Joyce Williams @MJWilliams
26 August, 05:47

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
29 June, 12:01

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
11 June, 09:06
Rep. Massie says everyone at the CDC needs to be fired for lying about coronavirus

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11 June, 02:51

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Joyce Chandler @JoyceChandler
11 June, 05:49

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13 April, 04:33
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Fake News CNN, relying on all anonymous sources, meaning they probably made the whole thing up, wrote a very dishonest story claiming Congressman Matt Gaetz asked for a meeting with me at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, and was denied. This is completely false. Why doesn’t CNN investigate and write about lightweight Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell, who had a torrid and physical relationship with the Chinese spy Fang-Fang, but is somehow on the once-prestigious House Intelligence Committee. Swalwell, who ran for President and dropped out with a record-setting 0% in the polls, has been compromised and is a national security threat to the United States—he should be removed from the Committee immediately!

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05 April, 12:22
Prepare for 1221 E.O.

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
04 April, 01:25
No need to guess, Assange told you. 98%. That means both Republicans and Democrats. The one's you like, the one's you dislike. Justice plays no favorites.

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04 April, 09:09

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Claudio-Omar of the House Balog @Anonup1
04 April, 06:02

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Mark Quinn @MarkQuinn2k4
29 January, 11:06
In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication
Yes very nice. And I love the mysterious Q style of this post. But once again we're being told that salvation from the cabal requires INFORMATION to be disseminated far and wide. That information can come at any point now. There's no need to wait any longer. There's no need to hold the line. Everything certainly must be in place. It is now time for this operation to transition from covert to OVERT. To quote a certain real life villain, PULL IT. To quote another, COME ON, MAN. Enough is enough. Patriots are ready. Let this long national nightmare end already.

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Victoria ~ Z Skywalker @Victoria1144
30 January, 08:51
In response Your Muse to his Publication
i COMPLETELY agree with you! this does need to END. not everyone is safe - as we are seeing w/those taking the vaccine to keep a job because, you know, they have children and families to feed, house, etc. i agree that NO ONE awake hsould suffer because too much truth would harm the sleepers. who cares - they will deal with it - there are plenty of us awake to reassure them that "yep it's all true". i can see the plan more and more but this timing process isn't jiving with me.

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BigRedVet07 GodWins @BigRedVet07
29 March, 04:23
In response Kathleen Carr to her Publication
Damned well better be BEFORE July 4TH! I don't give a damn about Kennedy, he's NOT special - it's my COUNTRY I care about...we aren't a friggin monarchy, and Kennedy ain't no King...not get TRUMP back in there and let's FIX THIS!!! {Somebody please tell me, if he is alive, what qualifications for ANY OFFICE does Kennedy have....oh, wait....NONE!!!

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
28 March, 10:13
86 Deltas for 3.28. Whew. We knew 3.23 would be huge and it was with the grounding of Evergreen. I guess, to quote a certain someone, we just have to wait and see what happens. Good morning Patriot. ☕️

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
28 March, 04:23
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Thank you Kim... this is very kind of you to remind me.

We've come so far in the last 2 years, haven't we?
Wouldn't trade this adventure for the World 😊


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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
11 March, 12:06
..Do or Die..

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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
12 March, 10:05
Out for profit..

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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
12 March, 10:23
The Cat Strikes Again Lol.

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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
14 March, 09:33

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Wrath_ Eyez @Wrath_Eyez
19 March, 08:26

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American Patriot @Onthelake21
19 March, 08:25
Patriots its R.E.D. FRIDAY
Please keep our Military Patriots in your thoughts and prayers 🇺🇸👊🇺🇲
God bless our Military!

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Susan Moretti @MsMorettisView
19 March, 05:21

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Sabrina Gal @Sabrinagal
19 March, 02:34

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
18 March, 08:07
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins
Go away, Matthew McConaughey. You're a Hollywood actor-you act.
No one needs you to tell them, to beg them for ANTYTHING.
I've noticed how all of a sudden he's coming out as this big Patriot. Don't be fooled. This is [their] next plan. [They] know it's over for them, so they are going to "act" like Patriots-then they'll flip the "script".
No more Hollywood, no more Sports, no more Elitists.
Where has he been the last 30 yrs while making his millions? He had to have known about the evil the whole time. He did nothing.

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
17 March, 10:57

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Warrior for Truth @Warrior_for_Truth
15 March, 04:40

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Law & Physics @physics171
15 March, 09:00

Fall of the Cabal Series Episode 1-10
By Janet Ossebaard

Part 1: Things that make you go Hmmm

Part 2: Down the rabbit hole

Part 3: Alien Invasion

Part 4: Child lovers everywhere

Part 5: Children Art & Pizza

Part 6: Major media manipulation

Part 7: Whites and Warlocks

Part 8: Beyond Kings & Queens

Part 9: The Dawn of a new world
Part 10: The return of the king

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
15 March, 01:31

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
10 March, 04:25
In response Alexandra Briza to her Publication
Cleanup is concluding soon. Wakeup is on the way. They overlap towards the end. Virus gone by April.

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16 March, 07:32
How many times do we have to remind ourselves that we are watching a movie?

How many times must we remind ourselves that "YOU CAN'T JUST TELL THEM...YOU MUST SHOW THEM"?

How many times have we stayed up until the early morning hours doing research and going down rabbit holes?

How many times do we have to remind ourselves that God is in control?

Have Faith, get closer to The Lord almighty, and never give up.


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