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🔗AmericanPatriot🇺🇸( @ColdWarPatriot )
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Trump using a red phone for all communications from now on.
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Tom Hanks' Instagram Flooded With People Demanding His Arrest For 'Child Sex Crimes' - The People's Voice
Tom Hanks disabled comments on his Instagram page after thousands of people left comments demanding his arrest for crimes against children. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Soon, at any moment a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire government will be invalidated. REAL SG ANON ⚖ have INFORMATION to bring this whole illegitimate regime down.
160 top secrets files
Attacks are going strong.
There is a plan in motion.
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Just wait until the normies wake up and realize #God is real and revelation is unfolding before our eyes.
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was prepared for [sent for] this mission since birth
like his best friend & Brother in Arms, John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Both men were raised with firsthand experience
of the treachery of the deep state demons.
JFK, Jr. & RFK, Jr. have been protected by QTeam since birth
& know the DS assassinated
not only President Kennedy in 1963,
but also JFK’s sister & brothers:
Joe in ‘44, Kathleen ’48, Robert ‘68.
& the DS attempted to assassinate Teddy in 1964.
President Trump’s uncle, M.I.T. physicist John G. Trump,
worked with Nikola Tesla, whose many co-inventions include
Time Travel machines currently in operation
in Cheyenne Mt & CERN.
JG Trump was the first person to sort through
trunks of Tesla’s papers
after Nikola was killed by the DS in 1943.
JGT's discoveries of world-changing Tesla Tech
will be gifted to Humanity, always Tesla's intention,
when this war is won.
Tesla →JGT →DJT →JFKJr →USSF →Elon Musk 🕊
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The Greatest Show On Earth (2023) 🎥👇
Truth will set you FREE!
Thank you Nick, et al! Great Work!
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"The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."
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We defend our president with guns.
We defend our celebrities with guns.
We defend our banks with guns.
We defend our courts with guns.
We defend our jewelry stores with guns.
We defend our sporting events with guns.
We defend our music festivals with guns.
We defend our children with a sign that reads:
"This is a gun free zone"
...and then call someone with a gun to come help in an emergency.
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Desperate search is launched for four-year-old Athena Brownfield in Oklahoma | Daily Mail Online
Athena Brownfield was reported missing at around 2 p.m. Tuesday. A ground search of the area was unsuccessful. Police are asking for help from anyone with doorbell cameras or footage. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Wars dont last long without Central Banks. Without CB, you can't get enough funding and end up bleeding your citizens dry. But CB "centralize" wealth. They can manipulate currency and create it out of thin air (inflation tax). They use the banking system to steal wealth by devaluing the wealth of its currency holders with endless money printing.
Without CBs there will be no way to fund long term wars campaigns. If we can decentralize the CB with a currency that is able to be audited in real time, stop the stealing of wealth thru money printing, and have a closed visible system, wars and external influence will disappear - Cryptocurrency.
The Great Default allows for the destruction of this CB War Regime and the installation of a new decentralized system where war is unthinkable, unfundable, and unheard of.
- All Wars are Bankers Wars...
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JAWDROPPING! Katie Hobbs caught in a cartel money laundering scheme involving fake deeds & mortgages
EXPLOSIVE testimony today (2/23/2023) at the Sen. Elections and House Oversight hearings by Jackie Berger Outlining the most complex investigation into Political corruption in AZ. Katie Hobbs and her husband are laundering cartel money through fak… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Future PROVES PAST vibes.
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