Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z @DDK
29 March, 01:56
Do you ever think we all got kicked off all the other social media platforms to come here to organize and help encourage others in this movement? I know comimg here everyday helps me to them be able to help others. I think there is alpt to the plan that has brougjt all of us together. I love each and everyone one of you amazing people.

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Kim V.. @KoffeeK
29 March, 03:45
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Love ya back! So thankful for this FAM! WWG1WGA!!! 🙏💕😎🇺🇸😎💕🙏

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Only people mentioned by DDK in this post can reply
Anthony - MAGA Z WWG1WGA @shiftworker1976
26 April, 10:06
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
More and more here on Anonup are realizeing who they are and why were here some think we are the 144,000.


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Heal The World Joyful @HealTheWorld
30 March, 01:59
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
why? were we raised to not believe in reincarnation? or another life? i have had a hard time believing in living other than now . Maybe its my up bringing.? but i happen to believe that we are living in a little season . where the”rapture” has already taken place .? im not completely convinced. but it does point to scripture.

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jeanie 333 @jeanmarie_333
30 March, 11:29
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
30 March, 06:15
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Truth! I have felt this deep in my soul!

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Shatter The Silence Warrior donated @ShatterTheSilenceWarrior
29 March, 11:47
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
😊 Gave me the chillz

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IAM 8:13 donated @IAM13888
29 March, 11:34
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
this is precisely why no anon is above another

we have all been “here” before

we “know” each other

we are familiar by the “fruits” of our gifts

as we journey through this “time” more and more shall be revealed

if you see this, glad you are here again…and again.

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Namaste; Patriot @GypsyPatriot8
30 March, 12:27
In response IAM 8:13 to her Publication
need to hear this roght now. in a home with soemone sound asleep and im crazy, lunatic and all the above 🥲🙏i pray for him

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Anthony - MAGA Z WWG1WGA @shiftworker1976
26 April, 10:00
In response IAM 8:13 to her Publication
Trump did express in his Rally speeches.
Make America Great again again 🤔🤔🤔

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Canadian Patriot @WWG1WGA12
29 March, 11:09
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
i agree this time we win, last time nuclear fallout we lost

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John Q.. @_Master_Mind_
29 March, 10:00
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication if we've been Here Before.

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deborah sidener @debbiedo
04 April, 10:55
In response John Q.. to his Publication
My mom knew she had been here before she said she remembered she was a little boy she said she remembered playing on a cobblestone street. She knew she would die from cancer and that she would die at 61

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Peaceful Warrior @peacefulwarrior
26 April, 09:45
In response John Q.. to his Publication
I so want to remember.

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Adrienne Green @Itsyoadrienne
29 March, 09:48
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
so interesting I feel thia sometimes and then I think no you just

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Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z @DDK
29 March, 10:32
In response Adrienne Green to her Publication
i feel sorry the ones who aren't crazy, they is missing out!

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Jay Driscoll @BubsQ
29 March, 08:43
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Agree with that

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Jay Driscoll @BubsQ
29 March, 08:43
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Agree with that

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Laura -VS @lachacquitamama
29 March, 08:40
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
And we are finding the others!

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Hope4 Humanity @CandaceRene77
29 March, 08:14
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Wow! I've never seen this tweet. I joined Twitter around October of 2020.

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Hope4 Humanity @CandaceRene77
29 March, 08:15
In response Hope4 Humanity to her Publication
Our soul families found each other. 💓

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
29 March, 07:59
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
fucking snore , wake the fuck up people. what drizzle of course we knew

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Noelle Noelle @Noelle
29 March, 06:14
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Thank you!

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Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z @DDK
29 March, 06:17
In response Noelle Noelle to her Publication
always my pleasure!

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Kim V.. @KoffeeK
29 March, 05:20
In response Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z to his Publication
Thank you for sharing.. I love this stuff!

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