Justice Peacefully . @carpenter
04 April, 11:00
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
Well I 4 1 will b following and re doping your stuff
Keep up the Good Work Patriot!
WWG1WGA! 🙏✌️💪

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Daughter Of The King @RRLeath
27 March, 10:08

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
27 March, 06:55
My own life has had some fairly epic social convulsions over the past year, and they are rightly private. I am learning a lot from each of these "training courses". Each of us is living through a period of extreme relational stress due to the surfacing of the true character of all around us. Wickedness brings out both the best and worst in people.

By living in light and truth as best I can I am finding myself ever less affected by those who do not. I simply don't associate with them, or reject their controlling behaviour, or decide to respond on my own terms. Yes, I feel sad that they reject my love, or treat me disrespectfully, or make false accusations behind my back.

But I don't need to feel guilt about taking up my own power and stepping away if need be, rather than be an accomplice to their abusive ways. I am allowed to live in joy, even if it means letting go of those whom I previously held most dear. They have their own path, and I have mine. Divergence is OK.

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
12 March, 05:57
I won't speak to anyone wearing a mask. Show me the respect of displaying your face and speaking clearly, or shut up.

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Ren Con ⭐ @naynay0216_arc
08 December, 10:37
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
Idk if he is famous, but I grabbed this one awhile back.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
04 December, 12:48
Prepare idk if this is true but they are gonna have to have something to blame all these vaxx deaths on


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Kells 1960 @Kells1960
18 November, 10:13
In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication
If I still had family and friends that wished to include me in their circle I most certainly would bring this topic up. As it is, they have all saved me tons of money by pushing me out of their lives. I'm the freak, conspiracy theorist that tells lies. It also shows who you should surround yourself with. Look around to see who is standing next to you. If no one, gravitate to like minded people and forget the others.
I look at it this way, if you left me during these times of tribulation and hardship and think you are going to walk back in when it is revealed what I said was truth, FORGET IT, I have learned to live on my own without your friendship or family connection and I view you on the same level as a traitor. Go stand with your like minded people and see how far you get in this world with what is left after the fake Biden administration obliterates it. Oh and by the way you are not a true Patriot. Go stand with the sheep and watch where the cards fall. Good Luck!

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Forever Patriot donated @EyeQtest
15 November, 03:07
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
yes! i find it amazing our loved ones refuse to listen to us. Same here, when I started telling my dad stuff he said I was crazy. now I brought his cemetery stats to forefront he seems as though he is considering my evidence. when he was released from hospital last Friday, knowing they scheduled for pace maker this week... the nurse ran in room and said “before you leave going to get you this flu shot” my dad said NO. I bout fell out of my chair, he told nurse “not taking anymore shots til I get my heart straightened out”.
Oh I pray all the time, I am hoping he is starting to SEE.
I will pray for your wife as well and jope shes recovers soon.

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Rachel T22 donated @RachelT
10 November, 02:47
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
like nobody believed the star or national inquirer— which turned out to be spot on

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Ali Beth @Albeth7
09 November, 12:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
0% of me thinks he got rhe real thing

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
06 November, 07:57
You know James O’Keefe is doing something right when the whole Deep State and Establishment is after him and his team.

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09 October, 01:52

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30 September, 02:24
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
I agree that 140 is the target.
Total being every thing i have seen read and watched looks like 100 to120 total for DJT
The 3rd I think there was more captured there. Grassly in Oct 2020 says the ears are full cron is ready to harvest. Thats saying the water marked ballots were ready to be sent to the printers. Now if they can put nano bots in shots and now talk of growing food with vax in it. Ill bet the farm they have created and perfected wifi ink. Remember when Trump saved Kodak taked about getting them into pharma. Then nothing came of their pharma. But yet they lead the word in ink.

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
17 July, 01:01
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #nohtingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins
I think we should award this tweet:


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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
05 July, 08:12

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03 July, 12:42
In response Eric Larson to his Publication

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02 July, 04:48

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
01 July, 10:42
In response Eric Larson to his Publication

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
01 July, 10:03
In response Eric Larson to his Publication

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
30 June, 09:54
From Marjorie Taylor Greene:

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29 June, 12:25

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Bea Benjamin @FranBea
28 June, 09:47

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
22 June, 02:41
In response Eric Larson to his Publication

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Mrs. Foster @SpreadTruth
22 June, 10:48
From Brian Cates
Let me say it again. Maybe it will sink in for everybody this time. Back in March, at the big get together between the US diplodunks and the CCP diplodunks in Alaska, the CCP angrily demanded that the US hand Dong Jingwei over to them. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was mystified at this request and responded by saying the USA did not have Jingwei. BUT WE DID. The Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn's old outfit, had Jingwei. And nobody in the Biden administration knew about it. Am I making myself clear here?

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rolandkhan @rolandkhan
21 June, 07:00
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
All the nay-saying patriots that disbelieve Q and lost faith in Trump have NO idea the fun they're missing out on!

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Odis Trull @Brighthammer1961
21 June, 03:14
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
Some of them traded cooperation for a life sentance instead of death.
No one walks away though.

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Baba Milev @babamilev
17 June, 10:40
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
I saw a funeral director and he stated during the epidemic he had no real changes in his business during that time of breakout. Yet when the Vaccines arrived on the scene he saw a hugh uptake.

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SomethingAboutJohn @SomethingAboutJohn
12 June, 01:34
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
Love! Thanks for sharing! Sounds like "good guys are in charge"... Pompeo (good guy) driving (in charge and steering the vehicle (the country, chain of events, etc.) in the direction he knows he needs it to go in -- and driving at night (being able to maneuver even in darkness to his destination). Good dream!!!🙏❤️👍💥

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Mikkee Writelikeitis @Mikkee
27 May, 07:12
lol....this is going to be fun....!

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Ashka 4517 donated @Ashka4517
27 May, 11:07
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
Can you say which country you are referring to? I probably should know. Is it related to "Saving Israel for last".

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