Republic County Justice
15 March, 09:39
In response mars 1776 to his Publication
Did someone say RICO! They were shown how to use it and use it they did! Its interesting that Mueller and Rod Rosenstein were also involved, makes you wonder.
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Republic County Justice
03 February, 03:03
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
Ashton Forbes has videos with the footage of MH370 disappearing in mid flight after being circled by orbs!
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Republic County Justice
01 February, 07:44
In response USCG VET to his Publication
Whatever that was it had a continuous decrease in angle of attack up until the moment of impact indicating that it was being guided. Look at the curved downward trajectory it takes while continuing forward. That means functioning guidance & control surfaces to me.
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Republic County Justice
18 January, 11:54
In response Truth Seeker to his Publication
The military has not stood the Republic up yet. I would know b/c I was sworn in to that Republic to the office of County Justice on January 6th at 4:00 p.m.. Trump will be sworn in as the CEO of the Corp. use the loopholes against them, fire off a ton of EO's setting the stage for and then dissolving the Corp. Once the corporation is removed the military will salute and stand up the Republic as It's lawful Civil authority. I would swear on a Bible in the presence of God that what I'm telling you is true.
If I had to guess at a time line I would say, take the first week to fire off the EO's. So, if he dissolves the corporation on January 27th, 120 days later is Memorial Day Monday May 26th. Wouldn't that be a reason to celebrate, doesn't he already have one planned?
Planet Earth is currently traveling at 87.5 mph, and you know what happens at 88 right? You gonna see some SERIOUS SHIT!
Hang in there, won't be long now.
If I had to guess at a time line I would say, take the first week to fire off the EO's. So, if he dissolves the corporation on January 27th, 120 days later is Memorial Day Monday May 26th. Wouldn't that be a reason to celebrate, doesn't he already have one planned?
Planet Earth is currently traveling at 87.5 mph, and you know what happens at 88 right? You gonna see some SERIOUS SHIT!
Hang in there, won't be long now.
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Republic County Justice
03 December, 07:04
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
I like your stlyle!
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Republic County Justice
02 December, 08:12
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
That was me, I'm heading back there in a bit to haul more trash for them. They need shelters for all the donations ASAP! There are 4 ready to go but they need someone with a flatbed to haul them. If you can help or know someone who can, please do.
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Republic County Justice
28 November, 08:30
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
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Republic County Justice
12 November, 11:50
In response USCG VET to his Publication
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Republic County Justice
27 October, 09:05
In response USCG VET to his Publication
Thanks for help trying to ID that plane by my house. BTW, I am awaiting vetting to become the Interim County Justice in my county. I joined and volunteered in July to hold a seat in my county b/c no one else had stood up yet. I've read the 2 books (approx. 1000 pgs.) and submitted my bio/resume. I'm just waiting on scheduling of the vetting appointment. That is good advice, I would definitely watch that account if you want to understand what is going to happen when the switch gets flipped.
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Republic County Justice
27 October, 08:52
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Ain't it great! I'm in Rutherford County, its has been a little tough lately, my heart hurts for my neighbors in the mountains, but it warms my heart to see what we're made of and that so many from near & FAR cared and came to help. God Bless you all.
Hey Martin,
Y'all come back now, ya hear!
Hey Martin,
Y'all come back now, ya hear!
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Republic County Justice
27 October, 07:42
In response Same Guy New Name to his Publication
Looked like this. High wing, fixed gear. I'm pretty good at aircraft spotting but not so much this time as it was directly overhead. Definitely not a 152/172/182/205.
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Republic County Justice
26 October, 12:37
In response USCG VET to his Publication
I work at home so everyday is groundhog day. I think the flyovers were between the 21-23 about 1100 EST. About 10 mi. south of KFQD northbound at about 1500 AGL. It looked liked a Cessna Caravan but it was smaller and had piston driven engine not a turbofan like Caravans have. Guessing at 125 KIAS. Happy hunting.
I now how to use ADS-B in flight but not so well in the app. I need to learn how to look back. I'll be taking notes now, if I see it again.
I now how to use ADS-B in flight but not so well in the app. I need to learn how to look back. I'll be taking notes now, if I see it again.
