BILLION DOLLAR boat that converts into a submarine?

How far would the cabal go to reassume control?

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Stormy17 IsHere @Stormy17ishere
03 February, 09:28
Benghazi is NOT going away, the truth shall be told [No Matter What]

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MzMidniteRider333 ... @MzMidniteRider333
02 February, 08:33
The deeper u go, the more fucked up it is 😭
Wat kind of photographer is she🤔🤔
Tip - She's Marina Abrovamic photographer too
These people worship satan

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
04 February, 05:38
Go look at the charts on GME, AMC, NAKD, and NOK and tell me what you see......

I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS TYPE OF MANIPULATION IN THE MARKETS EVER, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, naked shorting and short laddering companies into the ground and the SEC is trying to go after message board posters....😂😂. JUSTICE IS DEAD IN AMERICA!!!

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Blondie Brute @BlondieBrute
04 February, 12:16

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
02 February, 09:17
Jesus is the WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE!!!! never ever forget that...... There never been a greater love on earth than what he did for all of us on that cross... Glory be to God in the highest!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
02 February, 09:14
You gotta love these "Game stop" and AMC folks for exposing to the world whats really going on in our financial markets..... BUY AND HOLD squeezes these turds out of their shorts (NAKED SHORT)..
Question: If company A has 1,000,000 shares in the market, then how come investors hold 10,000,000 in their trading accounts around the world? NAKED SHORT SELLING, thats how and [THEY] have fleeced the American People out of their wealth to the tune of 100+TRILLION DOLLARS $$ This system is EXPOSED now and that hole thats been dripping will soon turn into a flood... Gods people have life jackets. 😉☝️

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Jimbo 66 ✓ᵈᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ @Jimbo0566
01 February, 02:51

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Dovetail 1221 donated @1221Dovetail
02 February, 01:53
realdonaltrump ‘s post on GAB . 🇺🇸🦅
I did some Gematria in the bottom left corner of the words from his post. I truly believe things are still happening behind the scenes and I truly believe The Best Is Yet To Come Patriots!!! Thank you all for all you have done and God Bless each and every one of you!!! We R in this together!!! 🙏🏼❤️✝️❤️🙏🏼 #GodWins #wwg1wga #MAGA #trump2021 #JFKJRLIVES . ❤️

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
01 February, 11:58
the amount of stock manipulation and down right fraud happening today that it is STAGGERING. Why would they risk going to prison for stock manipulation, naked short selling and etc??? BECAUSE THEY ARE #Fooked and THEY KNOW IT..... Keep watching!!!

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
31 January, 07:53
Posted by @kyra

We need to all work together. We need everyone to share on social media’s. Any groups like reddit we need the links to help promote this.
We need a countdown timer also so everyone buys at the same time.

The plan is if 10,000 people buy at once, the price will skyrocket and their algorithms won’t be able to stop this (same as GameStop).
Once Stockmarket people see the price jump, they buy in and we all sell later in the day when the price is massive.
10,000 people that buy $100 worth of XRP (or what you can afford).

Copy paste so everyone will see it

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
31 January, 10:51
iIm wondering how these folks feel after having their money llaundering tools being exposed to the world through these short squeezes and money flows frime side to side but apmost never to one side, but when it does all hell breaks loose... Because the people are in full blown PANIC mode at the moment IMVHO.... should be a. fun day today. 🤷‍♂️☺️

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
31 January, 09:31
Looks like $AMC may go to da moooon starting tomorrow. Another GME (game stop)??? we shall see, i have my tickets... Yeeehaaaawww

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Davy Crocket @Davicrockerbeez
30 January, 01:17

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
29 January, 06:14
It's time to get uncomfortable and talk about the real shit that's been going on in Hollywood for the last decade. It's not popular, may not get a ton of likes and re-posts. But, if you are a soldier of truth and freedom you know this is what dark to light is all about. The children.

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LadyMAGA Liberty @LadyMAGALiberty
28 January, 09:39
Mark Smith via Gab;
Gamestop is MUCH MUCH BIGGER than most people understand. If the vigilantes keep buying and refuse to sell their shares it could take down

ALL OF IT…the entire financial system.

This is a MUST read…this is not some little game. These kids might have the big banks by the balls and they know it

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
29 January, 02:18
BUY AND HOLD AND FORCE THE SHORT COVER= THE ANICONDA SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!! Bankrupt the ones whos been cheating the system and find out the ones who are actually legit (probably not many) but heres to hope.. 😉😉

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
29 January, 02:14
How does it make you feel to finally stand up to this wicked power Elite and tell them "f*ck you, were not gonna allow you to steal from us anymore and we will NEVER allow you to launder crimes against humanity profits through our financial stytems EVER AGAIN"!!!


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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
29 January, 02:14
"Its not about the the money, its about sending a message'......!!! The Joker

Buy and HOLD is the keys to the kingdom known as THEFT STREET (wall street) where the profits of human trafficking, drug dealers, child sex traffickers, and every other criminal thing you can think of gets laundered through....These hedgefunds, banks, broker dealers, market makers, The SEC, FINRA, have robbed our country blind and are CRIMINALS in how much theft they have stolen through "NAKED SHORT SELLING" from average everyday people like us....... $100 TRILLION++

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Tim Larlee @timlar
29 January, 01:37
The darkness that was killing Earth less than a century ago is being completely replaced by light, the same powerful energy as love; and, during your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed so the civilization can advance and flourish.

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Thump Thump @ThumpThump75
28 January, 08:09
dogecoin TOOO DAAA MOON!! lol wowzzers

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Jackie Joe @CD9
28 January, 01:50

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