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🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
Prince William is the 1000th Knight of the Round Table.
The Round table is a breeding program
‘The Order of the Garter’
For 460 years they’ve been doing this breeding program
between the Royal families.
In Gematria zeros don’t mean anything
so as the 1000th Knight he’s #1 .
He is THE One, first one born in 460 years
with the blood of ALL the royal families in his veins.
the family name of the royal family
now going by the name of “Windsor”
changed the name to Windsor because
You couldn’t have Germans fighting Germans
in England & Germany [WW1 & WW2]
so they changed their names to Windsor prior to WW1.
Saxe-Coburg & Gotha represents 7 of the royal families
Diana represented 6 of the royal families = 13 bloodlines.
They love their race horses & their breeding.
So they got down to THE One, William 💥
👇👑 KC3 swastika garden, FYI
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🇺🇸 @ KimDotcom
It's very expensive to control the Western MSM
& maintain it as a propaganda tool.
The Deep State & their media stenographers are outraged
that Elon Musk & Tucker Carlson are going to destroy
YEARS of anti-Russia brainwashing
with a single uncensored interview 💥
🇺🇸 2-22 Juan O Savin
Russia is America’s natural ally.
However, don’t confuse that with dropping your guard
for an instant.
We’re a captured operation,
Russia’s a captured operation.
There’s people in the right positions at the helm & close to it
that in the right circumstance, in their realm,
they think of themselves as Patriot,
& they wouldn’t hesitate for an instant
to do something wonky or bizarre.
Does it make people that actually gets this stuff nervous?
You better believe it.
🇺🇸 2-7-24 Alex Jones
@ RealAlexJones
Tucker Carlson Now On Ukraine’s ‘Kill List’ For Interviewing Putin!
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I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect; all division, discord, disunity, strife, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealously, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear spirits, deceiving spirits, religious spirits, hindering spirits,
retaliatory spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits (including Jezebel, Delilah, and Apollyon the Destroyer), spirits of antichrist and all familiar and territorial spirits.
The Holy Spirit leads and guides me today and fills me with all needed gifting and graces. I discern between the righteous and the wicked. I take authority over Satan and all his demons, and those people who are influenced by them. I declare Satan is under my feet and shall remain there all day.
In His Amazing Love and Name Jesus Christ, Amen.
~ prayer by Beauty
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CARTERVILLE, Ill. -- The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Illinois are closing their doors after 19 years serving the area.
They announced the closure on Wednesday for all sites to go in effect on Friday, July 21st, 2023.
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From Jack Posobiec
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P L E A S E * S H A R E….
Massachusetts was just blindsided with numerous troubling vaccine bills that have comment/testimony cut-offs on Monday.
The biggest concern is S.1391. It does away with the religious exemption for school kids.
S.1458 and H.2151 are very problematic (same bill, one in House and one in Senate). They allow vaccination without parental consent, no age restriction, constrain medical exemptions, allow private schools/entities to refuse religious exemptions, and allow private schools to require more vaccines than the MA schedule.
Bill details here:
To provide WRITTEN TESTIMONY, please include the bill number in the subject line of the email, as well as your name, address, phone number, and organization, if any, on the submitted testimony. Written testimony is encouraged and will continue to be accepted after the hearing until the relevant b
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Pedo drives 30 HOURS (2000 miles) to meet a 13-year-old girl....ooopsie - Truth Patriots
Share to other PATRIOTSPedo drives 30 HOURS (2000 miles) to meet a 13-year-old girl. Little did he know he was driving 30 hours to his arrest 🚔 Let’s create a database like that movie minority report but only for murder and child abuse… Then use algorithms to predict who the soci.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Darpa admit to being behind MRNA Vaccines
There it is.. Dr. Stefanie Tompkins the director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Says "we had a program to create artificial blood that lead to mRNA Vaccines" source : TruthOnlyMedia… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Won't find that on twatter....
That's real speak.
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@ BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS [Telegram]
Raland J Brunson
Sotomayor, Kagan & Jackson
Letter Campaign
🇺🇸 4-19-23 Raland Brunson
With the help of my younger brother Deron,
I was able to successfully file a law suit
against 3-members of the US Supreme Court Justices.
They were legally & officially served March 17, 2023.
* Elena Kagan
* Sonia Sotomayor
* Ketanji Brown Jackson
I'm accusing them of aiding & supporting
enemies of the United States Government
by refusing to protect the Constitution
by denying my petition regarding the allegations
that there was interference in 2020 Presidential Election…
My offer is:
If they can acquire the vote of another associate Justice,
which will give me the 4-needed votes,
& grant me a hearing, I will drop my case against them 💥
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