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Republic County Justice
26 October, 08:23
In response USCG VET to his Publication
I live 35 mins from Chimney Rock. A single engine Cessna with what looks to be a MAD sensor or Magnetic Anomaly Detector on the tail, has been in the area. You may very well know this already as it was developed to detect submerged submarines. It is also is used in mining surveying as it can detect what minerals are in the ground. It made 3 passes over a couple of days in the same path directly over my land. We are being scoped. For perspective, I am smack dab in between the lithium and the quartz. I did not have ADS-B Exchange on that phone but I do now. I wish I would have been able to catch the tail number.
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Republic County Justice
07 October, 09:10
In response Ultra Maga North Carolina Patriot to her Publication
I'm worried you're right. I live in Rutherford County, 35 mins from Chimney Rock and smack dab in between there and Kings Mtn. I'm worried they are gonna steer Milton at us.
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Republic County Justice
31 August, 06:19
In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication
Ancient tech! Thank you, I will check it out soon!
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Republic County Justice
30 August, 08:44
In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication
Where was that and who is the band? I moved, I need to hear the whole song!
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Republic County Justice
30 August, 07:30
In response Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE to her Publication
Have you joined? I am waiting on my vetting appointment for county clerk!
God Bless!
God Bless!
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Republic County Justice
25 August, 01:51
In response Ron The Best is Yet to Come to his Publication
I have competed the required reading and turned in my resume/ bio to the interim Gov. to be vetted for county clerk!
You're gonna need these books Ron!
You're gonna need these books Ron!
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Republic County Justice
25 August, 01:45
In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication
I hope you will look at the website. The Republic was actually Re-Inhabited in 2010. I am awaiting my vetting call with the interim Gov. of North Carolina Free State to become the interim County Clerk where I live because I am the first one to stand up to be a seat holder. Its real and happening now, I hope you will join us in standing up our original constitutional republic. The military has notified members of the republic that the corporation will soon fail and when that happens, if the Republic is properly stood up they will be recognized and saluted as the lawful civil Authority and original de jure government. Exciting times!
God Bless,
God Bless,
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Republic County Justice
23 August, 12:06
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I hardly ever remember dreams. She was in my dream last night, standing right in front of me, looking at me. I thought wait a minute this means you're... and then she hushed me and looked off in the distance, like telling me we must keep it secret a bit longer.
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Republic County Justice
23 August, 11:00
In response Yester Vue to his Publication
Well done!
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Republic County Justice
23 August, 08:44
In response Yester Vue to his Publication
Do you know about The Republic for The United States of America and
that it has been re-inhabited?
that it has been re-inhabited?
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Republic County Justice
29 July, 07:37
In response walker Fast to his Publication
They also produce the most lift of any insect, due to the low pressure vortices produced between the 2 sets of wings as they separate.
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Republic County Justice
28 July, 02:05
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Many seats are still empty that need filling for each state. I'm on the registry for my state, awaiting response. The admin has been very busy since the SG Anon interview. That's how I found the Republic again
after losing track of it, a couple years back.
after losing track of it, a couple years back.
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Republic County Justice
28 July, 09:13
In response Ron The Best is Yet to Come to his Publication
Umm, why do I feel like that's him. I think something beautiful is getting ready to happen.
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Republic County Justice
22 July, 01:53
In response USCG VET to his Publication
Who is the woman answering?
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Republic County Justice
31 May, 08:02
In response Rich Webster to his Publication
The enormity of what's to come will shock the world is from one drop and The first arrest will confirm action and verify future direction. You are ready. Marker [9]
Is from another drop. Those two get combined all the time.
Is from another drop. Those two get combined all the time.
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Republic County Justice
16 April, 01:03
In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication
Oh my.
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Republic County Justice
15 March, 01:09
In response walker Fast to his Publication
Can anyone fill me in here about the Joker card?
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Republic County Justice
06 March, 07:31
In response R3bel Plebian to her Publication
Look into grounding, i.e. going barefoot. Almost everything that can go wrong with us is related to inflammation. Grounding has been proven to reduce inflammation.
God Bless
God Bless
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