Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
04 November, 04:22
In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication
When I get frustrated by how "slow" it all feels
I think of JFK, Jr. who is patiently & methodically
DEMOLISHING & OBLITERATING the demons & their matrix.

If JR can hang in there his ENTIRE LIFE
& do this Divine job, so brilliantly
after EVERYTHING he has given up & lost?

Who am I to complain?
An idiot for a moment 🙏🕊️

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
06 November, 11:17
Double-rainbow for DJT 🕊️🇺🇸🌈

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Christine Myers @ccchrissy
15 May, 06:43
Tucker Carlson recently did a report on how many people have died since getting the covid vaccine.
For comparison, Tucker reminds you that out of the 160M Americans who got the Flu vaccine
-203 died in 2019 afterwards
-119 died in 2018 "
-85 died in 2017 "
How does that compare to the death rate after the covid vaccine.
Between late Dec 2020 to last month Apr 2021 (4 mo. period)
So far - 3362 people have died after receiving the covid vaccine.

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Kimberly Parsons @kimberly17
25 April, 02:20
Juan O Savin ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
23 April, 10:03
New Dan Tweet - 9:57 pm Eastern...


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Save the Children @VeryQuantumVery
23 April, 09:38

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
23 April, 09:11

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Back to the Future @Backontrack
22 April, 10:00
Q Brief
Part 3

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Back to the Future @Backontrack
21 April, 07:00
Q Brief Part 2

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
23 April, 08:20
General Flynn just released a new article 🇺🇸



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Nanette NYPatriot @Nanette
23 April, 08:33
💥WTF What is this?! Just a few mins ago. Maricopa Audit

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
23 April, 05:44

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
23 April, 05:39

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Kimberly Parsons @kimberly17
23 April, 06:16
a week ago Friday i was praying to Almighty God for a sign. on Saturday He replies. my sister & i saw two white deer.

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Lisa Hill @Lisa_Mayeaux_Hill
22 April, 09:22
IET 17, [22.04.21 19:29]
[Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News]
[ Video ]
BLM protesters storm Oklahoma Capitol over GOP bills protecting drivers fleeing riots, police from 'doxxing'.

Isn't this an insurrection? Where's the media and politicians condemning it?

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Charissma _15 @Riley
22 April, 09:07
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
21 April, 02:09
You who are balanced spiritually and able to see the wonders of this world without dependency on The System, Are so very ready to take the lead into this New World God has prepared for Us. You who do not need money to attract others to You under guise of success while truly enticing them into the possession that money has created. You who Are Children of God, The WHOLE Divine Light of Our Heavenly Father will be successful because You are enough for You and God, and have no need to reflect the fallacies of this World while You continuously send Love out reflecting our true purpose for all of Humanity as intended. I Love You ALL So Very Much! ToGetHer We Will Awaken All Our Brothers and Sisters as we openly display Who We Truly Are without worry of social judgement, for GOD IS OUR JUDGE.

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." -Matthew 5:5

Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success. Which Education? GOD Is TRUTH.
#wwg1wga #attunetogod

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22 April, 07:59
I have seen a few posts, here on AnonUp, in which some Patriots are complaining that this platform has become an echo chamber for conservatives and Patriots.

I respectfully disagree.

I come to AnonUp to be amongst fellow Patriots and believers. I come to AnonUp to share The Lord's message, as well as to exchange important information regarding our movement.

I believe that we're at a point in our history, and spiritual journey, in which we MUST come together and strengthen our intentions and positive thoughts. "Strength is in numbers".

I thank God every day for bringing us together on this platform. ❤🙏🙌
WWG1WGA 🤜 💥 🤛

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:Pi-and: Cycles. @Pi_n_Cycles
21 April, 08:40

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
21 April, 03:01
The brightest minds in the world will tell you something is off with B1d3n and his ears don’t match.

The dumbest idiots will call you a conspiracy theorist without looking into it themselves.

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Yankee Carolyn @YankeeCarolyn
21 April, 09:02

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Phantom Virus2020 @Phantomvirus2020
21 April, 09:06

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Phantom Virus2020 @Phantomvirus2020
21 April, 09:02

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Yankee Carolyn @YankeeCarolyn
21 April, 09:03

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Kevin Robert @KevinRobert1776
13 April, 06:40

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Romanian Qanon @Romanianq
21 April, 11:02

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
21 April, 09:20

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
21 April, 09:07
SGT Report

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Phantom Virus2020 @Phantomvirus2020
21 April, 09:07

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21 April, 09:27
Dark Outpost 04-21-2021 Cabal Feeds Humans To Aliens


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