Only people mentioned by Shannon_0017 in this post can reply
Alexandra Briza
19 February, 01:42
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
I'm in Canada, that is NOT snow! We had a storm here too at the same time. I just burnt a peice and it didn't burn too fast and had a dark residue. Maybe there is something in the particles.🤔
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vDarkness Falls
19 February, 12:41
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
The way it appears to BLINK as if it's the "All seeing eye", scares the shit out of me & screams illuminati.
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Lawrence D...
19 February, 12:25
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
That is un-natural I agree with the chemical theory. Can someone anylise it?
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Pam Kennedy
19 February, 12:21
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
It's full of chemicals from the climate change weather seeding.
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Alexandra Briza
19 February, 01:43
In response Pam Kennedy to her Publication
Chemicals yes, climate change, I believe that is another hoax to fear us into believing we are over populated.
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Faith Whitehead
19 February, 12:12
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Something isnt right woth that snow! Of course i had to go out and check out the scow we have and it all melted normally! I am in Western NY and we are used to s ow nad cold here. i just have never seen snow do that! That is not normal!
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Keila Anon
19 February, 12:08
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
I concur
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Cindy Brauneker
19 February, 12:01
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
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Summer Breeze
19 February, 12:27
In response Cindy Brauneker to her Publication
I melted a full bowl in microwave and it took 2mins and very little water in the bowl. I am in MS.
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Penny Shra
19 February, 12:00
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Wow. If I were Texas I'd start drinking
filtered water from now on
filtered water from now on
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Hertz SoGood
18 February, 10:20
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
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Rebecca Cook
18 February, 10:04
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Twitter said this link has been identified as potentially 'harmful' so not allowed to tweet. If it was child porn it would sail right thru. 🙄
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Alexandra Briza
19 February, 01:33
In response Rebecca Cook to his Publication
Every truth potentially harmful to them! lol
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Rebecca Cook
18 February, 09:57
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
The first thing my husband & I noticed from being out in the snow is it didn't seem like any snow we'd ever been around. It had a plastic quality/crunch to it. Then I saw my first vid Tues & was going to grab a ball to try & experiment. Very hard to make a ball without a lot of effort using both hands. Mine didn't melt or drip no matter how long I held the lighter to it. I hope it's not infected with something because I've had my hands in it quite a bit without gloves(landscaping stuff) & we have massive amounts of bird flocks & 2 dozen turkeys eating here.
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18 February, 10:22
In response Rebecca Cook to his Publication
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Violet MEGA-Heart
19 February, 12:20
In response Rebecca Cook to his Publication
I watched those vids, and I heard it has some b.s. chems in it and smells like chems when torched. I think it's literally plastic with something called "PM 2.5" that's supposed to be a lung cancer causer, but wondering if that's only when burned? Don't worry, just don't do it any more. The worst thing is to worry, like in this war we're in. It's all about the mind/soul. So stay positive and stay out of that stuff. Poor birds. Another post said after 10 yrs at her house her wild birds are going into a not well roofed tool shed for the 1st time ever, like to stay out of it. Hum...
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Justin Seign
18 February, 09:42
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
chemtrails are just a figment of your imagination... they are just contrails... nothing but water vapor. I am certain they are not trying to change the weather or anything like that...
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Julia Bradley
18 February, 09:46
In response Justin Seign to his Publication
Oh no. Nothing like that! And you know globalists LOVE Texas!
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In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Here is the address for a lab that tested my water:
Basic Labaratory
2218 Railroad Ave., Redding, CA 96001 (530) 243-7234
FAX (530) 243-7494
Or, maybe a school or agriculture center can test it.
Good luck. That did not look like snow.
Basic Labaratory
2218 Railroad Ave., Redding, CA 96001 (530) 243-7234
FAX (530) 243-7494
Or, maybe a school or agriculture center can test it.
Good luck. That did not look like snow.
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19 February, 03:02
In response gcb 910 to her Publication
The movement is the Liedenfrost effect. The color is from the ash on the stove.
This video is pretty cool.
This video is pretty cool.
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Mara Mara
18 February, 09:24
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Stay away from it. Don't touch that shit.
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Alcyone 777
18 February, 09:22
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Mercury & Aluminum is in chemtrail spray. It ends up in the rain/snow. This is nothing new. That doesn't include the 2220 metric tons of mercury released into the atmosphere by industry per year. They have been trying to poison all of us- See GMO steralized synthetic frankenfood, wakey wakey.

Mercury Emissions: The Global Context | International Cooperation | US EPA
Mercury emissions are a global problem that knows no national or continental boundaries. Mercury that is emitted to the air can travel thousands of miles in the atmosphere before it is eventually deposited back to the earth.,about%20the%20worldwide%20distribution%20of%20anthropogenic%20mercury%20emissions.Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Godly Man
18 February, 09:12
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
listen. I’m serious. Get a sample of that and get it to a lab. They’re fucking trying to poison Texas. It looks like Shit Mercury. Stay out of it and get your kids out of it. Everybody blow this out across platforms!!!!
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Rachel Villicana
18 February, 09:06
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
It looks alive.... like it was dying.... WTF.... dont touch it..
I was born in the midwest... I know snow. We played for hours in the snow building snowmen and having snowball fights... snow melts in your hand....that is not snow.
I was born in the midwest... I know snow. We played for hours in the snow building snowmen and having snowball fights... snow melts in your hand....that is not snow.
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Jennifer Bentley
18 February, 09:42
In response Rachel Villicana to her Publication
same here! that is NOT snow!
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19 February, 02:55
In response Rachel Villicana to her Publication
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18 February, 09:06
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Looks like ash from the top of the stove. Can they put it in a skillet to see if the water stays clear?
The bubbling/moving is the Leidenfrost Effect.
The bubbling/moving is the Leidenfrost Effect.
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Pat Christianson
19 February, 12:03
In response Mocheezeplz ... to his Publication
Very cool
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Annie D-W
18 February, 08:38
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
no it is not normal. i tried to melt with blow dryer on highest setting. i have the snow on storage containers & it just would not melt ... with direct heat applied .... crazy
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18 February, 09:13
In response Annie D-W to her Publication
If it's dry snow then it will consolidate and form ice before it melts with heat.
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Praying Teacher
18 February, 08:28
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
Looks like campfire ashes ...
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Heidi Quantum
18 February, 08:21
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
whoa!! that look eerie .. like a little alien substance.
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Lady with a Cat
18 February, 08:16
In response Shannon Briggs to her Publication
thats really weird 🤔
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