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Southwest denies vaccine passport rebellion is behind canceled flights
Critics allege Southwest is trying to save face by saying the issues are caused by "bad weather." Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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"F**K Joe Biden" Goes Global... Protesters in Rome Chant "F**k Joe Biden" as They Pass US Embassy (VIDEO)
F**K Joe Biden Goes International Protesters in Rome Italy, chant “F$%k Joe Biden” as they march past the American Embassy! Joe Biden’s popularity overseas on the rise as information spreads of his recent commitment for millions in additional US funding of Taliban on top of the $85 Billion in .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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It's amazing to me that there are so many people that don't realize what's going on.
#Nazis #Communism #MAGA
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Outdated infrastructure, importers with nowhere to store containers and help on the docks are reportedly behind the delays - which have lasted for weeks already.
Some 65 ships are still stuck outside the port, as trade problems bottleneck.
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Welcome to the dark money digital battlefield Sheriff Lamb.
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Globalists: all you have to do is comply and life will get back to normal
Deplorables: all you have to do is remove the mandates and life will get back to normal
There's more of us than there are of them. We will win.
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Fascinating to consider all that anons have been through as a group. We've been hardened, tested, and beat down. Yet here we are still standing, fighting and believing.
There will come a day when our faith will be rewarded. I suspect that the relief we will experience will be difficult to describe. Our sense of community has helped us survive in this trying year. Where we go one we go all has never been more crucial.
In the end:
Something Biblical is happening and we have been given front row seats as we witness God's deliverance.
We live in a glorious time to be alive.
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WATCH: Watters’ World Segment Reveals Just How Corrupt Nancy Pelosi’s Stock Market Trades Really Are (VIDEO)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has been a member of Congress for almost 34 years and now has a top-tier position as one of the most influential people in the United States government. While faced with a recent rush of difficult choices as the head of her caucus, Fox News presenter Jesse Watt.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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I work in the airline industry. Two things are happening (and yes I verified them through multiple sources):
First, for two days straight JAX center ATC have been walking off. The first day was just a handful but still caused significant delays in the Southeast. The second day was more.
This has happened before when a few people tested positive for Covid-19 at JAX. They are now ALL being required to test weekly (with faulty PCR tests that can’t differentiate between cold/flu and COVID). I doubt that anyone there will admit they sicked out as a coordinated effort, but if you don’t feel well, for any reason, you need to stay home as a controller.
This ATC outage affects every airline. Rumors are that Milwaukee ATC Center will be next.
🔵con in com
Stand up now and join the movement at
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Solidarity broke communism in Poland. It started in August, 1980 at the Lenin Shipyard. A year later 1/3 of all workers had joined.
Lech Walesa & Solidarity saved their country.
We see you pilots, ATC & healthcare workers, soldiers.
Solidarity: World Wide -style.
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Funny how old and obscure Q drops
suddenly become relevant again.
In April 2019 Q dropped the pic on the left
of Long Beach Port (drop 3313).
It was so random at the time.
Picture on the right is Long Beach Port today…
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New Report Reveals #covid -19 Was a PLANNED #BIOWEAPON
China’s People’s Liberation Army
>>> #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
China can NOT be trusted. China is a CRIMINAL STATE that waged war on the INNOCENT CIVILIANS on this planet and GUILTY of WAR CRIMES.
#China 's ATTACK on the world using #bioweapons was an #ActOfWar on the entire world's population and China is GUILTY of #CrimesAgainstHumanity . The #Communists in China that ordered the bioweapon attacks on the innocent civilians of this world MUST be punished for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and the country of China MUST PAY FOR THEIR WAR CRIMES.
China MUST PAY REPARATIONS to EVERYONE who was injured by their TERRORIST ACTS OF WAR and China MUST compensate EVERY family whose loved ones were MURDERED by this CRIMINAL REGIME and rogue.
The people of this word MUST BOYCOTT CHINA, the country and ALL of their goods and services.
>>> #BoycottChina
DELETE the #DeepStateCabal
HUGE EXCLUSIVE: New Report Reveals COVID-19 Was a Planned Bioweapon by China’s People’s Liberation Army
Guest post by Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen COVID-19 was a planned bioweapon of China’s People’s Liberation Army. Already in 2005, Colonel Ji-Wei Guo of the People’s Liberation Army’s Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China described a new type of bioweapon. Colonel.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
To [their] world trading system, yes. FALL OF THE CABAL
NCSWIC you evil ba*tards!!! bwahahaahahahahaaa!!!
Another radical leftist propaganda operation has been exposed in Arizona State University, Tempe Campus. A class assignment said the election of Donald Trump was one of the events that posed a threat to the world trading system. A reader sent this to the Gateway Pundit regarding his daughter’s homework in her business management class. The…
Arizona State University Sends Out Homework that Says Election of Donald Trump Posed a Threat to the World Trading System
Another radical leftist propaganda operation has been exposed in Arizona State University, Tempe Campus. A class assignment said the election of Donald Trump was one of the events that posed a threat to the world trading system. A reader sent this to the Gateway Pundit regarding his daughter’.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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