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“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 ESV
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Very interesting, because this is the month of June, and June 19th is when most of the south celebrates Juneteenth, for the Emacipation Proclamation that was issued then. Freedom!
I also find it very interesting that this proclamation went out from the state of Texas in June, 1865, and the Texas school shooting happened this month as well... At the same time the slaves received news of their freedom, in our present day, the evil-doers are trying to take away our freedom & right to bear arms.
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Only followers of this user (KRaZiKiLLeTTe) can see their posts
but my youngest now 30 had same thing Justin has for no known reason a couple years ago...
went away quickly
it's just curious & strange
Did Justin get the Vax and what 1 if he did I wonder?
Everything happens for reason
My belief
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We don't know what is going on, really. What "they" do to some celebs is pretty bad. None of us know what the Biebs is all about. If he's done wrong, God will sort it out.
I pray for anyone who is adversely effected by the shot.💙
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for Twitter
we know what you we🔫🐸
⓵Twitter→🔍Justin Biever
⓶dots bulles
* 4 pic *
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Also, taking the jab doesn't mean you are going to hell. It means you were too brainwashed to understand what was going on. Look at all the people who got jabbed in each of our families-do you think they are all stupid, or ignorant, didn't listen to God or evil?That is what they have accused us "anti-vaxxers" of being. Why play their game?
For some reason God or Creator had us wake up, but that doesn't make us better than anyone else. It means we have to be better, we have to behave better. It means we have to love and be there for others when the time comes. BE READY.
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Who am I to judge, my life has been kinda crazy at times.
God always gives us a chance to turn away from our pasts...
That said, I do not rejoice in anyone elses' pain or shortcomings.
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I entertain all possibilities for Justin, including he’s a White Hat helping to wake up the world.
If he’s not, God will sort it out.
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Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - PubMed
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus or geniculate ganglion herpes zoster, is a late complication of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection, resulting in inflammation of the geniculate ganglion of cranial nerve CVII. The syndrome is named for James Ramsay Hunt (1872-1937), an Ame.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Justin Bieber latest: Strict age, vax mandate for Justice World Tour shows
Justin Bieber fans are slamming the star’s vaccine mandate to attend his Justice World Tour stop in South Africa. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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