Lydia Fahsholtz donated @Oleendee
21 March, 05:43

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james wafer @The_Pitch_Doctor
21 April, 12:32

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Only followers of this user (Trumpsara45) can see their posts

Rebbecca French @Reb67
17 December, 11:34

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Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
03 December, 02:10
No society wants you to become wise it's against the investment of all societies, because:
If people are wise,
they can't be exploited.
If they are intelligent,
they can't be subjugated.
They can't be forced in a mechanical life to live like robots. They will assert their individuality, they will carry the fragrance of rebellion with them. They would like to live in freedom because freedom comes with wisdom and no society wants people to be free.
No society would like people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start to use their intelligence they become dangerous.
Dangerous to the establishment
Dangerous to the people who are in power.
Immune to their oppression, exploitation, suppression.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
17 November, 02:29
😆 Let's Go Brandon!

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
12 September, 08:41
I love Juan O Savin’s prayer
& agree 💯🙏
Gene Decode said good Dragons were helping
in this war with evil
so I wanted to thank them for their service to the Light
& to all 🌷
EVERY Kingdom on Earth,
Earth herself,
other planets & civilizations in the Solar System
— ALL are engaged
in expelling the devil & his depraved army from Creation

The Central Sun is blasting ever increasing hz's of LIGHT.
9-11 58 hz
9-12 73 hz
40 hz → 100 hz is the Frequency of 5D+++ Earth.

Possible symptoms
Sleep disturbance (insomnia)
Muscle, joint pain
Light headed
Heart palpitations
Sensitivity to light
Changes to taste, smell, digestive issues

👆 If you feel any of that it’s the LIGHT 💥
We are ascending out of 3D—FOREVER
Praise God 🙏 Praise Q-Team 💞🌎🌞🌹

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Phillip Moore @Patriot_Moore_1966
30 June, 05:17
Be safe and have wonderful weekend Patriots! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Only followers of this user (Trumpsara45) can see their posts

P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
13 June, 09:00 💫🗡🌞✨ 🕊 👑 🧝🏼‍♀️ 🕊 💫

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Patriot Citizen @PatriotFemaleCitizen
09 June, 06:06

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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
07 June, 07:44

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
05 June, 02:48

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
05 June, 12:27
In response Marc Lawson to his Publication
The Catholic Church has 72 Holy Books in their Bible and Protastants 66-68 Books in their Bibles and there are 768 Lost Holy Books. Over 500 have been returned to humanity and as always use discenment in reading them and I have put them all in the attached link plus 380 Audiobooks of these Lost Holy Books. Enjoy these if you choose to listen to them or read them.


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Jen Roeh @JenRoeh
05 June, 06:12

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
02 June, 02:50

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
27 May, 05:12

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
27 May, 05:11

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Lukenda Mira @RightReady
24 May, 08:11

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katerina_kat QZ Ventouri @KaterinaQuark
23 May, 09:15
STROME AND PAIN IS COMING! CHANGE WILL DRAMA! The arrests took place on Tuesday, May 18, worldwide.The extension of President Trump's 60day martial law in the United St is over.Trump is preparing the final huge plan!The White Hats / Alliance destroys more than 34 global, satanic buildings around the world.US Special Forces preparing for Black Swan event means an unexpectedly catastrophic economic event.Members of Congress will be removed for crimes.This is a military operation.All governments in the world will be removed from the military.Cyber ​​attack &organization of nuclear war.EVS The new, Quantum Internet is coming.Military courts will be broadcast for 10 days in three sessions of 8 hours a day.10,000 hours of video are only available for Epstein,which affect child sex trafficking and human trafficking.Since the start of QFS,4,000 bankers have been arrested for trying to divert money from the Q System.With the new system,this is impossible.Constitutional democracy! #NEW earth

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
23 May, 06:57

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Elena Antonio @ElenaAntonio45
18 May, 05:20

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Elena Antonio @ElenaAntonio45
18 May, 05:21

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Lydia Fahsholtz donated @Oleendee
20 May, 06:09

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JAde Roiste @Ehcor
18 May, 08:04
In response Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) to his Publication
Project Looking Glass: From the Mouths of the Whistleblowers - YouTube

This is the best compilation of clips on Project Looking Glass you will find on the internet. The whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood will t...

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
09 May, 11:50
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Common Sense Angel @lookcommonsense
17 May, 06:18

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Only followers of this user (unite_worldwide) can see their posts

Bernadette Ducasse @Saint_Bernard
17 May, 12:36

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
17 May, 02:34

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