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The bible describes past and future pole shifts in great detail. Civilization has been destroyed and will be destroyed again and the bible clue us in to specific details and timing. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Cosmic Christmas - Astrotheology & The Bible : Zeitgeist (The Movie) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Astrological Sun Worship Myths Are The Foundation Of Multiple Ancient Theologies, Including Christianity Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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@realDonaldTrump /posts/109249495930130217" target="_blank" class="inline-link">
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X > It is not what you think it is...
“We” are being manipulated into the vision of Elon being the free speech shield-bearer - but what has Musk revealed recently as to his true motivations for wanting Twitter.
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You created YOU! You're an amazing Soul!
That is a far greater contribution to humanity than any 'thing' humans can invent. ✅️💖
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* It's not New Age'y... it's Spritual Science. ;)
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All the ancient orders have 'factions'. Good vs Evil. Knowledge, especially occult esoteric 'initiate' knowledge was infiltrated and hijacked over 5,000 years ago, by the same Bloodlines who sacked the Library of Alexandria (False Flag) and hid all our ancestral (origin story) knowledge from the world.
Yes, the 'White' Lodges are absolutely part of, perhaps even leading, this global We The People Revolution, as they have been all throughout all history. They are the true 'keepers' of the 'truth that shall set us free'. #KeepTheFaith
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Juan O Savin SITREP
Browse the most recent videos from channel "Juan O Savin SITREP" uploaded to Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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1. Not only is he NOT Wayne Willot (way old proven disinfo), every top Spec Ops vet who's ever met/interviewed Juan has publicly stated his 'global experience' is beyond their pay grade, and they have the utmost respect for his decades of service.
2. Juan is a financially succesful MULTI-millionaire. How many Ins Investigators have 100's of millions? He's done an interview from his mega Ranch in NV, shown many of his custom high-end cars, discussed many homes, and his yacht.
3. Since Trump was elected, most of his travel interviews have been from the Presidential Suite of a Trump Hotel, and recently from Mar-a-Lago, where he discussed a dinner conversation w/ DJT.
4. For 15 years he has mentioned his career long involvement with top MIL, INTEL, and Political figures, as well as top Scientists and Engineers.
5. He is NOT Jfk Jr, and has said that.
6. He was the first to tell the world McAfee TG would become Q.
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Intel Drop #799
>>448410 Big post. @Jack thought he was protected. No sleep since drop. Tasked [3] to remove followers in drip order and restrict. Coincidence? HOT in DC. No sleep. Stay tuned. Q Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396