TrQth PQtriQt17~Z @TrQthPQtrIQt17
29 April, 06:19

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sercorimo ... @sercorimo
16 April, 04:45
Good read 🙏

Game theory.

It is slow. It is painful for all involved. “It had to be this way”.

People truly needed to be shown how deep the corruption and evil went. Simply telling them would have done no good at this point.

The Great Awakening is also The Great Unveiling.

4 imgs ⬇️

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sercorimo ... @sercorimo
27 February, 08:32
Q The Storm Rider
Sun., Feb 27, 2022 7:33:33 PM

⚠️ I WARNED last week.. Belarus was going to make their MOVE <


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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
21 November, 04:25
Is that pedo-Colbert flashing our gang sign? When Q answered “No” to “Is JFK Jr alive?” most anons took that as gospel. I did not, hence my handle. “Disinformation is necessary.” I didn’t come here to make frens. I came to win. And I told you that I would pull you by your hair to the front row if need be...

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
19 November, 06:24
🇺🇸 Are we having fun yet? 🇺🇸


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23 April, 08:48

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
07 November, 06:37
🔴Below is a link to the OSHA rule making. Here is a screenshot as an example of what to comment. I pointed out the VAERS DATA and the NUREMBERG VIOLATIONS. We have until December 6 to comment. Please share it far and wide.


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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
10 October, 09:31
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins

New Pro-Freedom Song Soars on Billboard To Most Bought Hip Hop Song Of The Day

BREAKING — This Is A War, a pro-freedom rap song that sheds light on the spiritual warfare currently engaged between Americans who love liberty and those who starkly oppose it, has officially gone viral. The new hit song is smashing the charts as the #1 rap song sold of the day; it was only released one day ago.


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TrQth PQtriQt17~Z @TrQthPQtrIQt17
10 October, 10:39

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John Q.. @_Master_Mind_
16 April, 09:23
Up is Down.
Left is Right.
Good is Bad
...and Bad is Good.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
17 April, 10:54
Good Morning Patriots.
Truth Spread.

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
19 March, 12:16

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Ultra MAGA Laura ⭐⭐⭐ donated @Mammers
19 March, 09:50
New InevitableET Telegram 👀💥💥


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Sea Shells @EyesWideOpen
09 March, 09:48

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Andy Tomo @Truthseeker1001
07 March, 11:39

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KiKi Love1111 ⭐️✅ donated @KiKiLove1111
25 February, 10:35

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
25 February, 10:42
DON'T be afraid to speak out AGAINST narratives being pushed upon you & ESPECIALLY don't be afraid to speak out AGAINST accounts that just don't sit right with you who are labeled "popular" / large accounts.

If you are too afraid to speak against ppl on social media who hold ZERO power over you, how do you expect to be able to speak out against your local elected officials that do, who have been doing REALLY fucked up evil shit behind closed doors?

You've been conditioned FAR too long to keep your head down & stay quiet, which actually allows assholes who shouldn't have power to walk all over you. (Even in this movement)

The most important thing President Trump is giving back to you, isn't money that was stolen. It's your VOICE that was stifled, trampled on & stolen.

Sacred geometry of the universe flows from WITHIN you via frequency.

The power within you is YOUR VOICE.
JFK's grandchildren singing "TIMBER" ring a bell?
Timber > Timbre

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Courage2 Stand @Courage2Stand
24 February, 07:08

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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
23 February, 06:44

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Lion ess @Lioness
23 February, 01:00
Protect Yourselves and Your Families

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Christos Harper @ChristosAwakening
23 February, 08:04
In response ⚒️ULTRA NUCLEAR MAGA PATRIOT LUIS M.⚒️ to his Publication

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Jack Wightman @jtwightman
22 February, 07:45
Let Him Navigate

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Regina MAGA @HaveFaith
22 February, 11:08

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
22 February, 09:10 (E)
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.

He makes me to lay down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever:


You Are Safe, You are Not Alone, You Are Brave, Keep Going, God Loves You So Very Much, Fear is illusion. Be NOT Afraid. 💪❤️💪

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
22 February, 04:33
Sometimes what appears to be bad news, might actually be good news.

The Supreme Court has now set a precedent that prosecutors can get tax records of public officials all the way up to and including the President of the United States of America.

Q#3383: "Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law audited every 1-2 years by an independent agency."

[D]s have opened the door, Patroits are going to walk right in.

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Thing Four @Xray8
22 February, 06:15

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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
19 February, 03:59
🔥Twin Nickels🔥

I'm sooo proud of you

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vDarkness Falls @vDarknessFalls
21 February, 11:10
What is Schuman Resonance & WHO was Schuman?
"Schuman Resonance wasn't just similar to the alpha waves of the human brain, it was identical. The pulse of the Earth, became the pulse of all life itself".

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Jennifer Harlin @JennyHarlin454545
22 February, 10:56

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Star* Dancer* @Stardancer
21 February, 10:39

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