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💫Did you know that just one of the many DS's EVIL plans for us was to infuse their black magic upon us through language and SPELLing?
💫And that they literally cast SPELLS on us through the use of language?
💫And that when we say "good MORNning" to each other each day as we rise, that what we are actually saying is that we are wishing and intending a day full of MOURN~ing and SORROW upon each other?
💫When the TRUTH is, we are given the God given gift of RISING to higher levels of CONSCIOUSNESS... LIGHT.. and HEALING every single day!!!
💫AND that the POWER to break FREE from their EVIL SPELLS has always been there for us each day... and this POWER has always~ always been ours.... anytime we choose to epand our thinking and RISE!
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The Soul of Humanity has been severely traumatized for what feels like an eternity. It is imperative for us all to be extremely gentle w ourselves~ and each other~more than ever, especially right now... we are on the precipice of a shift from dark to light and all that is not of the light is being forced to the surface so it can finally be transmuted and healed.... If you are feeling weary, please remember you are never alone... and all of the beautiful Healing Love and Light.. and the Full Armor of God... is always... always... there for us all... anytime we need it.
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"When Project Veritas releases the undercover work about child sex trafficking the entire consciousness of the world will change."
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The Total Reset of Everything - martingeddes
What happens when a multi-generational global war of subversion and infiltration reaches its endgame? That is not an easy question to answer, since by its construction we don’t have access to recent and relevant historical precedent. While nothing can stop what is coming, nobody may be prepared for .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
When I watched Out Of Shadows and Fall Of Cabal on Good Friday last April and saw the TRUTH and depth of pure EVILness in this world it shook me to the very core of my being that instantly woke me up. My whole system was in shock and I literally sobbed for weeks and weeks on end because I was finally able to 👀 through ALL the lies and see the undeniable TRUTH and LOVE of our beloved President and all he was actually doing and all he and his beloved family sacrificed for us. I knew the world was extremely F'd up but I had no idea the level of calculated EVIL that existed until then and I have not looked back since!
God Bless You President and Melania Trump and Family! We LOVE You!!!💞🙏😇✨💫
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However, wouldn't it be hilarious if everyone getting the vax was getting the "Trump HCQ Vax"?
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Doctor explains 99.3% of COVID-19 patients treated with Ivermectin recovered in five days
Doctor explains 99.3% of COVID-19 patients treated with Ivermectin recovered in five days
After eight months of active clinical observation and attending about 7 thousand patients of Covid-19 in three medical centers located in Puerto Plata, La Romana, and Punta Cana, Dr. José Natalio Redondo revealed that 99.3% of the symptomatic patients who received care in his emergency services, .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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New Reports Of Black String-Like Objects On Masks & Swabs - Danger Or "Conspiracy Theory"?
The Last American Vagabond
New Reports Of Black String-Like Objects On Masks & Swabs - Danger Or "Conspiracy Theory"?
Joining me today is Tim from the Tim Truth channel, here to review a very disconcerting development that he has been documenting in the mask discussion, and that is the repeated discovery of black "worm-like" fibers - which seem to move on their own… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Only followers of this user (carlacoelho) can see their posts
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Trump mocked the low price years ago and it's barely gone up.
Wait for the real market correction.
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—Rachel Carson
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