Plp Bar
21 March, 09:00
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Here? I wasn't talking about Anonup. It's an account on Telegram. Probably 75-80% of the accounts are pretending to be some one else. Then comes the nonsense from these accounts. Anyone close to PDJT will not say a word about anything. IF they do, they are history. Things are just too grave for that. 🙏
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Plp Bar
21 March, 07:44
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I never said JFK JR wasn't alive. I said that's not his account. IF he is in that very small circle with PDJT, his lips will be zipped. IF he's not in that small circle, his lips would still be zipped. There's disinformation and then there is disinformation, that account is way over the top with their nonsense.
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Plp Bar
21 March, 04:13
In response Kels Bels 17 to her Publication
It's all nonsense. JFK JR. account is probably some young men from Eastern Europe. And can't believe how stupid Americans are to believe their nonsense.
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Plp Bar
19 March, 07:17
In response Theatre of Operations to his Publication
It is the real White House in DC
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Plp Bar
19 March, 10:41
In response SAR 1776Q to his Publication
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Plp Bar
13 March, 09:04
In response Teri Heer to his Publication

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) | Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Get the latest information on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine investigational product whether you are a vaccination provider or potential vaccine recipient. See EUA Important Safety Information. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Plp Bar
12 March, 06:58
In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication
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Plp Bar
11 March, 08:59
In response LADY LIBERTY to her Publication
It's not an EO. It is:
ACT OF 2019
According to this legislation, which was passed by congress, President Trump retains control of the military until 60 days after the inauguration of a new President.
The full transition of power does not occur until March which reflects what is actually written in the US Constitution.
ACT OF 2019
According to this legislation, which was passed by congress, President Trump retains control of the military until 60 days after the inauguration of a new President.
The full transition of power does not occur until March which reflects what is actually written in the US Constitution.
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Plp Bar
10 March, 07:05
In response Elizabeth Gray to her Publication
Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA

Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT
Organizations are free to encourage Covid-19 vaccination by employees and others, but federal law prohibits them from requiring it. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Plp Bar
10 March, 06:31
In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication
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Plp Bar
06 March, 04:50
In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication
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Plp Bar
06 March, 04:40
In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication
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Plp Bar
04 March, 06:09
In response Plp Bar to her Publication
Excerpt: Trump, who arrived in Switzerland aboard Air Force 1, is in a closed-door meeting with the top management of the institution, perhaps to discuss the Quantum Financial System better known as the GESARA program? What is certain is that the SWIFT system during the past few weeks has had some malfunctions, perhaps due to the necessary conversion with the new quantum operating system. Certainly interesting news could emerge, follow us. Thanks for your attention.
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Plp Bar
03 March, 09:12
In response Jennifer Harlin to her Publication
He didn't just meet with them and give them weapons. He was the ISIS Leader, he formed ISIS.
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Plp Bar
02 March, 03:59
In response Peace Keeper to her Publication
They shouldn't take any of the vaccines. The cure rate for COVID-19 is 99%. It's ridiculous for them to even take the vaccine. But if they insist yes, definitely tell them to wait for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
I actually think it's FAKE NEWS about PDJT and Melania taking any vaccine. They'd have never done it secretly. They'd have done it for all of us to see.
I actually think it's FAKE NEWS about PDJT and Melania taking any vaccine. They'd have never done it secretly. They'd have done it for all of us to see.
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Plp Bar
01 March, 06:55
In response AcuLight Patriot to her Publication
FAKE NEWS. His family will never take a vaccine. Besides, he already had COVID-19 so he is immune.
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Plp Bar
01 March, 10:55
In response Wiley Coyote to his Publication
To annoy somebody. To act as something you are not. To act outside of the context of a given situation, therefore annoying everybody around you. To make dumb comments. To make obnoxious noises.
Why are you being bidan? This guy is bidaning me out. Look at this person driving, they are straight bidan. I need to talk to you about something important, so I will email you, because I'm bidan.
To annoy somebody. To act as something you are not. To act outside of the context of a given situation, therefore annoying everybody around you. To make dumb comments. To make obnoxious noises.
Why are you being bidan? This guy is bidaning me out. Look at this person driving, they are straight bidan. I need to talk to you about something important, so I will email you, because I'm bidan.
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Plp Bar
25 February, 09:49
In response Marsha Sharp to her Publication
IF you're going to take the vaccine. It appears the safest one out there is Johnson & Johnson. It's 1 shot with adenovirus vs mRNA. FDA will follow the same steps as the other vaccines approval through 'Emergency Use Authorization.' This articles explains the difference in the vaccines relatively well.
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Plp Bar
25 February, 12:49
In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication
This smells like facebook and instagram are being set up by PDJT. Of course, they'll both fall right into his trap. 💥
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Plp Bar
24 February, 10:20
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
From what I've read they are all dead.
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Plp Bar
24 February, 10:19
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
That's why Lynn Cheney is so ugly about PDJT. Same with Meghan McCain....she was pissed even knowing what an absolute traitor her Dad was.
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Plp Bar
23 February, 02:29
In response Wethe People-UltraMAGA to his Publication
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Plp Bar
22 February, 03:45
In response Kristina Simpson to his Publication
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Plp Bar
18 February, 04:13
In response Susan Peltier to her Publication
IRS will pull monies out of their bank account. IRS are ruthless. Your aquaintance must get an attorney involved to stop the IRS. The attorney also need answers to why they're no longer allowed to pay off that balance.
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Plp Bar
17 February, 06:29
In response Plp Bar to her Publication
Personally, I think the TEXAS TESLA TOWER should be turned on FREE ENERGY FOR THE WORLD. It's on HWY 77, Milford, TX.
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Plp Bar
17 February, 06:21
In response Jessica Turner to her Publication
And stupidity....and it all falls on Abbott...
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Plp Bar
17 February, 06:17
In response Patriotgirl17 1776 to her Publication
It's complicated. Texas knew solar & windmills could have problems during the winter. So they had small power plants to fill in when this happened. Those were small power plants but the state required those plants to follow green energy regulations. The cost was impossible for those plants so all those plants shut down. On top of that TX power plants didn't winterize their generators so all of them froze up. TX knew they had a problem after the freeze of 2011, but nothing was done about it. So 3M+are without power in TX.
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Plp Bar
17 February, 03:28
In response Eric Larson to his Publication
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Plp Bar
17 February, 08:37
In response Robbie Snead to his Publication
My home state is Texas, I'm not there right now. However, I have many friends and family in Texas and they've all been without power since late Sunday. There is a major problem in Texas. Power plants did not winterize their generators so many of them froze. This happened in 2011, and that's when power plants were told to winterize their generators. Unfortunately, Texas will have to now pass laws to require all those power plants winterize all their generators.
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Plp Bar
17 February, 08:28
In response Outlaw Legion to his Publication
I posted 3 comments on Parler and all 3 had to go through an approval process before they got posted.
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