Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 February, 07:34
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Thank you! What wonderful thought and gift to people.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 February, 07:28
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Boom, literally and figuratively

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 February, 07:26
In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication
Ahhh, it is the simple things!!!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 February, 07:24
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
AGREE! Thank God he has been dealt with.......

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 February, 07:16
In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication
Me too, spot on!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 10:28
In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication
Can couples be executed atthe same time..let's try it!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 10:24
In response Roy Herman Kellerman to his Publication
We are so blessed with this man!!! I can 't do much to help but I can pray for him and all working WITH him, explain his and his GOOD team members great work. Always in my thoughts and heart.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 10:09
In response Roy Herman Kellerman to his Publication
No 2nd chances!!!!!!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 05:51
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
Treason..take them to gitmo and exucute them...no hoods so they can see the tru patriots and heros pull the trigger

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 12:53
In response mark kub to his Publication
Can they be trusted?

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 11:52
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Well he is dead as well as all the other vatican criminals so who cares. Just roll the evidence so all can know.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:36
In response Sara Legvold to his Publication
Because they both are enjoying the kick back of raping torturing killing and eating the children that are part of the ilegal invasions. Yep, I will keep saying this until all unawake wake up. Stop being part of the problem.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:26
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
Truth!!!! Wake up. Stop being part of the problem.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:24
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
Here cut to the chase
OBAMA is/was s satanic pedophile ( he is dead) hotdog and pizza is pedo code for children..boys and girls. And all who attened this event tortured, raped, drank the blood and ate these children. WAKE UP. All who refuse to see/hear abot this is partly responsible how bad this all got

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:15
In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication
Bigger, worse than you think. WAKE UP.
...evil!!!!! Dig dig dig.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:13
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
How much more is needed...enough!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
11 February, 07:09
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
Vets...thank you forever! I sit here, freely writing this because of your bravery, fedication and sacrifice. Always in my prayers and thoughts.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
09 February, 12:07
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
Magnificent on every level. Thank you EM and your ability to see talent and bring them along to meet expectations.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
09 February, 12:00
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Such an irrelevant patsey
...if it even still alive

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
09 February, 11:31
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Give her pain and execute first, then send her ashes out with the other trash

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
09 February, 11:29
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
Oh, you forgot to add...He screws children and is part of their deaths.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
08 February, 05:04
In response Mark Knight to his Publication
I have no connections but I do have GOD and i am praying!!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
08 February, 05:00
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
F them! My heart is pounding and
the rage that billows up in me is almost incontainable. There is apic out there with fn SWIFT wearing a hat like this. I hate her and no one around me understands why. Please please please tell the world publically...how about on the jumbotron. Ruin the superbowl and begin the payback

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
08 February, 02:07
In response Jewel Zzzzz to her Publication
The money coming nack is fantastic( big thank you!!) but these memes are priceless....getting only better with age!!!! Years of retelling.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
08 February, 09:25
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Love, love, love!

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
08 February, 04:05
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Jethro, you and your human are loved deeply by all of us who benefit from your bravery, but most importantly GOD loves you and has his hand on you during your fight to come back to us. May our prayers and love blanket over you in comfort and healing.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
07 February, 08:57
In response Maddy McCullough to her Publication
Not sure what "prep" can be done

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
07 February, 08:52
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
And I could l bring my yummy homemade tpmato soup. ..slup worthy. As my youngest son ( now 34) used to say" it's a feast !!!"

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
07 February, 08:34
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
THAT WOULD BE AWSOME. but the networks would never allow it) I am attending a family/ friend party rife with sleepers ( lucky me). Hope
showing ad is true so I can experience the akward silence after the ad..oh and then all networks go black...a girl can dream right?

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
07 February, 08:13
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
Ahh, so obedientHaha so scared......hmmm🙊

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